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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Michael Bloomberg pays fines for 32K Florida felons so they can vote

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has helped pay the outstanding fines and fees of 32,000 convicted felons in Florida so they could regain their right to vote ahead of the November election, according to a report.

The billionaire and former presidential candidate raised over $16 million for, and donated $5 million to, the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, according to Axios.

Bloomberg’s push would benefit ex-cons as part of a 2018 state constitutional amendment allowing felons who have served their time to regain their right to vote.

Before they can regain that right, however, they need to pay any fines, fees or restitution.

In a statement to the news outlet, a representative for Bloomberg said, “The right to vote is fundamental to our democracy and no American should be denied that right. Working together with the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, we are determined to end disenfranchisement and the discrimination that has always driven it.”



  1. What is this world coming to? Money doesn't buy happiness...ever

  2. So we have subversive elements like SOROS & bloomburg funding armies of domestic enemies of this nation and its constitution. How is this not treason ?

  3. Secret Service should pay this old man a visit. Make him mess his drawers. 🔫

  4. He may be rich but he is a no good Bastard!!!!!!!

  5. Should be illegal !!! Desperate Demon-crats

    will try anything to Win & Take over America

  6. Shame on him. A fool and his money are soon parted. Who's to say that they are not back in jail as a felon before the election.

  7. Throw out these Votes !!!

  8. Just a waste of money, felons are prohibited from voting

  9. 7:01 wrong! Obama gave them that right back, then the Republicans said that couldn’t vote unless their fines and restitution was paid.

  10. Violation of law and should get maximum penalty.

  11. Only one of the many ways votes are bought and paid for

  12. Isn't this called buying votes? I hope all the felons are back in jail or vote for Trump on Nov. 3.

  13. This doesn't guarantee any one of these felons votes at all, or who they vote for.

    Any Republican could have been doing the same too.

    @ September 23, 2020 at 3:02 PM

    Too many low information folks are fast to talk bad about Soros, but don't even know who the Koch Brothers are or what they do. They just want some boogey man they pretend pulls the strings from the shadows.... not realizing there is the some thing happening form the other side of the political isle.

    What you should be talking about is election and voting reform, and limiting the amount of donations, and what kinds of organizations can donate. Until that's your narrative, you're just in the low information camp.

  14. More Proof how Democrats will cheat & buy Votes !!! like in 2016 illegals vote for
    Hillary , & tomestones counted for Hillary,
    Russia voted for Hillary !!!

  15. Well to be honest felons still pay taxes and not allowing them to vote is taxation without representation which is unconstitutional. There are many felons that are right leaning too. It isn't just a democrat issue.

  16. Just so all of you know, bringing more than three packs of cigs across the Maryland state line, is a felony.

  17. Over 1000 were Sex Offenders! But they do support their fellow molester, Joe Biden.

  18. gotcha !!! Democrats cheating already !!!

  19. Isn't that considered influencing an election? It should be against the law, if it isn't already.


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