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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Viewer Writes...

 Letter to the Editor Memo to John Cannon John Cannon Vice President of the County Council Council Liason to the Wicomico Library Dear Councilman John Cannon, This anti-American is an employee of the Wicomico County Free Library and her salary is paid by the Wicomico County taxpayers. She is an anti-Christian and an anti-American and made this anti-American statement on her FB page: Cheryl Sidwell said... "I did not stand for prayer or pledge." She is bragging that she did not stand for the prayer or the Pledge of Allegiance. This idiot is working in our County Library and she is exposed to our children and indoctrinating them with her corrupt beliefs at our expense. Cheryl Sidwell said... "Y'all, please take a listen to my boss (at least for 2 more weeks - sadly, she is leaving Wicomico library b/c the County we live in is racist, sexist, and homophobic - but don't take my word for it, please listen to a woman who experienced both in her 2 years as our Executive Director). Speak, Truth to Power." Cheryl Sidwell said... "The good news is that Ms. Teagle has accepted a position that pays more and where she won't have to deal with so many bigots (hopefully) to try and create innovative and progressive programming." She is calling council members and Wicomico citizens "bigots." That is not acceptable for someone receiving county funding from county taxpayers. There are multiple other posts on this thread where she has made some damaging comments unfit for a Wicomico Library employee. She should be fired immediately!! You are in the position to address this and if you don't we will address it when you plan to run for re-election. Signed, Wicomico County Voter and Taxpayer Can someone make sure that Mr. Cannon gets his memo? He always says that he doesn't read Mr. Albero's Blog. We all know that he does read it but if the memo was given to him he couldn't deny not seeing it. Mr. Albero can you please make this a separate post for your viewers and address it to Mr. John Cannon? He is a Library Trustee and he should know what his employees of the Library are saying on Social Media.


  1. We are Just reaping whats been sown. The marxist cancer is in stage 4.it has been in our colleges, schools, government,churches. No GOD, no USA, nothing of our past achievements, it all must be destroyed and burned to the ground. Your all idiots if you dont believe its happened already. Now they are exposed and gotten brave? They need to be exterminated or else one day we will wake up in their repressive evil GODLESS hell hole.

  2. Had a friend who retired from a neighboring county's library. While they were there management informed all employees they had to assist people with signing up for Obamacare and selecting a healthcare plan when it became law and assist people with their tax returns. This was to be by appointment; nevermind that we have non-profits and other State and County agencies that assist with these things. The library employees were in no way qualified to do this and I would think that would open the County up to potential lawsuits. The libraries have turned themselves into social services agencies with an agenda. Was shocked to learn there how they censor what authors books are purchased and got rid of many classics as well as some writers who I enjoyed that wrote from a Christian point of view. Displays of pro-gay and occult books placed all around the library (not saying the library shouldn't have these books available, just why are they the books that are consistently featured?) When Trump won in 2016, some employees did not show up for work the next day because they were "in mourning" and they were not disciplined for not coming in. One person wore a "p***y hat to work when they had the women's rights march on Washington. Often wonder if the County politicians or for that matter if many County residents have any idea what the libraries have turned into..... Wicomico is lucky that librarian is gone and hopefully will show the door to the one mentioned in the letter to editor the door as well

  3. just because we think men dressing as women and targeting children with their mental illness is something we dont think should happen, doesn't make someone a bigot!

  4. For someone naming names not sure why you can't sign yours....?

  5. Does Frontier Town still have that witch dipper apparatus. We could set that up at the river marina and give her a$$ a good farewell party.

  6. This part of the post is FALSE:

    "She is an anti-Christian and an anti-American and made this anti-American statement on her FB page: Cheryl Sidwell said... "I did not stand for prayer or pledge." She is bragging that she did not stand for the prayer or the Pledge of Allegiance."

    Not standing for prayer does not make you Anti-Christian. I am an atheist, and I support and will defend your right to have your religion. Your religious freedom does not compel anyone else to participate in your religious rituals. So this is false.

