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Friday, September 11, 2020

Resort Toughens Towing Ordinance For Problem Event

OCEAN CITY — Resort officials this week approved an overhaul of the town’s towing ordinance in advance of planned or expected motorized special events later this month.

During last week’s motorized special events zone task force meeting, town officials alluded to some upcoming enhancements in Ocean City’s towing ordinance. Those changes were formalized and approved during Tuesday’s Mayor and Council meeting in the form of two emergency ordinance amendments and a resolution setting the maximum tow fees.

Among the new initiatives for this year’s motorized special events, including the anticipated pop-up car rally in late September formally referred to as H2Oi and the fall cruising event in October, is enhancing and clarifying the town’s existing towing ordinance. In anticipation of the pop-up car rally, task force members said last week the enhanced towing ordinance will allow law enforcement to remove vehicles from the roadways for a wide variety of reasons and impound them.

Another significant change in the amended ordinances approved by the council on Tuesday is a provision outlining the reclamation procedures. For example, if a vehicle is towed and impounded, it will have to be towed back out at the expense of the registered owner, essentially doubling the price. City Solicitor Heather Stansbury explained the change in the ordinance on Tuesday.



  1. Excellent but they should place some covid rules in place and make mass arrests

  2. Tow operators now love OC!

  3. Tow the wrong car and expect the lawsuits to fly.

    Stupid tyrant dictators!

    1. 6:30 - what are you talking about. This tow change isn’t for cars parked on the street. It’s aimed at the H2oi crowd and making their lawbreaking as expensive as possible.

  4. Gotta make that money!


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