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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Majority of Americans say they are better off under Trump than four years ago: poll

 A majority of Americans find themselves better off under President Trump than they were four years ago, according to a new poll.

Fifty-six percent of registered voters say they’re better off now, while 32 percent said they’re worse off, Gallup found in a survey out this week.

The number is a vast improvement compared to 2012 under the Obama administration, when 45 percent of voters said they were better off than in 2008.

Trump cheered the findings in a tweet on Thursday.

“The Gallup Poll has just come out with the incredible finding that 56% of you say that you are better off today, during a pandemic, than you were four years ago (OBiden). Highest number on record! Pretty amazing!” he wrote.

The poll was conducted between Sept. 14 and 28 before the first presidential debate and Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis.


  1. Two trillion in tax increases
    Mandatory mask
    All sanctions lifted on all countries on goods
    No fracking
    No gas
    No oil
    Pack the courts
    Tax increases on all firearms and ammo
    Banning on all guns with magazines
    Wrong think prosecutors
    Task force on slavery
    No plastics
    Flight tax on fossil fuel and trip obedience law
    Paying billions into the paras agreement
    I’ll pass
    Trump 2020

    1. I thought they said 4 trillion in tax increase...our country is screwed no matter what if they win.. God help us.

  2. I certainly am better off, as are most people. It would have been a better four years if the Democrats had quietly found a good candidate played fair. They made it ugly.

  3. Tell that to the 210,000+ dead from coronavirus.

    1. 12:46 - lets be very accurate here. Just a little over 11,000 people have died purely of covid-19. While very sad and unfortunate, the others all had at least one pre-existing condition that was exacerbated by the virus. Let’s at least be accurate in our statements. Further, Trump was playing the hand dealt to him, and was getting erroneous information from sources that he was supposed to be able to trust, and many of these folks had their own agenda in mind. Before you condemn the man to the gallows, please be sure you are correct.

      Kind regards,


    2. Biden called Trump racist and xenophobic for the Chinese travel ban.. pelosi told people "come to Chinatown" Cuomo and comrad Deblasio said "no prob, come to all our crowded events" while Trump was protecting our country. The vast majority of the 200,000 dead did not die OF chinese virus, but WITH it. You could stub your toe, get gangrene, an hour before you die test positive and be listed as coronavirus death.the motorcycle crash victim listed as coronavirus death..the gunshot victims listed as coronavirus deaths...too many numbers fudged...the hospitals get money for each case... pressure to list cause of death as coronavirus IS documented.

  4. Trump will win 3 to 1 especially after Harris fail. Democrats will challenge it and courts will decide. Nancy will step down and Joe will be in hiding. Media will do the work and cause more riots. COVID will not be talked about until the courts make a decision.

  5. Can't HIDE the Truth baby !!! Trump 2020 !!!

  6. Let's this translates into actual votes.

    1. I wonder what voters were they ? Republican?

      The left will do anything to get back in power

    2. Trust me it will! About 320 electoral college votes for Sleepy Joe!

  7. FAR FAR Better off !! America Made Great
    Again !!! Still 4 more years to clear OUT
    the DC swamp !!! 2020
    Clearing OUT Dirty Congress #1 Priority !!

  8. "Anonymous said...
    Tell that to the 210,000+ dead from coronavirus.

    October 11, 2020 at 12:46 PM"

    Don't be asinine. One of you people's many difficulties in life is that you have an IQ somewhere in the imbecile range. While the President was shutting down travel from china the democrats were telling people to go about their business and calling the President a fear monger for doing this While the President was setting up a task force the democrats were going about a fraud impeachment to fool worthless wastes of space on the earth peons like you. And don't forget Stupid worthless peon the experts said millions were going to die You can thank the President it was much less One question for you. Did you multiply? I hope not because the last thing the earth needs is more garbage like you rank kids and putrid ugly worthless grandkids fouling it May bad luck forever be their fate in life. They aren't deserving of anything good in life with that in mind beware

    1. Please don’t post after drinking heavily.

  9. I can only share that I lost my job in May, and just did make it through until I accepted a position starting in a week for twice the pay I was previously receiving. I think that has a lot to do with Trump pushing hard to reopen the country. I’m pretty happy, but for those who are not, stop blaming Trump, get off your duff and go get something else. Don’t blame him if you are lazy.

  10. 12:46

    People like you keep repeating these lies because your dumbocrat party has NOTHING to run on.


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