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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Top Democrats threaten to pack Supreme Court if Trump fills RBG seat

A rising number of prominent Democrats are speaking out in favor of “packing” the Supreme Court as fears mount over the impending reality that the nation’s highest bench will soon hold a considerable conservative majority.

As the country mourned the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday, President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said they would move forward on a vote for her replacement.

The idea sparked fury in the Democratic party, leading numerous prominent figures to voice their support for court “packing,” or filling the nation’s highest bench with more than the original nine judges.

Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder, who previously touted court packing as a possibility for Democrats during the 2019 Democratic primary, reignited the issue over the weekend while speaking to MSNBC.



  1. Just hell bent on SHOVING the luciferian agenda down our throats regardless.

  2. They show us time and time again they’re willing to do anything to gain power including murder

  3. Dumbocrats temper tantrum....President Trump should fill the vacancy ASAP!!! They will try to do all those things regardless of what the President does!!

  4. The liberals are trying the same thing with the immigrant voting base.

    "Packing" it??

    They mean, "diluting" it and giving them more chances to put THEIR people in place.
    They can't win with the rules we have now??
    Is their solution to find answers, develop new methods, increase efficiency, or work harder?
    THEIR solution always seems to be "change the rules so we can win, okay?"
    Electoral college? check
    Illegal immigration issues? check
    Unreliable voting procedures? check
    Too many conservatives on the Court? check.

    When they aren't whining about losing, they are making excuses for why they are losers and blaming everything and everybody, never examining their own whack, strange, offensive, racist, and/or economic pipe dreams and wondering why most Americans can't get behind them. If you can count, you can't vote democrat.
    24 TRILLION in debt and the dem's want to give free medical care, wipe out student loan, give everyone a "guaranteed income", and pass out reparations. Some MORE bad checks from the people who wrote laws to put you and me in prison for the very same thing?? yeah. Those guys.
    24 TRLLION in debt.
    Has anyone told the democrat thinkers and policy makers????

    Keep cheering.

  5. Don’t worry
    9 is the favorite number for Satanist / Luciferian (Masonic) worshippers. It is an evil number taking the shape of a serpent in the wild. Ditto for 6 which is an upside down and backwards 9

    1. 5:06 your interpretation means nothing .... zero

    2. 7:07 your loss sucker."religion the opium for the masses"? (karl marx) But yet communist do adhere to a religion. The religion of communism..not based on love your neighbor christain values.but the direct contridiction of what man is. Communism embraces luciferian values and ideals. Destroy it all, kill it, burn it down.if disagrees with you. An attempt to totally change what is the essence of man. FREEDOM. Communism stifles all that and TRUTH. To coin the phrase first uttered by the founder of the communist party of america. Your a useful idiot.

  6. Republicans need to THREATEN RIGHT BACK !!!

  7. Time for us REAL Americans to Pack ALL Govt
    with ONLY Republicans 2020 !!!

    Ban Democrat Party > Party is Over for them

  8. Stop smoking that weed 5:06 not many brain cells left!!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Stop smoking that weed 5:06 not many brain cells left!!

    September 23, 2020 at 6:51 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:06 your interpretation means nothing .... zero

    September 23, 2020 at 7:07 PM

    Actually, there is some truth to what he is saying. I looked it up. I had no idea the number nine had that significance. Maybe Mr's weed and zero could open their minds just a bit and learn a little mythology in between catching chickens.

  10. @ September 23, 2020 at 2:07 PM

    So, some facts on that debt number. Trump has been in office almost 4 years, and 2 of them he had a supermajority, and the past two he had a do nothing Senate... so... Dems aren't increasing anything right now.

    The debt was 19 Trillion at the end of 2016. Who brought that to 24 Trillion? Who added 5 Trillion? Ironically, the Trump administration has added the same amount of debt in it's first term as Obama did, AND Trump has CUT taxes of those who have the means to impact that debt.

    But go on... keep cheering MAGA for all of us.

  11. Pack Congress with Republicans 2020 !!!!

  12. LMAO. They can't do anything. What riot, loot, and burn?? Nice try.

  13. Pack ALL Govt in America with ONLY Republicans >> SOLVED 2020 !!!!


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