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Friday, September 04, 2020

Northam wants Dominion Energy to forgive overdue electric bills using $320M in over-earnings

RICHMOND — Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam wants Dominion Energy to cover unpaid residential electric bills with $320 million that regulators say the company previously overcharged.

The governor is pushing for new budget language requiring the state’s largest electric monopoly to return most of the $503 million that state regulators recently said Dominion had earned above authorized levels in 2017 through 2019. That provision is part of a broader effort by Northam to ban customer disconnections over unpaid utility bills during the coronavirus pandemic.


  1. So instead of refunding the people who were ripped off they want to give it to the deadbeats.

  2. Virginia the first Communist state in the Union. Government control of everything in your life. What to eat. What to learn. Where to work. How much power you can use. How much money you can make or keep. The poor Generals on both sides of the Civil War are asking themselves WHY DID WE BOTHER??

  3. Now the Devil trys to look nice for election time !!! GET Rid of Him 2020

  4. So, to say, my overpayment is to be used to pay someone else's bill? How is that fair to me? Northam wants to steal the over payments charged to hundreds of thousands to pay for thousands that can't, that means I, as a customer, gets robbed twice!!

  5. The money should be REFUNDED to customers, not used to provide service to non-payers.

    This is so unAmerican (communist).

  6. So if you paid your bill you get nothing and those who didn’t pay their bill get a reward.
    A more equitable solution would give every customer a credit on their bill.

  7. I agree with the forgiving of over due electric bills, but only for people who lost their jobs due to this bogus disease and were ignored or denied access to the unemployment web site, by design I must add. What I don't agree with is using money from over billing paying customers to forgive those electric bills. That money should go back to the customers who were over billed. Any forgiveness money should come out of the "personal pockets" of either fed, state, or local government officials who made the call to shut the businesses down. On second thought maybe walmart would enjoy making a huge donation for the cause. This ghost pandemic has been as cash cow for the walmart family.

    1. Where do you think the money the Govn't uses comes from? Many, many people quit their jobs and used covid scare as an excuse. Why should anyone have anything forgiven? What about the people who got a 2nd job? Or the people who cancelled on other things to pay the electric bill like they should? Why do we reward anyone for not paying? Why would you ever pay your bills then? People taking in the unemployment made plenty of money and there is zero reason not to pay the bill. How about we give the money to the people that continued to work and made the payments as they should? This entire system is a hot mess.

    2. Hey 206, reads Cracker's post again. This time read it a little slower and read it entirely !!!!

  8. guess I should quit paying my bills and wait for the democrats to pony up for them!

  9. What the heck are “overearnings”? That sounds like a Russian finance term.

  10. 1:38 PM - Utility companies are limited by law to not gouge customers, especially if they're the only game in town. Yes, the $ first belongs to those who were gouged.

  11. 12:32

    Okay, so why should the electric company pay these people because they lost their jobs?

    That's just like saying they should get free gas and you should pay more per gallon.

    Pure communism.

    1. Your another on that stopped reading after the first line. Don't comment on someone's post if you're too lazy to read it completely. Now go back and read the 12:32 post completely and slower this time, hopefully you are intelligent enough to understand what it actually says. It does not suggest the electric company pay anybody, read the "personal pockets" part, then make an intelligence comment.

  12. They most likely Paid Northam off every year !!!

  13. This is how communism starts, folks.

  14. Senor blackface at it again. Damn VA how did u vote him in?


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