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Monday, September 28, 2020

Progressive groups buy Amy Coney Barrett domain name in attempt to smear her

Progressive groups launched the first salvo in the looming war to stop the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, buying up her domain name online.

Anyone searching for more information at AmyConeyBarrett.com will now be redirected to a site owned by the liberal activist organization Demand Justice.

“Amy Coney Barrett is exactly who Donald Trump said he would pick as a Supreme Court justice: someone who could be counted on to overturn Roe v. Wade and end the Affordable Care Act,” reads a sparse website statement.

“Barrett has also ruled repeatedly for companies that discriminate — including one that employed a “separate but equal” system of sorting employees by race,” the group said.

These are just a few of the lies published on the website.

Democrats will stop at nothing.


  1. So this is the hope and change..a marxist world of lies, destruction of anything pure good moral..it all boils down to the THEY HATE GOD AND TRUTH.only the values of the new luciferian marxists is allowed now??

    These rats need to be exposed for the vile plan they have in store for us all. As with every communist country they all get purged. Leaving only useful idiots and slaves. Russia being the biggest graveyard to the legacy of the failure called communism..

  2. Dumbocrats are truly despicable people.

  3. Can't touch her !!! Waisting your time !!!

    She is BEST pick & is GOOD for America !!!

  4. Set the record straight...
    The facts about Rowe v Wade

  5. No Dirt on her BUT Plenty on Dumocrats !!!

  6. She will sue up the ying yang for that and win.

  7. Democrats are the cancer of society. boy are they pushing Biden Harris
    their motto for 200 years we have been for the people. I told them 200 years ago they hated blacks and still do. and their best picks for president and vice president are some of the people that hate blacks and voted against them. they wanted to know if I would still vote for them to get rid of Trump lol my and answer was never for slow Joe and Hell no for the Hoe they hung up

    1. 9:29
      Let me try to guess your name.
      Clue: you told them 200 years ago . . .
      2nd Clue: they wanted to know if you would vote for them to get rid of Trumper . . .

      OK, I’ll take Who is Satan for $100

  8. Nobody cares what the progressive communists do

  9. She is Sqeaky Clean !! So keep on trying !!

    You can't make her Dirty when she is NOT !!!

    ONLY the Democrats are Dirty & WE all know it

  10. Now, this should be illegal and hopefully, she can make it happen. Jim Ireton and his Homo buddies stole Joe's Domain name and used it against him when he ran for Mare of Ghetto'bury. This definitely needs to be looked at.


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