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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

University Shouldn’t Punish Me for Not Addressing Male Student as ‘Ms.’

Returning from a sabbatical in my 21st year at Ohio’s Shawnee State University, I resumed teaching my regular political philosophy course.

Taking questions in one such class at the end of my first day back, I acknowledged a male student with a “Yes, sir?” (It’s my practice to address my students in this way and to call them Miss, Mrs., or Mr. to foster an atmosphere of seriousness and mutual respect.)

After class, the student approached me to explain that he identifies as a woman and hereafter expected me to refer to him with feminine titles and pronouns.

“I’m not sure I can do that,” I told him.

He didn’t like that. He began to pace in circles around me, his voice rising and taking on an edge. He suggested an unprintable name he might feel free to call me if I declined to indulge his demands. Moreover, he said, he would see to it that I lost my job.



  1. Mental health screening needed!

  2. Its the pronoun sickness thats rapidly flowing through all Colleges.

    My curiosity includes what happens when outbursts like this happen to these future graduates when their similar demands take place in the Private Sector?

    YOU'RE FIRED comes to mind.
    YOU'RE NOT HIRED is another.

    Feelings - hAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  3. It's important for children to experiment, but, as with all important stuff, there should be an adult in the room at all times.

  4. 1:54
    It's no wonder so many are unemployed. Who in their right mind would want to hire someone with purple hair that can't figure out what sex they are on any given day. No business wants that drama. If you can't tell what you have between your legs by the time you get to college you have issues and aren't worth hiring!

  5. 2:18 PM - More and more don't have what's now a luxury.

  6. You am what you are, you ain't what you're not.

  7. You are what God made you!

  8. "Dear rager, dear rager you have no complaint
    You are what you are and you ain't what you ain't
    So listen up Buster and listen up good
    Get on with your life like you know that you should"

    Something like that--John Prine

  9. Basically a man has untreated mental issues and thinks he is a woman. So, rather than get psychological help, 99.9% of the population are supposed to go along with this charade like cowardly sheep.

  10. Spineless jellyfish, your go along to get along rhetoric has backfired. You now live under the tyranny of the mentally deranged.

    Stay tuned for pedophilia legalization and then CPS removing your children from your home when you object to them participating in the activity.


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