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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Seattle pays ex-pimp $150,000 to offer ‘alternatives to policing’

Seattle now has on its payroll a convicted pimp who once vowed to “go to war” with the city — a $150,000 “street czar” whose mission is to come up with “alternatives to policing,” reports said.

Andre Taylor — who appeared in the documentary “American Pimp” about his life as “Gorgeous Dre” — is getting $12,500 per month for a year, along with an office in Seattle’s Municipal Tower, according to the contract published by PubliCola.

It comes just a year after his organization, Not This Time, was paid $100,000 to sponsor a speaker series that was called “Conversations with the Streets.”

Taylor led one of the first rallies in Seattle after the police-custody death of George Floyd,


  1. Liberals had to have something to do with this.

  2. Sounds like a capitalist to me. Look at it this way. He outsmarted the libs and is making a killing so I respect that at least. Now the dems are another story.

  3. LOL just like it Minneapolis they've put what they call violence interrupters on the streets. Ain't working the blacks have started killing each other like it's their job The police need to stay out of black neighborhoods. Let them kill each other They deserve to live in war zones. Lying like they do has consequences and is why God is punishing them with their youth dying.

  4. People worried about Day’s wife.....here you have a pimp handling crime!!! The irony. Coming to Cites and Towns near you!

  5. Isn’t pimp just another word for sex trafficking

  6. Andre Taylor opposed the violent protests, worked for solutions to quell peaceful protests, acted as conduit between protesters and leadership, actively opposed and opposes CHOP. He is actually DOING something to make his community better.

    There is actual journalism on this story written in the Seattle times.. just google his name. Here is a clip from it:

    "Andrè Taylor, who created a police-accountability nonprofit and championed statewide reforms after his brother, Che Taylor, was fatally shot by Seattle police in 2016, was a vocal critic of the multiblock occupation by protests and others that took shape in June after police abandoned their East Precinct on Capitol Hill."

  7. Sounds like Stormy Daniel’s agent got a new job. Was he placed there by the TO?

  8. What's the alternative > Hookers police the
    streets ???

  9. "Ohhhhh, but ain't that America
    For you and me
    Ain't that America
    Something to see, baby
    Ain't that America
    Home of the freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
    Little pink houses For you and me!"

    Snowflakes - 1985, "Aint That America" by John Cougar Mellencamp, look it up on your google machines and learn something!

  10. Northwest Woodsman: I believe that you are correct 9:30. These people are still the primitive creatures dragged out of the jungle four hundred years ago and this savage behavior that they demonstrate so readily, is in great measure, in their genes from millions of years of development. They not genetically inclined nor are they prepared to integrate into a civilization such as ours. Please, folks, look at the reality that is presented to you every day in the city of Baltimore. We need not go any farther than that. Their behavior is universal and is demonstrably reflected in their behavior not only to Caucasians, but to their own kind. Tribalism is partially responsible as they consider their neighborhoods as tribal territory and savagely fight and kill each other if they feel the faintest slight from individuals outside their tribe. Our attempts to integrate them into our type of civilization has failed and is doomed to failure because we are attempting to change something that nature has developed for thousands, if not millions of years. I do not think letting them destroy our culture and our civilization is a very smart thing to do. If you are complacent regarding them, it would be better to relocate yourselves and them to Africa and enjoy the benefits of negro life there. Refute my statement as I would love to be wrong about this but you all know that this is based on facts and not emotions and is therefore irrefutable. Enjoy your life while you can because Hingis are about to change drastically.

  11. As long as blacks keep on lying about police and race they will continue only to be good for giving people jobs at prisons.

    There isn't one black alive who if they align themselves with the America is a racist country crowd that is going to go on to because a neurosurgeon, a veterinarian, a proud and successful member of the military a successful business owner. None will succeed at all. Nothing positive will come out of aligning with BLM and that is a fact they can bet on.
    It is their choice. In the meantime 1st generation immigrant children are going on be our doctors, our engineers, our veterinarian, our scientists, our successful business owners while blacks are hollering America is racist and trying to figure out where to get bail money and pay for funerals of their murder victims. Not our problem anymore.

  12. Hogan pays off gang leaders in Baltimore.

  13. Pimps run congress , so no difference !! LOL


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