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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Flashback: Obama, Biden, and Pelosi Demanded SCOTUS Vacancy Be Filled Before the 2016 Election

As soon as the news broke Friday that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had passed away, it feels like it wasn’t five minutes before the mainstream media was talking about Republican hypocrisy.

Digging up quotes from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell from the 2016 Merrick Garland nomination fight to use against Republicans.

And that hypocrisy, by the way, is uniform. The three most powerful Democrats right now, almost inarguably, are former President Barack Obama, former Vice President (and current presidential nominee) Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

All three have been against President Donald Trump nominating a replacement for Ginsburg on the court, saying the Senate has the obligation to wait until the election.

But while the mainstream media may have forgotten the words of former President Barry Hussein, the Republicans have not.

“When there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court, the president of the United States is to nominate someone, the Senate is to consider that nomination,” Obama said.

“Either they disapprove of that nominee, or that nominee is elevated to the Supreme Court.

“I’m amused when I hear people who claim to be strict interpreters of the Constitution suddenly reading into it a whole series of provisions that are not there,” Obama jabbed.



  1. We hate Susan Olsen...... signed OathkeepersSeptember 23, 2020 at 7:05 PM

    Its the Constitution Law superseded the leftist Progressive cry babys

    With another President Trump 4 more years....

    we can turn the Country back to its founding principles

    1. I agree! Important to get Vlad’s choice on the high court.

    2. 7:49 Deflect much. Keep on believing the lies. Your so ignorant you dont even realize how much of a sucker / useful idiot you are. Your hero karl marx was a worthless useless lazy no good bitter angry evil man. who never worked a day in his life. Sucked of all his friends relatives. most of his kids died from his neglect. Or suicide. Worship the turd of communism at your own peril. Your delousional to think its a better system..ill stick with the first politican in my lifetime who actually does what he said he would TRUMP 2020. FLUSH BIDEN 2020

    3. 749

      you must be one of those rejects on 13 holding 🤔 up Biden signs

    4. 7:49 You might want to check with Hunter about Vlad🙄

  2. Barack can't be half as amused as we are!

  3. That’s an inconvenient truth.

  4. In my life I have not seen politicians have so much hypocracy; both Democrats and Republicans. Neither is driven by principles

  5. This isn't even an issue. The President has the right to nominate. The Senate has the right to do what they think is best. When B.O nominated garland the Senate did their duty and listened to their voters. President Trump is getting ready to nominate and again the duty of the Senate is to listen to what their voters tell them to do and that is confirm.

  6. Well did you see this Bull$hit that RINO Lockdown Larry tweeted yesterday morning??

    Governor Larry Hogan @GovLarryHogan
    We should not be playing partisan games with the Supreme Court. It would be a mistake for the Senate to ram through a nominee on a partisan line vote, just as it would be a tragic mistake to question the integrity of the court or even pack the court.

  7. The STUNNING hypocrisy on all sides.

    All of them need to be voting out. All of them.

    The problem is so few people can see past their own partisanship, and no one knows what nuance is anymore.

    Do the Democrats has a legitimate grievance? YES.

    Are the Republicans acting with corrupt hypocrisy? YES.

    Is Democrats demanding consistency from the Republicans hypocritical? NO.

    Is it hypocritical for Dems to demand a vote in 2016, but to then demand to wait in 2020? YES.

    Did the Republicans act corruptly in 2016 solely for partisan political gain? YES.

    Based on the Republicans obvious hypocrisy and partisan judgment, are they fit to adjudicate or make any moral judgements about any nominated Supreme Court candidate? NO

    Did the Republicans willfully not do the job they were elected to do in 2016? YES

    So where does any of this leave us? STILL with an empty Supreme Court seat.

    The President should nominate a Justice (hopefully one that is qualified for the position), and the Senate should vote on that candidate. This is the law NOW, and it was the law in 2016. The Republicans refused to do the job they were Constitutionally obligated to do in 2016.

    The number of times something has been done wrongly, doesn't absolve the perpetrator of the crime.

    These hypocrites, ALL OF THEM, have stained to office the American people have so graciously entrusted to them by giving them our votes. They have violated the sanctity of their offices, and violated the trust of the American people by their action. Americans, should be demanding anyone complicit in this charades resignation. If they won't resign, it is our civic duty to vote them out.

    We cry about partisanship, and corruption. Well, here it is on display as obvious as it gets. If you DON'T vote them all out, then this is your fault. We condemn other countries leaders when they do this, we condemn the other party when they do it.

    Choose America over your political party. Any sitting candidate should be terrified to act in such a way, yet none of them are, and it's obvious. On BOTH sides of the isle. The American public will continue to get shafted unless we stand up and vote out the scoundrels from our own parties.

    Wake up people. Take off your partisan blinders and focus on America.

  8. It's amazing how Lindsay Graham has wavered for 4 years to support President Trump. Now he's getting out spent/raised in SC. Now he's talking about getting the Supreme court nomination done before the election. Not wavering at all. He's even begging for money EVERYTIME he's on TV. It's pathetic. Maybe if he supported President Trump completely. He wouldn't need to beg. He is one of several who needs to be replaced. Get the justice confirmed. Then bye bye.

  9. Democrats will WINE no matter what !! I love
    it that > There Ain't a DAMN thing they can
    do about it, When Trump Picks the New Judge !

    Another WIN for America 2020 !!! Another
    Democrat Judge bites the dust & is out of the
    way !! Making America Great Again !!!

  10. They demanded the seat be filled because Republicans in the Senate were blocking a vote. Now Democrats are arguing against it being filled to uphold the same precedent already set by Republicans. The only ones being hypocritical here are the Senate Republicans.

  11. And they didn't. And McConnel said it shouldn't be. Boy that changed huh?

  12. Obama had just under a year left as POTUS when the vacancy was open. The GOP screamed bloody murder and never even took the nomination up for a vote. Now suddenly they have a total change of heart with an election jist weeks away. They flipped just as hard as they have done on reducing the debt/deficit. Keep on cheering clowns.

  13. But it WASN'T FILLED because the GOP BLOCKED IT. Stop posting parts of stories.

  14. LOL Now they get their PAY BACK !! LOVE IT

  15. Hillarious that this time > Not a Damn Thing

    Democrats can do about it !! 2020

    Fill the court with REPUBLICANS 2020 !!!

  16. Pelosi's KARMA for all the Kangaroo courts
    trying to set-up Trump for 4 years !!! LOL

  17. It's different when it's them. They forgot that they had run their mouth about the reverse of what they are saying now.


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