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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii question to Judge Barrett, proves Democrats have no shame

Democrats have thrown a lot at Judge Amy Barrett in two days, and she has maintained her calm, intelligent and bright moral fortitude.

The Supreme Court Justice nominee, mother of 7, carries herself with dignity and style which is unmatched, inconceivable, and unachievable by any Democrat, so the question asked my Senator Hirono shouldn't come as a surprise to us, and yet we still find ourselves asking, Is anything beneath them?

“I ask each nominee … since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?” Hirono asked.

“No, Sen. Hirono,” Barrett answered.

Hirono added, “Have you ever faced discipline or entered into a settlement related to this kind of comment?”

Barrrett again answered, “No, senator.”

Perhaps someone should ask Hirono that question.


  1. I guess that question would disqualify Kemela Harris from the court.

  2. I heard that she goes through several pineapples a day.

  3. When you have sold your soul to the devil, you have lost all shame.

  4. Two years ago my wife and I had planned a vacation in Hawaii but then I remembered the Hawaiians had elected this Hirono freak. We didn't really want to associate with a bunch of ignorant people so we cancelled the trip.

  5. Never knew politics was such a sleazy career path

    1. Politics should never be a career

  6. If democrats held themselves to their so called standards none would be eligible for office.

  7. Too many macadamia nuts

  8. If someone flys an American flag 🇺🇸 in their yard you know who they’re voting for and that is very sad

    1. Please move from the USA. You are a disease.

    2. I love seeing all the Biden political signs with the American flags attached to them. The irony is astounding.

  9. Bob Aswell ....RealistOctober 14, 2020 at 9:00 PM

    Websters Dictionary defines the anus as a biological portal from which raw fecal material is expelled from the intestinal tract much the same as Hirono's mouth.
    I wish I could ask her about her homoerotic escapades and if any money in the Congressional slush fund was expended bailing her queer ass out of potential litigation that helps expose other perverts in office of the Dimbocratic persuasion.
    If there's anything I literally hate, it's a phony, Senator and liberal queer. Maybe some of the electorate who identify as proud Dimbocrats should really consider if this stereotypical maniac caste is what's going to get their hero Bidumb elected. If he fails, ask Hirono if her gayness is to blame and if so is she proud then.

  10. this old hag hironi is a sick pervert. Like that other rank smelly looking old thing ginsberg who is burning in hell right now it always goes back to sex with them

  11. How in the hell she ever got elected is beyond me. A complete horses ass and those that elected her ought to feel ashamed!

  12. Her disrespectful arrogant ass is Long overdue to be kicked the Hell OUT of Congress

  13. Demon-crats grasping for straws that are NOT
    there !!! LOL LOL

    Judge WILL be on the SCOTUS like it or Not !!! And NOT a Damn thing they can do about it

  14. She needs to be Pearl Harbored

  15. Dispise her & she is too Arrogant for her own
    good !!!

    Time for 2 Term Limits so Bad Apples like her
    don't last too long in Congress anymore !!!

    2 Terms for ALL incl SCOTUS & Congress !!!

    How many years did SHE sponge off Taxpayers?

  16. Keep Idiots like her OUT of congress !!!!
    Plus > 2 Term Limits for ALL !!! 2020

  17. Use her for a Pig roast at Hawaii !!!


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