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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Sorry Dems—'Trump's 2020 America' Is a Glorious Place

Here we are at the beginning of another week, for those of you still using calendars. Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing folk.

The seventy-two hours following the finale of the Republican National Convention were certainly telling. Those of us on the home team thought that President Trump stepped up to the plate and knocked one out of the park last Thursday night, but that’s not surprising. We were going to like it.

The greatest indication of how effective Trump’s speech was is the reaction from the other side. The Democrats have been awash in flop sweat and panic from the moment President Trump wrapped up his star turn in a glorious fireworks frenzy last Thursday.

Our friends on the other side are so used to controlling the media narrative that this past weekend they went into a place only the drunken and concussed can go: they tried to pin the violence that’s become a fixture in progressive cities on President Trump.

The new rallying cry for the Biden Democrats now is that the civil unrest in the United States is “Trump’s America.”

No, really.

Two things are in play here with this narrative.

First: The Democrats think that the electorate is dumb enough to believe that violence in cities that are, and have been forever, run by them are Trump’s fault.

Second: They’re obviously in a dead panic now.

We all are aware that I have been the resident pessimist about Trump’s chances here. I’m feeling better after the way Trump acquitted himself last Thursday. His speech was extraordinarily presidential and the Democrats’ reaction confirms that.

After almost completely ignoring the violent civil unrest during the Democratic National Convention the Dems have now decided to spin the narrative into a tizzy and make it a Trump thing.



  1. Hysterically laughable bit of propaganda.

    Here is a direct quote:

    ".. I think, I think it would be, I think it would be very very, I think we'd have a very very solid, we would continue what we're doing, and we have other things on our plate..."

    - The Stable Genius when asked what his plan is for the next four years August 27, 2020.

    All of the madness happening in America are happening NOW, in Donald Trumps America. Trump is the guy at the helm right now... no one wants four more years of this madness.

    1. The madness is all coming from Democrats no way can we have you kooks at the helm

  2. September 1, 2020 at 11:38 AM are you feeling hurt

  3. Whoever wrote this is delusional. 180,000+ dead, millions unemployed, a completely tanked economy, and the laughing stock of the world is far from a "glorious place."

    1. 1220..... you must be that nut job Susan Olsen .....

      you cannot even hold a job....

      get off our Blog Beeoch

  4. The cities have been being demolished for three months and Biden's just realizing it? What a joke!

  5. 12:20 Thank a dumbocrap for that!

  6. Obama created ANTIFA and they’ve been causing chaos since he was in office the police were always ordered to stand down .... this is why we have our second amendment

  7. @2:39 Antifa originally referred to the antifascist movement in Germany in the 1930s. The current, US incarnation of Antifa has it's roots in the Anti-Racist Action movement in the late '80s. Obama's got fuck all to do with it.

    On top of that, Antifa is a social movement, it's not an organization. If it were truly an organization, there would be centralized leadership. That's why the DHS hasn't arrested any sort of Antifa "leader" despite naming them a terrorist group. It's not actually a thing, it's just a label they slap on any protest to justify arresting people.

  8. Wait until President Trump get reelected. He's gonna unleash on these POS Democrats who have busted his balls for 4 years. He won't have to worry about reelection. So he's gonna take the gloves off. WATCH.

  9. @ September 1, 2020 at 8:27 PM

    When Trump is not re-elected.. he will no longer have the immunity of the Presidency, and he will be going to jail.

    This is why he has no platform, and is singularly focused on re-election, and is ramping up the fear and scare tactics and rhetoric. He can win on the actual issues, and he knows his base doesn't react to actual facts and data, but they do react fear mongering.

    1. Hahaha. You must be in the basement with Biden?? This Election is playing out just like 2016. Trump's behind in the polls. Democrats out raise Trump. Then the election arrived. TRUMP WINS!!! Why do you think dumocrats need mail in ballots?? They must cheat to have a chance. I can't wait to hear Biden rented a fireworks barge. LMAO

  10. @ September 2, 2020 at 12:39 PM

    Time to review the facts.

    In 2016 Hillary was winning in the polls by 3%, and she won the popular vote by 2%, within the margin of error.

    Biden is currently beating Trump in the national polls by over 7%. This isn't just a single poll, this is a conglomeration of all the polls together.

    There is a long list of Republican Senators and Congressman that are actively endorsing Biden. This is unheard of and unprecedented. None of the living Presidents have endorsed Trump, ALSO unprecedented. There are MULTIPLE Republican led PACS whose purpose is to stop Trumps re-election. Also, historic and unprecedented.

    All one has to do is look at the evidence and the facts. Trying to draw parallels from the 2016 election to the 2020 election is just not comparing apples to apples.

  11. @ September 2, 2020 at 12:39 PM

    Time to review the facts.

    In 2016 Hillary was winning in the polls by 3%, and she won the popular vote by 2%, within the margin of error.

    Biden is currently beating Trump in the national polls by over 7%. This isn't just a single poll, this is a conglomeration of all the polls together.

    There is a long list of Republican Senators and Congressman that are actively endorsing Biden. This is unheard of and unprecedented. None of the living Presidents have endorsed Trump, ALSO unprecedented. There are MULTIPLE Republican led PACS whose purpose is to stop Trumps re-election. Also, historic and unprecedented.

    All one has to do is look at the evidence and the facts. Trying to draw parallels from the 2016 election to the 2020 election is just not comparing apples to apples.

  12. @ September 2, 2020 at 12:39 PM

    Time to review the facts.

    In 2016 Hillary was winning in the polls by 3%, and she won the popular vote by 2%, within the margin of error.

    Biden is currently beating Trump in the national polls by over 7%. This isn't just a single poll, this is a conglomeration of all the polls together.

    There is a long list of Republican Senators and Congressman that are actively endorsing Biden. This is unheard of and unprecedented. None of the living Presidents have endorsed Trump, ALSO unprecedented. There are MULTIPLE Republican led PACS whose purpose is to stop Trumps re-election. Also, historic and unprecedented.

    All one has to do is look at the evidence and the facts. Trying to draw parallels from the 2016 election to the 2020 election is just not comparing apples to apples.


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