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Friday, September 11, 2020

Trump renews Cuomo feud: 'One of the WORST governors'

President Trump on Thursday slammed New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo as “one of the worst governors” in the country, criticizing his handling of the coronavirus pandemic in the Empire State.

The president's tweet was in response to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's tweet, where he stated "shootings in New York City are up 166% over last year" and "Cuomo wants 4,000 police assigned to checking restaurants for covid enforcement."

“Is he deranged or so arrogant no one can talk sense into him?” Gingrich tweeted.

The president replied: “One of the WORST governors in the USA. Caused 11,000 deaths in nursing homes due to his bad moves and incompetence.”


  1. All going according to the dem/ china collusion plan. Bio weapon released- push the constant Lies fear hate conflict death its how the roll. Stand by for heavy rolls when trump wins in landslide and the left starts the war. If not already trying to start one!!

    Just imagine for a minute if hillary was in charge during this crisis. Bet the fema death camps be in full swing right now. they are just pissed More baby boomers(i.e. Trump supporters) survived and the young new wave of marxist indoctrinated Americans are getting slamed for showing how ignorant and used they all are. But still to too stupid to see it

  2. You mean THE WORST!! Not just one of.


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