    Not standing for the pledge, and not being compelled into speech is not Anti-American. I consider myself an American Patriot, and I love the freedoms that are protected by our Nation. Those freedoms include not being compelled to speech. Also, the pledge did not always include the "under God" section... in fact that was added during the red scare. As long as the pledge includes "under God", then it cannot express that there is "liberty and justice for all". So I will not say the pledge, nor will I stand for it, and the wonderful thing about America... is our freedom to not participate.

    So the charge of Anti-Christian and Anti-American are false.

    1. She is anti Christian because if you read what she says, because she disagrees with my belief I'm a bigot. That is anti Christian. And the issue isn't her beliefs which should be left at home before she clocks into work, the issue is you can't pick and choose what you want to have at the library bases off your own beliefs.

  7. Please fire this she,her, hers immediately. Library should not teach to our young children these distorted beliefs

  8. See, this is the problem with society today. She (her self proclaimed pronoun), feels that she has the right to speak up and protest things that she doesn’t agree with. By not standing for the Pledge of Allegience or prayer, she is using her freedom of speech to denounce things she doesn’t agree with. She has that right. However, as soon as someone doesn’t agree with HER beliefs and uses their voice and action to protest, she immediately is offended and labels people “bigots, racists, sexists and homophobic”. These people have no respect for other people’s beliefs and feelings. They feel that they have the right to speak up but no one else has the right to disagree with them or express an opposite view. If they do, they are immediately attacked and labeled. She, like many other leftists, feel that they have all of the rights afforded by the constitution and their, self proclaimed, superiority. However, any opposing views are wrong and those people expressing them are “haters, racists, homophobes and bigots”. It doesn’t work that way Toots. EVERYONE has the right to their opinion and they have the right to express them. Whether you agree with them or not, you are required to allow them to express those thoughts and feelings the same way you feel the right to express yours. You need to display the same tolerance that you require of others. It’s a two way street.

  9. Her opinions may not be the same as ours, but she has remained relatively professional— even if you don’t agree with her. Calling someone a “bigot” is not an insulting name calling. It is an opinion that can sometimes be backed up by fact. Free speech— Protect your right to Free Speech by protecting hers.

    1. Bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance...

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Sorry 10:10 but if you hate gay people you are homophobic. If you hate minorities you are racist. That's just the way it works. You're surrounded by others who preach the same hate as you which is why you think it's acceptable.

    1. No one has said they hate gay people. What they have said is they don't support that lifestyle. That is two different things. No one on here says they hate minorites. Plus it isn't about the color of ones skin but their behavior. Stop making things more then they are.

    2. Homophobic means a fear of homos period! Plain simple Latin understood by most educated people.


  12. I sincerely hope her soon-to-be-ex-boss has a plum position lined up that will permit her to bring her lackey with her.

  13. 10:10 Very nice post. And do we get tolerant responses from those who disagree with you? Of course not. Just more venom, name-calling, and proof of their instability.

  14. 11:48, aka, Idiot. You liberal aholes just love putting words in peoples mouths. You claim if you "hate" gay people you are homophobic. Ok Idiot, show me where anyone stated they HATE gays? This is exactly why most people can't stand you libtards. You make things up and you LIE. I guess by my saying "can't stand" must also mean I hate, right?

  15. Anonymous said...
    For someone naming names not sure why you can't sign yours....?

    October 13, 2020 at 9:08 AM

    Oh, I noticed you signed yours, Mr. Anonymous. Unless you Pus$$ies sign your own name don't complain about someone else not signing theirs.

  16. Anonymous said...
    just because we think men dressing as women and targeting children with their mental illness is something we dont think should happen, doesn't make someone a bigot!

    October 13, 2020 at 8:18 AM

    The truth of the matter is that men dressing as women targeting children in fact have a mental illness. There is nothing normal about grown men dressing as women.

  17. Anonymous said...
    This part of the post is FALSE:

    "She is an anti-Christian and an anti-American and made this anti-American statement on her FB page: Cheryl Sidwell said... "I did not stand for prayer or pledge." She is bragging that she did not stand for the prayer or the Pledge of Allegiance."

