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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

NAACP-Files a lawsuit against VA Board of Elections asking registration deadline to be extended

An accidentally severed fiber optic cable that shut down Virginia’s online voter registration system for several hours Tuesday, the last day to register before the November general election, has prompted a lawsuit from a civil rights organization.

The Virginia Department of Elections said in a statement on Twitter that a “fiber cut” affected connectivity for multiple agencies, including the department’s citizen portal and registrar’s offices. The cable was inadvertently cut during a Chesterfield County roadside utilities project, according to the state’s information technology agency.

Six hours later, the Department of Elections issued a statement saying the portal was back online. But the fallout led to concerns that voters were being disenfranchised at a crucial moment.

Voting advocates said the accident couldn’t have come at a worse time and lambasted state officials for the technological failure. The day of the deadline is when many Virginians decide to register, particularly after being reminded on social media and in the news.

The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law filed a lawsuit Tuesday night saying voter registration must be extended for 48 hours and that the state should make “a significant effort” to tell the public about the change. Named as defendants in the lawsuit are the Virginia Department of Elections; the Virginia State Board of Elections; elections board chairman Robert H. Brink and vice chairman John O’Bannon; Christopher Piper, commissioner of the Department of Elections; and Jamilah D. Lecruise, secretary of the board of elections.


  1. Nothing like waiting until the last possible minute!! Democrats want to make sure they cater to all the bottom feeders

  2. They think they can push everyone around !!
    Ban it or give Whites a NAAWP !!!

  3. They'll come up with a picture of Trump holding
    a shovel and guiding the backhoe.

  4. So, someone "Accidentally"...(snicker snicker) cut the fiber optic cable and now within 1 millisecond a lawsuit to extend the deadline is filed.

  5. I guess people realize that Soros is funding NAACP. They have become more Democrats Puppets including cheating and stealing votes!!!!

  6. If they were unhappy with last election, they've had years to register...but obviously yet another lefty way to try to cheat.

  7. NAACP is NOT a legit group, it is a Racist
    Hate group organization that Divides America!

  8. Real Americans NOT afraid of any NAACP !!!

  9. Affirmative Action is UnConstitutional too !!
    Illegal Reverse Discrimination in America !!!

  10. This should go to the Supreme Court 2020 !!!


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