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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Biden’s Son-In-Law Advising Campaign On Pandemic While Investing In Companies That Will Benefit From It

In what should be an obvious conflict of interests, Joe Biden’s son-in-law Howard Klein is advising Biden’s campaign on the Coronavirus pandemic, while investing in companies which stand to gain from it.

Try to imagine the reaction from Democrats and the media, if Trump’s son in law was poised to benefit financially from the pandemic.

It would be front page news.

Krein’s venture capital business has been running a special initiative to invest in health care startups that offer solutions to the pandemic.

In March, as Covid-19 began spreading in the United States, the investment firm, StartUp Health, unveiled a new coronavirus initiative soliciting pitches from entrepreneurs with products that addressed the outbreak.

The next month, reports in Bloomberg and the New York Times listed Krein among those participating in daily calls to brief Biden on health policy during the pandemic, while StartUp Health announced its intention to invest $1 million across 10 startups with coronavirus applications within 30 days.

“StartUp Health is putting the full support of its platform and network behind building a post-Covid world that uses technology and entrepreneurial ingenuity to improve health outcomes,” the firm said at the time.

Krein simultaneously advising the campaign and venturing into Covid investing could pose conflict-of-interest concerns for a Biden administration or simply create the awkward appearance of Krein profiting off his father-in-law’s policies.


  1. wish i has stock in plexiglass,

  2. His family comes first, then the American people.

  3. Stop. Just stop.

    Unless you wanna report on the Trump family profiting and dealing corruptly for their businesses, you have to stop with the fake a phony outrage.

  4. No mention that Krein is a plastic surgeon.

    1. Plastic surgeon? Why is he advising? Does he smoke crack also? Did he marry his dead brothers wife 2 months after the funeral get her pregnant and divorce her while he was flying around on air force 2?

  5. More Russian ,Ukrain ,China $$$ for Bidens !!


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