    Not standing for prayer does not make you Anti-Christian. I am an atheist, and I support and will defend your right to have your religion. Your religious freedom does not compel anyone else to participate in your religious rituals. So this is false.

    Not standing for the pledge, and not being compelled into speech is not Anti-American. I consider myself an American Patriot, and I love the freedoms that are protected by our Nation. Those freedoms include not being compelled to speech. Also, the pledge did not always include the "under God" section... in fact that was added during the red scare. As long as the pledge includes "under God", then it cannot express that there is "liberty and justice for all". So I will not say the pledge, nor will I stand for it, and the wonderful thing about America... is our freedom to not participate.

    So the charge of Anti-Christian and Anti-American are false.

    October 13, 2020 at 9:57 AM

    Well guess what Moron, you just proved that you are anti-Christian and anti-American. Duh!

  18. Anonymous said...
    Her opinions may not be the same as ours, but she has remained relatively professional— even if you don’t agree with her. Calling someone a “bigot” is not an insulting name calling. It is an opinion that can sometimes be backed up by fact. Free speech— Protect your right to Free Speech by protecting hers.

    October 13, 2020 at 10:38 AM

    Are you really that IGNORANT! She is employed based on our hard earned tax dollars and she is not a professional nor has she acted like one.

    Calling someone a “bigot” is in fact insulting name calling. With your theory, you are saying that it is OK to call someone the "N" word because "it is an opinion that can sometimes be backed up by fact."

    Free speech— Protect our right to Free Speech by protecting ours, IDIOT.

  19. JoeAlbero said...
    11:48, aka, Idiot. You liberal aholes just love putting words in peoples mouths. You claim if you "hate" gay people you are homophobic. Ok Idiot, show me where anyone stated they HATE gays? This is exactly why most people can't stand you libtards. You make things up and you LIE. I guess by my saying "can't stand" must also mean I hate, right?

    October 13, 2020 at 4:17 PM

    AMEN Joe

  20. Anonymous said...
    Please fire this she,her, hers immediately. Library should not teach to our young children these distorted beliefs

    October 13, 2020 at 9:59 AM

    I agree. The Library Board of Trustees needs to get rid of this freak show!

  21. Anonymous said...

    I sincerely hope her soon-to-be-ex-boss has a plum position lined up that will permit her to bring her lackey with her.

    October 13, 2020 at 12:39 PM

    Apparently Ashley Teagle has been hired by the Regional Libraries. Boy did they make a mistake. Regardless, Cheryl Sidwell needs to go with her.

  22. Here are the Wicomico Library Board of Trustees. I see that April Jackson has been replaced by Angela Blake and their website has been updated as of this morning.

    Board of Trustees
    Chairperson: Michele Canopii, Ph.D.
    Vice Chariperson : Audrey Orr
    Treasurer: James L. Otway, Esq.
    Secretary : George Demko Ph.D
    City Council Liaison: Angela Blake
    County Council Liaison: John Cannon
    H. Scott Duncan Ph.D.
    Maida Finch, Ph.D
    Karen Treber
    Chip Dashiell
    Richard Duvall Esq.
    Richard Keenan Ph.D

    If anyone knows these Trustees please demand that Cheryl Sidwell is removed as an employee.

  23. Cheryl Sidwell is a full-time employee and is the Events & Development Manager

    On her Social Media page, she promotes Homosexuality along with hatred of white people.

    She posted this left wing hate propaganda on her FB page. It says nothing about ANTIFA but it points a finger at President Trump and claims that he is a White Supremacist and promotes violents at his rallies. This is why Wicomico County needs to defund the Wicomico Library. These Library employees are promoting homosexuality and racism against white people.

    Domestic Terrorism
    And what else you need to know today.

