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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Comment Worthy of A Post!

Ever since Mr. Joe Albero, editor of a conservative blog in Salisbury posted false information on his site, there have been rumors and misinformation circulating about a program that was not even on the library calendar. If Mr. Albero wanted to report real news or truth - he should have asked me or my Director for the story. The views expressed on Mr. Albero’s blog that instigated public backlash are based not in fact, but in misogyny, homophobia and fear. Choosing to censor programming based on the views of a small group of misinformed and hateful individuals does not build community. It silences the voices of those who are already marginalized. Furthermore, Mr. Albero’s blog went as far as to threaten bodily harm to library staff if they hosted such a program. Perhaps the County should look into those threats instead of emboldening bigots. Cheryl Sidwell Events and Development Manager Wicomico Public Libraries 410-749-3612 x122 My pronouns (She, Her, Hers) www.wicomicolibraries.org


  1. lmao, so whoever wrote this doesn't say the article was wrong! piss off you biden loving amerika hatin pos! you should be run out of the country!

    1. Spoken like a true trailer park Republican! MAGA!

  2. Tv shows
    Day care
    High school
    High school sports
    College sports
    In every FABRIC of the USA their is the alphabet flag or a some type of Placket quoting the Law.
    If anyone says anything alphabet people deem wrong talk you ARE CANCELLED
    So please give me a break with YOUR CANCEL words.
    FYI trolls are trolls and I can assure you the bs comments are from a liberal. Conservatives don’t care but are tired of people saying they MUST CARE.

  3. I believe it is the readers of Joe’s blog who routinely express normal human emotions such as fear and trepidation towards those who are Satanists and Sex Perverts.

    Those readers want communist sympathizers to know they are not welcome in our community of God fearing Christians.

    Thank you

    1. Or the community that pushes racism and hatred while hiding behind their Bible.


  4. My Pronouns = snowflake lib.

  5. “My pronouns she, her, hers”. WTF is that? Dear Cheryl no one wants a drag queen story time. Take that bs somewhere else and stop pushing you’re agenda.

  6. You are an idiot and needed to be called out!!

  7. I read about it on the blog. There was never a threat of bodily harm. This blog is and always has been about providing information to the community and keeping people accountable. It is the individual persons responsibility to research for oneself the informations validation. The library should not have had this story time. I did look into and I don't want my child exposed to it. The library should be about books and information. Would you have church also? No you would not. It isn't church and it isn't a gay bar. If a parent would like to expose their children they can use other avenues. I support marriage between a man and a women. That doesn't mean I hate gay people. And your post actually spews hatred for someone who doesn't agree with you. Also, joe isn't responsible for any replies. They don't belong to Joe. This is my reply it belongs to me. I find it sad people like you prance all around with you pronouns thinking you are better then anyone different from you and then you have a dark hatred filled heart. I will pray for you. It's obvious the activity was planned because why are you bringing this all up now. Why didn't you deal with it back when it happened. Shut up. Stop causing drama, this has long passed.

  8. Ms. Sidwell,

    In short, you are a flake and your ridiculous assertions along side of your personal animosity and ambivalence towards those who are conservative are simply shocking for an individual holding a public position. At no time did Mr. Alberto threaten you with physical harm. Simply, he rejects your childish belief system, which includes your vehement support for individuals that make up less than 1% of the population and that you feel should dictate to the rest of us. Let me be clear - a public library serves the public, not your personal issues. Please keep those issues personal and out of a publicly paid for space.



  9. Oh brother, here we go. Sounds like you pushed some buttons. I'm surprised she didn't resort to name calling. That's usually where the pronoun, it's all about me, crew goes.

  10. If you have to post your own Pronouns you are in the minority.

  11. These perverts always use terms like “ misogyny, homophobia and fear.” when trying to hide mental illness perversion and pedophilia .... This person needs to be run out of the county

    1. You beat me to it. Sounds like a nerve was touched. They come up with some dandy words and terms.. Before long they will run out of descriptions and use pasteurized and homo-ized. Man, I’m a old dude and have to ask Webster what they refer to at times. They grab a word like “systemic”and throw it in each sentence now, no matter what the topic. A month or so another will follow until worn out. Lol

    2. “ misogyny, homophobia and fear.” are the pet phrases of narcissistic, self aggrandizing liars that occupy the top tier of American politics.

  12. What's so bad about homophobia?

  13. Keep the tranny's away from our kids you stupid freaks

  14. These perverts always use terms like “ misogyny, homophobia and fear.” when trying to hide mental illness perversion and pedophilia .... This person needs to be run out of the county

  15. Perhaps Ms. Sidwell could further elaborate. Her accusations are rather vague and she needs to cite specifics, Reading this, I am puzzled as to what she is referring and would be curious to see the grievances she has with Mr Albero's article.

