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Monday, September 28, 2020

Florida bars packed after state lifts COVID-19 restrictions

Crowds packed into some Florida bars over the weekend after Gov. Ron DeSantis lifted coronavirus restrictions on them and other businesses, according to a report.

Footage showed patrons overflowing out of the Elbo Room in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday after the governor’s surprise order, news station WPLG reported.

“I’m healthy, I’m strong and I feel comfortable with all my friends,” said Dan Gibby, who was at the watering hole.

In Davie, Gaffer’s Pub owner Debbie Qualls said the greenlight to reopen was a lifesaver for the business.

“We’ve had to pay the rent, the electric, all the bills. If it was too much longer, we wouldn’t be here,” Qualls said.

DeSantis’s announcement Friday allowed all bars and restaurants to reopen effectively immediately — and prevented local municipalities from implementing restrictions that would force them to operate at less than half-capacity unless it can be justified for health or economic reasons.

“We’re not closing anything going forward,” DeSantis said.


  1. ALOT to Drink About 2020 !!! MAGA !!!

    1. Yep alot of bodies. 200k and counting

  2. When I was working in that area we stopped at that establishment on many occasions. We came in at night some of still carrying our fins and other tools of the job. Never Any questions.

    1. I can see it now .... slowly appearing, walking out of the the surf like in a James Bond 007 movie. Going up to the bar with fins in hand and ordering a Manhattan. You are my hero 6:52

  3. America is still FREE !!! Those who don't
    like it LEAVE !!!

  4. Govt BY the people / Not People by the Govt !

  5. Biden said he would quarantine the whole country for 3 months think about that when you vote for him.

  6. Good for them wish we had a governor with balls

  7. Florida again proves why abortion and sterilization should be widely available....enjoy the covid surge in two weeks...better start blaming that on future president Biden as well....

    1. No, you just proved your point when you mentioned Biden. But, you are wrong about him being president in the future. The dude will never step foot in our White House again.

    2. Yes, the surge in 2 weeks 9:44. When will the surge in Ocean City begin, we're going on 2 weeks after Bike Week? Keep drinking that cool-aid and following your shepherd over the cliff. SMH

    3. 9:44 I’m still waiting for the wave to hit Portland. You know the place where they’ve been rioting in the streets for 4 months. 🙄
      You drive your car alone with your mask on don’t you 9:44?🐑

    4. Florida has slowly been opening. Disney? Schools in Aug and they have not seen the surge yet. We have to open up. We need to be able to build immunity. We can't stay closed forever. You will be the first person to complain when prices go way up and you can't afford things and will wonder why. Some rediculous people with rediculous thoughts. How about you give me your plan? Do we all quit our jobs and stay home for the next 3 yrs and pay no bills? It's like you don't live in reality.

  8. That bar looks like one I used to go to for Spring Break about 35 years ago. Different name but the building looks familiar.

  9. 652 be careful and thank you

  10. 944 explain why their hasn’t been an “outbreak” in Portland, Seattle, NYC and ANY locations of constant riots?? Explain why it’s only Florida? Crickets

  11. They also hold the record for most covid deaths in one day but I'm sure that's Hillary and Obama's fault right?

    1. 9:42
      Try it somewhere else
      Commenters here are informed about the lies associated with the so called COVID-19 deaths. Plus we are aware of the financial incentives for hospitals to call it COVID-19.

      Move along troll

    2. Florida started school in Aug and has said they are not having covid out breaks in their schools as was expected?? Do you guys ever read anything online or actually look into more places then CNN? There is an entire world of information. If you can read it before it is removed.

  12. All of you freedom riders are okay with the H2Oi drivers blasting down coastal highway i guess. They have rights as well .

    People are just naturally selfish and self centered and ,....wait for it ,....you can't fix stupid!!

    1. I believe what I have read on here from the freedom fighters are you should not be made to wear a mask. A business should be able to set the rules for their customer and the customer gets to decide if they would like to go or not. Not exactly sure how you twist that to h2o kids can destroy property. But ok.

  13. 9:44 Trump already tried to make the point that Biden didn't order people to wear masks. YOU'RE THE PRESIDENT TRUMP. We're officially an idiocracy.

    1. The president doesn't have the power to make anyone do anything. The president is there to over see the house and senate. The power is in the states which is exactly what Trump did. He gave the states the power and offered to assist as needed. Your welcome.

  14. 10:02 exactly! They pick and choose rules just like they pick and choose parts of the Bible they wish to follow.

  15. Giving Florida even more of a reason to be called "Heaven's Waiting Room"

  16. I guess this just shows how the real people in America don't give a shit about this shamdemic.
    You libtard dumbocrats will destroy the earth just to get Trump out...sickening!


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