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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Kanye West to appear on ballot in Iowa after state panel overrules objections

Kanye West will appear on the Iowa presidential ballot this November after state election officials threw out two challenges to his application Monday.
A news release from the Iowa secretary of state's office indicated that West, who announced his White House bid last month, would appear on the November ballot absent further challenges to his registration.
"The candidates who were challenged will appear on the November general election ballot," the office said in a statement.
National polling has shown West with the support of about 2 percent of voters.


  1. F it: He can't be any worse than any of the current politicians!!!

  2. This moron won't get many votes from intelligent people!
    This will split the Republican vote at a minimum - while annoying the rest of us!

  3. 2:11p...wrong...this hurts Biden more than trump. Along with trump apparently helping the B1G get back to playing, Biden can kiss the Midwest goodbye.

    1. How will this hurt Biden? Black Americans know he’s nuts and he supported Trump.

    2. Lots of negros that were going to vote for o'biden will now vote for kanye because of race.

  4. He was just on Oxford Md today....suposedly bought a house there

    1. I hung out with him and loaned him some money. Nice guy.

  5. I'm sure he is a nice guy. Bored with his money. Doesn't hesitate to rip off his bros with 200.00 snickers he paid pennies to have made. Media should not give him any political air time. How can you take him seriously 😂

  6. 8:41p-because Biden can't stop saying disparaging things about the Black commu nity...Trumps #s are up with the Black community as it is...those who don't want to vote for either now have a 3rd option.

  7. What insanity!!!!!! First lady Kim??? Oh pulleezzzeeee.


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