  16. Homophobia and fear? What? Where was any "homophobia" exhibited? These crazy liberals love to use their buzzwords any chance they get it, even if it makes no sense to use them.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Misogyny? Really?
    A man dressed as a woman is not a woman, no matter how effective the disguise.

  19. Thanks for the English lesson, now take your garbage elsewhere.

  20. Absolutely pathetic demographic of citizens Jake Day has attracted to Salisbury. Like the rest of societies moraless dregs if we don't approve of the "anything goes" mentality we are labeled racist and biggots.

    1. He's trying to make Salisbury a mini San Francisco

  21. I mean, you're the ones who constantly bring up worshipping satan and sex perversion. Sounds like you have the dirty minds to me. Good thing you're in the minority.

  22. Stop being so naive. We have been under attack for decades. These marxist(root of all evil in communist idealogy) and your culture revolution in in my eyes succeded. Do you know how many genders they think there is now? Thats just one example of how they have transformed thought, religion, education, sexual revolution and GODs morality most of all, Its insane. Marxism turns everything upside down. Its come down to either KARL OR JEFFERSON? One is real freedom & brotherhood. Marxism is the opposite! Just like this vile garabage from a public servant.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Speaking from experience. 12:09..my kids, grandkids, friends and family are not racist and neither am i..but i bet YOU ARE!!!

    2. You’re just mad because we’re standing between you and our grandchildren... no rape here Epstein and we’re coming for you

  24. Snowflake Cheryl take your sorry a$$ to Washington state and spew your crap and find all the cross dressing freaks you can ever want. You can work at a library out there and have freak story hour.

  25. Her pronouns are "idiot, fool, and retard"


  26. The 'Perverts Read to Innocent Children' programming is and was a terrible idea. That Library staff couldn't see this without public feedback speaks volumes.

    The author of this note asserts ownership of several pronouns. That's inaccurate since the pronouns claimed are in the public domain, held by the public in trust for all users of the English language. /sarc paragraph

    1. It’s happening in the workplace as well hidden under diversity and inclusion and it’s nothing but employee harassment

  27. 10:17 Let's not sink to their level.

  28. Ms. Sidwell (if that is who truly posted this)- I notice that you are very careful to say that you feel this blog instigated public outcry against a program "that was never on the library calendar". I'm intrigued- are you saying that the drag queen story hour was never even a concept discussed and/or promoted by Wicomico County library administrators? That the whole thing was a lie? Or are you just infuriated by the fact that info about the proposed program got to the public before it was put into action and was subsequently blocked because the concept was not popular with the taxpayers who fund the library programs? If it is the latter, you need to remember that it is the public whom you serve. If you are disdainful of the local community, which is by and large moderate to conservative on social issues, than perhaps you truly would be happier in a more liberal area of the country. I say this without rancor; life is short - never undervalue peace of mind.

  29. Cheryl Sidwell

    Take your disgusting values and leave. You are not enlightened. You are not on the cutting edge of your generations cultural revolution. You are a fool blinded by this fancy wet dream of inclusion that actually is the exact opposite.

    Its sad how ignorant you really are but you make your choices. Lets see how this whole thing pans out.

  30. So Choosing programming based on the views of a small group of Scientifically misinformed and hateful individuals who think building communities involves shoving an agenda down our throats. Is ok if there anti god, against anything pure and moral?

    It does silences the voices of those who are already marginalized. Like christain and hetrosexuals who dont believe your idealogy?

    Marxism has you totally lost. Maybe you should read up on karl and gays and another Gay commie loser harry hay!

  31. While it's been some time since I've personally commented, I just watched the PAC14 video of this not job. First of all, it's OCTOBER and the Library is still closed? This woman might also want to stop putting her clothes in the dryer and hang them out to dry instead so they won't be so clingy. How dare Josh Hastings allow this nut job the LIBERAL opportunity to flat out sit there and bash the County. He knew what was coming and just like the rest of the well known loafers in the city and county they wanted this information to be shoved down everyone's throat in hopes of garnishing many millions in more funding, all of which they have not received in many years BECAUSE it is very clear, the library isn't as important as the loafers want you to believe. Finally, IF the library was so important, why have they been closed for SEVEN months. She claims if someone touches a fn book they have to quarantine the book for two weeks. Well I touch items in grocery stores, can you just imagine quarantining bananas for two weeks, etc... Government employees and some elected officials are just plain nut cases. Oh, "I" never threatened anyone.

