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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

You Can't Work From Home At The Salisbury Zoo, OR CAN YOU?

In this bizzarro world of the 2020 Pandemic we have a prime example of the inmates running the asylum. The Salisbury Zoo is only open on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday on any given week. The hours on those days are even more hilarious. They are open 10am-12pm and 1:30-3:30 on those three days!

So we live in an area in Maryland with the lowest number of Covid cases, your entering an outside venue and somehow from Monday through Thursday there is too much of a risk for the zoo to be open here.

I checked the Maryland Zoo (used to be called the Baltimore Zoo), The National Aquarium in Baltimore, and the National Zoo in DC and all have morning to late afternoon hours. They don’t close for an hour and half at lunchtime and they are all open 7 days a week.

Maybe someone can enlighten me. Is the Salisbury Zoo out of money and they cannot afford to stay open on those other days? Are they still fully staffed and working every day? After all, the animals have to be cared for daily anyway. Is the staff there playing cards when they aren’t doing what they used to when they were open to the public? What the heck is going on anyway?

I think the taxpayers deserve some answers.


  1. They are just doing what most other Government workers are doing.... working from home (but checking their email).

  2. The Salisbury Zoo has run its course. It’s time to close up. This is coming from a lifelong resident having enjoyed many days there. Unfortunately, due to many issues, the flooding, lack of proper maintenance, budget crisis and others, it is unfair to both the animals and the taxpayers to go on. Cleaned up it will make a very nice center city park.

    1. Sure, IF it is cleaned up! Never have we seen the park in such terrible shape. Who is responsible for the grounds and facilities at the park?

  3. It’s the govt way of limiting the EXPOSURE of employees to the general public who might be diseased. All govt operations are doing it.

  4. So if your not a government worker your just a diseased taxpayer?

    1. Re-read comment, please: “who. MIGHT be....”

  5. The National Zoo is a federal entity. That’s as government as you get and they’re in the heart of DC and they have thousands of visitors. Please explain how it’s more risky here.

  6. I’ll bet if all these whiny people that don’t want to work at their jobs using a mask and socially distancing like everyone else on the planet, didn’t get paid for those days they said working with the public was to risky, they would be changing their tune really quickly.

  7. I went two weeks ago and it was in terrible shape weeds inside cages were extremely tall and over grown and all animals looked unhealthy. Poor eagle standing on ground looking terrible

  8. it is bs.... The Salisbury City employees need to get back to work, or cut their pay and cut my taxes.... Curbside Trash pickup cost went up about a year ago and included recycling pickup now they no long do curbside recycling pickup so all the recycles go in the trash .... raise fees and provide less services .... City of Salisbury is run by liberal democrats .... look at every city run by democrats, the cities go to hell.... salisbury is trying desperately do the same

    1. Save Planet Earth, Save our Trees
      Recycling is a must

  9. Answer to the question:

    I'm sure Larry on the Corner can provide all answers to state related concerns. His office will then delegate it down to the appropriate county or municipality/town. That entity will provide a phone number to call with a message stating to call Larry.

    Thats how we in MD roll - Lather/Rinse/Repeat.

    (snicker snicker)

  10. Erring on the side of caution?

    1. Erring on the side of laziness.

  11. But we can open up the schools cause covid won't be there.

  12. We no longer need zoos. The animals are out roaming our streets.

  13. The park could be so much more than the poor managed stench hole it is. Bulldoze it and make a park without the animals.

  14. 11:23
    I agree they need to close it. The animals are not happy in those small enclosures. Making it a park is probably not a good idea though. Already enough issues with the other part of the City Park. Nothing in Salisbury is safe.

  15. 1:41
    Maybe the ones roaming we should put in the zoo so we can walk through and poke them with sticks. They could make money if they charged admission!

  16. The zoo is no longer a great place to send out of town guest to see. Never recommend anymore. Has really gone down, can’t even get my eight year old granddaughter there. She only wants to go to Bens Red Swings. Maybe the time has come to send the animals somewhere else and make a nice park for joggers.

  17. It has been poorly managed since I think the name Graham left. I feel sorry for the citizens of Salisbury and surrounding towns & the animals that are being neglected. Either put better people in charge, clean it up & have better operational hours. When it was closed up & after hours it is just a drug hang out.

  18. Tear down the Zoo

    Remove the park

    Bring back Humphrey Lake

  19. The City of Salisbury lacks LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT! That says it all!!!

  20. It is a real shame. The city park was at one time, a long time ago, the envy of the eastern shore

  21. 3:43 PM

    I agree. That is a great idea. I can imagine seeing one of the exhibits now. "Here we have the golden toothed Ghetto Rat. It speaks a form of language known as ebonics. We have to keep them separated because they will violently kill each other."


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