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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

VA Governor Northam allegedly a target of militia group as well

The suspects accused of plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also talked about "taking" the governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, out of anger about that leader's lockdown order during the COVID-19 pandemic, an FBI agent testified Tuesday.

Special FBI agent Richard Trask disclosed this detail during a preliminary examination in U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids, where five suspects have bond hearings scheduled for later Tuesday to determine if they should be released or remain jailed pending the outcomes of their cases.

Prior to the bond hearings, Trask outlined the FBI's case against the men, alleging they are part of a larger group of self-titled militia members from multiple states who met online earlier this year and discussed attacking government officials.

Specifically, Trask testified, the members discussed "taking a sitting governor" and specifically had issues with the governors of Michigan and Virginia based on their lockdown orders.

"The understanding at the time was to potentially kidnap a sitting governor and remove them from office," Trask testified, later adding that the plan ultimately focused on Whitmer. "The plan was ultimately to take her and place her on trial at a different location."


  1. KARMA !!! No wonder , for all he has done !!

  2. So the FBI does this thing where they link up with dumb people, feed them some spicy information, wait for them to get close to acting on it....and WHAM! swoop in at the last minute so they can say, "See- another plot foiled- give us funding"

    The FBI has been doing this for years- think back to all those terrorist stories you heard during the Bush years- some inbred Mohammedan has a Tracphone and a bomb...and the FBI foiled it (always JUST in the nick of time).

    Do really think they would KIDNAP a Gov? How stupid is that? Assassinate, sure- but kidnap? it makes no sense.

  3. Make no mistake, these domestic terrorists are a huge threat.

    1. Are they a threat to people who make mistakes?

  4. So do conservatives own these far right terrorists just like you assume all liberals own Antifa?

  5. I suppose that all of the Dumocrat Governor's, Mayor's, and the like are going to be targets for kidnapping now. Got to get on the bandwagon!!

  6. all are lefty antifa anti-Americans. but but but Joe Biden said that antifa is not real, its an idea.

  7. The left have themselves to blame. We should not be at this point. But continuing down the path we are going is going to cause more violence. Condoning/supporting violence as a method to meet a goal is going to cause more violence everywhere. All the leaders in this country better get it together and soon.

    1. 1:12
      Thomas Jefferson would have disagreed with everything you wrote.

  8. Wouldn't it be more lucrative to kidnap a movie/tv star than a Governor?

    So many more movie/tv stars than 50 Governor's for the US (minus puerto rico)

  9. Bob Aswell ....RealistOctober 14, 2020 at 4:49 PM

    They should all be in the looney prison for a long time. Not for the attempted kid-nap scheme. But, for being a wholesale lunatic if they can't give a valid reason for kid-napping a fellow lunatic.
    I'd shoot my dog if he dragged Ralph 'shinola' Northam home.
    The whole plot is silly because who did they think was going to bargain for him? Unless they were trying for a hand full of Coke caps they need a new leader who is SOMEWHAT sane. Surly whoever was the ramrod on this drill really needed to be in a secured area for the criminally insane.
    God didn't make me pretty but I'm not dumb. I'll be satisfied with 2nd choice.

  10. I'm kinda wondering if (Hope not) the shooting every actually starts, will the defunded police walk away?

  11. The vote is NOT GUILTY. You will vote not guilty or you will become a slave to communism, in November or in the future. Take your pick. No one is going to act if you turn around and convict them. You have the right to decide their fate in front of a jury. But understand you will also decide your own.

  12. Jeeze! You guys know that these malitia members wanted to make a citizens arrest on a FELON who the State Supreme Court has ruled against her actions and she had continued acting on? This is LEGAL in the state of Michigan!!!!

    Read other news, people, and get the REAL stories!

    1. Steve,
      I don’t understand your comment.
      The grammar is very poor and makes it difficult to comprehend. Is the malitia a she? Is the felon s woman? Is the Supreme Court still acting on the case - and what would that mean really?

      Get it?

  13. Anonymous Steve said...
    Jeeze! You guys know that these malitia members wanted to make a citizens arrest on a FELON who the State Supreme Court has ruled against her actions and she had continued acting on? This is LEGAL in the state of Michigan!!!!

    Read other news, people, and get the REAL stories!

    October 14, 2020 at 9:52 PM

    Steve there's should be a lot of citizen arrests going on. They get elected and then think that they can do what ever they want to. The American people are getting tired of it. Your vote matters.

  14. More nonsensical crap on these threads. If you support the actions of the militia you support domestic terrorism, plain and simple.

    1. Proud Boys of DelmarvaOctober 15, 2020 at 7:03 PM

      go hide in mommy's basement you big sissy

  15. These are the crops that you yield when you harvest hatred and divisiveness

  16. Example of the future for Govt assholes who
    mistreat Americans !!!
    LOL there will be those who take the law in
    their own hands , when the Legal way don't work for them !!

  17. Also 11:19, you can sell your justice schtick up the river. If me or others like me are on the jury, no matter what evidence is presented the vote is not guilty. Just like with Kyle Rittenhouse. There is no compromise to be found. If they slaughter 50 the vote is still not guilty. Death to tyrants. You reap what you sow.

  18. Get Democrats OUT of Virginia !!! & Everywhere !!!

  19. Proud Rednecks of DelMarVa vote Republican !!


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