  32. I dislike the progressive Liars here on the Eastern Shore.....especially Susan OlsenOctober 13, 2020 at 4:50 PM

    Jake Day wrote this I bet

    Jake Day has issues with sex partners

    I feel terrible for his wife.... no wonder she got hooked on Drugs

  33. What you all fail to see is the group who have been pushing stop the bullying, stop the racism, stop the hate - ARE the biggest hate group around. Look at what towns are burning, being destroyed.

    You simply have to be so regarded, stupid, brainwashed to really believe that you are helping your cause.

    Have you heard anything lately about BLM? No because it wasn't working for the liberal agenda and getting Biden elected. Portland idiots are too stupid to care, they just keep going.

    So all the towns rallied for a drug dealer, rapist, and armed robber to rename streets in the name of BLM - then ratings drop because the silent majority is tired of it.

    IF you hate America this much "Libtards" please leave to a communist country. It's like living in the North, watching your state fall apart from over taxing, and bullshit rules. Then moving away from it and trying to turn your new state into what you left. YOU JUST CAN'T get any dumber than that... How freakign brainwashed do you need to be to not see this?

  34. Anonymous said...
    I read about it on the blog. There was never a threat of bodily harm. This blog is and always has been about providing information to the community and keeping people accountable. It is the individual persons responsibility to research for oneself the informations validation. The library should not have had this story time. I did look into and I don't want my child exposed to it. The library should be about books and information. Would you have church also? No you would not. It isn't church and it isn't a gay bar. If a parent would like to expose their children they can use other avenues. I support marriage between a man and a women. That doesn't mean I hate gay people. And your post actually spews hatred for someone who doesn't agree with you. Also, joe isn't responsible for any replies. They don't belong to Joe. This is my reply it belongs to me. I find it sad people like you prance all around with you pronouns thinking you are better then anyone different from you and then you have a dark hatred filled heart. I will pray for you. It's obvious the activity was planned because why are you bringing this all up now. Why didn't you deal with it back when it happened. Shut up. Stop causing drama, this has long passed.

    October 13, 2020 at 8:57 AM

    I agree with you 100%. This woman is a freaking whack job and shouldn't be employed on our county time while spewing her LGTBQ views and her hatred towards people that don't agree with her. She is a racist against white people and she hates straight white Americans. She should be fired from her job at the County Library.

  35. JoeAlbero said...
    While it's been some time since I've personally commented, I just watched the PAC14 video of this not job. First of all, it's OCTOBER and the Library is still closed? This woman might also want to stop putting her clothes in the dryer and hang them out to dry instead so they won't be so clingy. How dare Josh Hastings allow this nut job the LIBERAL opportunity to flat out sit there and bash the County. He knew what was coming and just like the rest of the well known loafers in the city and county they wanted this information to be shoved down everyone's throat in hopes of garnishing many millions in more funding, all of which they have not received in many years BECAUSE it is very clear, the library isn't as important as the loafers want you to believe. Finally, IF the library was so important, why have they been closed for SEVEN months. She claims if someone touches a fn book they have to quarantine the book for two weeks. Well I touch items in grocery stores, can you just imagine quarantining bananas for two weeks, etc... Government employees and some elected officials are just plain nut cases. Oh, "I" never threatened anyone.

    October 13, 2020 at 4:10 PM

    I agree with you Mr. Albero. While watching that meeting I thought to myself, Josh Hastings set this up because that Teagle woman was on the agenda to talk about the library reopening. Then all of a sudden she has a stack of papers that was a copy of her "resignation" letter that she handed out to everyone. Then she went on and on about how bad the county is and the taxpayers aren't paying enough for the library. Then the Librarian couldn't answer the questions that Councilman Joe Hollaway asked her about how many employees they were paying. The bottom line is these library employees have been still being paid for nearly 8 months for staying home and doing absolutely nothing. The Library is still closed and these employees have been getting free money for almost a year.

    Josh Hastings you are a Liberal Douche Bag and you need to step down for trying to make the county look bad.

  36. The library is basically a homeless shelter unsafe for tax paying residents

  37. sorry not sorry but I can't take anybody serious that lists their preferred pronouns. These socialist liberal clowns should have to list their mental disabilities so that we know to just ignore them.

  38. Is this the same lunatic Sidwell that is a middle eastern, north African, Romani professional dance choreographer?? Yeah I bet business is booming for that type of dance instruction. Take your stupid ass back to Howard county with the rest of the white liberal lunatics

  39. This is your local BLM supporters, Cheryl Sidwell. She's a racist POS and needs to go back to Howard county where this garbage is welcomed.

  40. This blog frequently puts out biased, exaggerated and misinformation. Real news doesn't get published on here because it would prove how ignorant the right really is. They aren't interested in the truth, only in hate. That's all they push is racism and hate and bible thumping beliefs that they want everyone to live by. The best thing that can happen to this country is for Biden to win the election and the death of the Republican party. Racism, bigoty and hate is taught. Most of the commenters on this blog are living examples.