    It’s important to note that the problem is bipartisan — and also that it is not equally bad on both sides: The American right today has a bigger violence problem than the American left. Of the 42 killings by political extremists last year, right-wing extremists committed 38, according to the Anti-Defamation League.
    And top Republican politicians have encouraged violence in ways no prominent Democrat has. Greg Gianforte, a Republican congressman now running to be Montana’s governor, pleaded guilty to assaulting a reporter who asked a question he didn’t like in 2017.
    Trump, for his part, has encouraged violence against protesters at his rallies and has often refused to condemn violent white-supremacist groups, including during last week’s debate. Whitmer, speaking after the arrests yesterday, cited that debate: “Hate groups heard the president’s words not as a rebuke, but as a rallying cry, a call to action,” she said."

  24. Found on FB. She obviously hates white people.

    Cheryl Sidwell said...
    For every white person who told me they weren’t responsible for “what their ancestors did” - You are your ancestors.(Yes, Cheryl Sidwell wrote this.)

    ‘We Need to Take Away Children,’ No Matter How Young, Justice Dept. Officials Said
    Top department officials were “a driving force” behind President Trump’s child separation policy, a draft investigation report said.

  25. The Wicomico County taxpayers pay this woman's salary and she gets on FB and attacks them. And check out this anti-American statement by this Wicomico Library employee: Cheryl Sidwell said... "I did not stand for prayer or pledge." It can be found below. She also calls Wicomico County citizens racist, sexist and homophobic and YOU pay her salary.

    Cheryl Sidwell
    October 7, 2020 @2:42 PM
    Y'all, please take a listen to my boss (at least for 2 more weeks - sadly, she is leaving Wicomico library b/c the County we live in is racist, sexist, and homophobic - but don't take my word for it, please listen to a woman who experienced both in her 2 years as our Executive Director). Speak, Truth to Power.
    It begins at 12' 05".
    I will put Part 2 in the Comments if you care to hear my response, and also Ms. Purnell who spoke after me.
    The good news is that Ms. Teagle has accepted a position that pays more and where she won't have to deal with so many bigots (hopefully) to try and create innovative and progressive programming. Keep rising and inspiring, Ms. Teagle!
    Sadly, the Council Member who needed to hear this the most couldn't be bothered to show up...

    Cheryl Sidwell
    Part 2 - Public Comments. It's 2020. Speak Ms. Purnell....

    Michele Schlehofer said... I wonder what Board nominee was being questioned by the council... 🤔🧐
    · 4d
    Miasia Raqasat said... They lost me at opening prayer. What happened to the separation of church and state?
    · 4d
    Cheryl Sidwell said... Miasia Raqasat, I know it's troubling. I did not stand for prayer or pledge. But it's worth hearing Ashley....Also Ms. Purnell who spoke after me in the comments - That woman addressing the council of all men (and one white woman who didn't bother to show).
    Honestly, I was in tears listening to Ashley say what I already knew was true....I'd just skip to that part forget the prayer b.s.
    · 4d · Edited
    Miasia Raqasat said... Cheryl Sidwell I'm going to listen. It just caught me at the beginning, like oh, so everybody's Christian in Wicomico County? Fine, have a moment of silence for those who want to pray if you like, but to then have people reciting a prayer which then means others can't pray as they like and/or are singled out for not participating is so oppressive.
    · 4d · Edited
    Cheryl Sidwell said... Miasia Raqasat I hear ya - we live in the 1930's here...or something like that....It's a whole other planet....But then again - that's exactly Ms. Purnell's point.
    · 4d
    Michele Schlehofer said... Miasia Raqasat it's kind of the thing here. Like, all local public schools have a faith partner (all Christian churches). 😕
    · 4d
    Cheryl Sidwell said... Basically when you drive across the bridge you go back several decades....
    · 4d
    Amy Rogalski Wise said... Wow....all I have to say ia wow.
    · 4d
    Cheryl Sidwell said... I just want to give Katrina Purnell a standing ovation....
    · 4d
    Cheryl Sidwell said... Also, I spoke almost 2 hours after Ms. Teagle did - I had no idea at the time, but when I exited the Chamber, she had waited for me outside the room. She sat outside the Chamber for well over an hour and a half just waiting for me. B/c that is the kind of person she is. I will miss her.
    · 4d
    Sher De Lune said... You did a great job. Pity the trouble maker was not there.
    · 4d
    Cheryl Sidwell said... except I kept inhaling my rainbow mask! LOL

  26. Cheryl Sidwell has these hate filled posts all over her Social Media page.

    This Wicomico Library employee obviously hates President Trump and the county Council. And guess what? The Wicomico County taxpayers pay her salary to indoctrinate our children at the Wicomico County Public Library.


