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Sunday, October 11, 2020

2 arrested for fatal daytime shooting of on-duty Baltimore bus driver

Baltimore cops arrested two people allegedly connected to the killing of an on-duty bus driver.

Cameron Kane Silcott, 24, and Nichelle Nicole Greene, 27, were apprehended after a three-hour standoff at the Perkins Homes housing project, the Baltimore Sun reported.

Police did not immediately say what charges Silcott and Greene face.

Bus driver Marcus Parks, 51, had just emptied his bus on busy Fayette Street at around 10:30 a.m. on Thursday when an individual attempted to board, cops told Fox 45 Baltimore.

When Parks refused the man’s entry, the two got into an argument that culminated in the individual stealing Parks’ bag, then shooting him when he gave chase, the TV station said.

A witness told the Sun the perp shot Parks, then approached his body on the ground and fired again.

Baltimore city has had 256 homicides this year, according to police stats tracked by the newspaper — down slightly from 262 at the same point in 2019.


  1. No riots or protests for this murder, WHY?? Oh it was one of the hundreds of black on black murders in this nation.

  2. What? I just looked them up and they’re black??? I’m shocked!

  3. More of the black on black slaughter But they don't care Blacks teach their youth to blow each others brains out Blacks think it's okay that black children get caught in the cross fire and die. If anyone denies this they are lying There are no if's and's or but's about it Blacks teach their youth to go and kill other blacks.

  4. No surprise here in that $hithole called Baltimore City. Let's pray that Marilyn Mosby doesn't get to prosecute this case.

  5. he was shot for being black and having a job

  6. Nothing will happen, Hogan doesn’t want to upset his Dumbocrat Conrads....catch and release!

  7. I bet they were arrested many times already, and liberal judges let them out.

  8. Wake up America we’ve been had!

  9. Im confused. I thought black lives mattered? Did the driver try raising his fist in solidarity? Or get down on a knee? He must have done something wrong to cause beef with these 2 doctoral candidates. We all know the Baltimore city ghetto rat is easy going and not easily provoked.

  10. Where's the POS lebron RACIST at??? Oh that's right. He only comes out when a White cop who is forced to kill a black for not following directions.


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