    1. 2:12 - you are welcome to go elsewhere or even start tour own blog post. There must be a reason why Joe’s work is wildly popular, and it definitely has nothing to do with you.

  41. NO drag queen story time in our community. We do not want such sick perversion around OUR children. You have NO right to throw that in OUR children's faces.

  42. @ October 14, 2020 at 2:12 PM. Hey numb nuts. Those who you are describing are democrats. Not republicans. We are not out there burning, stealing, rioting, killing. Democrats are. Gays, lesbians, transsexual's,etc, are all mental illness. There is nothing normal about them.

  43. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This blog frequently puts out biased, exaggerated and misinformation. Real news doesn't get published on here because it would prove how ignorant the right really is. They aren't interested in the truth, only in hate. That's all they push is racism and hate and bible thumping beliefs that they want everyone to live by. The best thing that can happen to this country is for Biden to win the election and the death of the Republican party. Racism, bigoty and hate is taught. Most of the commenters on this blog are living examples.

    October 14, 2020 at 2:12 PM

    EXCUSE ME - but isn't your group one, rioting, stealing, and causing all the disaster? You truly are the real racists in this country.

  44. I sure hope the library sees fit to terminate her for violation of their employee code of conduct by not only posting on this blog but providing her work affiliation and contact information associating her opinions as those of the library. She probably sent it on work hours from her work device. Check out her FB page. She’s a real wack job.

  45. JoeAlbero said...
    While it's been some time since I've personally commented, I just watched the PAC14 video of this not job. First of all, it's OCTOBER and the Library is still closed? This woman might also want to stop putting her clothes in the dryer and hang them out to dry instead so they won't be so clingy. How dare Josh Hastings allow this nut job the LIBERAL opportunity to flat out sit there and bash the County. He knew what was coming and just like the rest of the well known loafers in the city and county they wanted this information to be shoved down everyone's throat in hopes of garnishing many millions in more funding, all of which they have not received in many years BECAUSE it is very clear, the library isn't as important as the loafers want you to believe. Finally, IF the library was so important, why have they been closed for SEVEN months. She claims if someone touches a fn book they have to quarantine the book for two weeks. Well I touch items in grocery stores, can you just imagine quarantining bananas for two weeks, etc... Government employees and some elected officials are just plain nut cases. Oh, "I" never threatened anyone.

    October 13, 2020 at 4:10 PM

    Joe Albero said... "How dare Josh Hastings allow this nut job the LIBERAL opportunity to flat out sit there and bash the County."

    Mr. Albero, here is evidence that Josh Hastings and Ashley Teagle set this charade up allowing Ashley Teagle to bash the county including former Executive Culver. I found this on Cheryl Sidwell's social media page. Cheryl Sidwell is a County Library employee and she posted this while she was watching the council meeting at the same exact time Josh Hastings allowed this attack on the county. She posted this at 8:39 PM on Oct. 6th. This was the exact time that Josh Hastings was setting Ashley Teagle up to attack the county. She knew it was going to happen and she was waiting for it to happen. This was obviously a tag team event. She posted on her social media page "Go Josh! Thank you." She thanked him for setting this up and she knew it was going to happen. Typical games that Liberals play.

    According to the June 16th, 2020 Board of Trustees minutes Josh Hastings was in attendance. This is all coming together now and Josh Hastings needs to resign. Josh Hastings and Cheryl Sidwell need to resign along with Ashley Teagle.

    From her FB page

    Cheryl Sidwell
    October 6, 2020 @8:39 PM

    Go Josh! Thank you.

  46. From the Salisbury Independent.

    "Reading from her six-page resignation letter, Teagle listed five recommendations for the library system:

    Review the County Charter. “I have grave concerns about how much power the local government has over the public library and I consider this to be a threat to democracy,” she said."

    Sorry Ashley, but when you receive $millions of dollars from the county taxpayers the county has a right to know how that funding is being spent. You have no idea what a threat to democracy is you racist Piece of $hit! Thank you Executive Culver and County Council members for asking the questions that offended Ashley!

  47. Anonymous said...
    This blog frequently puts out biased, exaggerated and misinformation. Real news doesn't get published on here because it would prove how ignorant the right really is. They aren't interested in the truth, only in hate. That's all they push is racism and hate and bible thumping beliefs that they want everyone to live by. The best thing that can happen to this country is for Biden to win the election and the death of the Republican party. Racism, bigoty and hate is taught. Most of the commenters on this blog are living examples.

    October 14, 2020 at 2:12 PM

    Hi Cheryl Sidwell!


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