    Cheryl Sidwell
    October 7, 2020 at 12:52 PM ·

    omg. i did not know "the tRump Prophecy" was a movie...nor did I know Sby Regal Cinemas was showing it.

    let me tell you what would make america great:
    1) Equal access for all to education, healthcare, food, shelter, decent paying jobs, marriage, family planning, ownership of our own bodies, justice, freedom.
    2) As part of that - destroying the barriers to access for BIPOC, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA, refugees and asylum seekers.

    1. Why is it everyone else's responsibility to bust their asses paying into a federal system to support those that are just too damn lazy to go make something for themselves?? If you can't get access to education, healthcare, food, shelter, jobs etc. you're just a lazy POS that isn't trying. Hate to tell you NOTHING is free in this world so stop throwing a pity party and get off your ass and ho make it happen

  27. If that is how C. Sidwell falls about the taxpayers of this county then she does not deserve to have a job where she is paid by money from the taxpayers period. She should either resign or be terminated immediately!

  28. Those aren't hateful comments, you racist baby. Grow up.

  29. We agree with one of the previous posts. Get rid of that freak show Messers Dashiell, Otway, Cannon, Duvall et al

  30. All atheists are communists it cannot be a Communist without being an atheist
    (Marxist socialist communist are all the same) Is just that they're so dumb and ignorant. maybe she should read some of the books that are not in our library. That exposes the evil luciferian agenda of karl marx

  31. Oh, I noticed you signed yours, Mr. Anonymous. Unless you Pus$$ies sign your own name don't complain about someone else not signing theirs.

    October 13, 2020 at 4:17 PM

    Idiot boy...I ain't the one hurling accusations etc around just pointing out the lack of balls of the letter writer....

  32. @ October 13, 2020 at 4:29 PM

    So, merely putting your fingers in your ears and exclaiming "nuh-uh" is not an argument. It is barely even stringing a thought together.

    Why don't you come back, and try again? When you are ready to leave the kids table and talk with the adults then have some actual ideas and arguments, because as it stands you can be dismissed as not having anything to add to the discourse.

  33. @ October 13, 2020 at 8:59 PM

    Jaw droppingly stupid.

    Being an atheist only means you don't believe in a god. That is it. One position on one issue. It says nothing else about your opinions on anything else. I have serious doubts that you read books at all, if you did you would know this. It is basic philosophy 101 stuff.

    I am atheist, and a Conservative who believes in private property and the importance of free markets. I also believe in religious liberty, you are free to practice your religion, but that does not mean you get to impose it on everyone else. That would be what an oppressive regime would do.... and it is antithetical to the American idea.... thus making it "un-American".

  34. Wait everybody Cheryl goes above and beyond in today's society teaching middle eastern, north African, Romani dance to ALL the so called "cultured" citizens of Salisbury. Let's not forget they've designated this as indigenous people month so we don't want to upset such an important person in Salisbury's business community. LMFAO get the f*** out of here ALL you progressive liberal POS

  35. For all the authors to this "diary" please have the courage to sign your name on the dotted line. I believe in the freedom of speech. So when you make your comments with such convictions own it and let us know who you truly are. #boycottanonymity

  36. @4:24 why exactly are you panzy asses so worried about people signing their names to a blog post?? Are you willing to man up and confront them face to face or are you going to round up the local band of pu*** antifa and BLM and show up at their front door harassing them? I'd be more than happy to address any views about my comments in person and if you idiots ever show up at my front door I've got some surprises for you


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