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Friday, September 04, 2020

Four Ways the Obama-Biden-Harris Team Has Attacked Catholics

Despite having a self-professed Catholic as vice president, the Barack Obama-Joe Biden administration managed to openly attack Catholics in several ways by dismissing their beliefs as trivial and backward.

Now, with Biden as the Democrat 2020 nominee, and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his running mate, the anti-Catholic bias has not only continued, but intensified. From the assaults already waged against their faith, Catholics have a clear view of what they can expect from a Biden-Harris administration.
1. Abortion on demand at any time during pregnancy:

The Catholic faith holds that life is precious and must be protected from the moment of conception to natural death.

While national leaders have praised President Donald Trump as the most pro-life president in U.S. history, Obama became the first sitting president to deliver an address to Planned Parenthood.

“God bless you,” Obama told Planned Parenthood, vowing to stand with the abortion industry giant against efforts to “turn back the clock to policies more suited to the 1950s than the Twenty-first century.”

As vice president, Biden did nothing to interfere with Obama’s pro-abortion agenda, and, in fact, has ultimately continued along the same path.

While Biden professes to be a Catholic, he has promised to defend abortion rights, which the abortion industry refers to as “women’s healthcare,” and has committed to embracing the Democrat Party’s pro-abortion agenda that includes codifying Roe v. Wade, funding Planned Parenthood, and forcing American taxpayers to fund abortions through a repeal of the Hyde Amendment.



  1. Biden's Catholicism reeks of politics. His life reeks of sin against the God he claims is his.

  2. This entire post is hogwash.

  3. Actually you can blame the Catholic Church as well. They JUST LOVE BIDEN AND PELOSI. The two so called Catholics who support late term abortion. Same sex marriage. Etc. I think once we get rid of this ASININE BAFFOON POPE. They might get their act together. Fingers crossed!!!!

    1. Gay Clubs @ Salisbury UniversitySeptember 4, 2020 at 9:29 PM

      410.... you better stop.... this is the 21st Century

      men marry men

    2. 9:29 Adam and Steve have been getting married for centuries. Where have you been?? I just don't want to see it. Hear it, or live with it.

  4. 9:29 you didn't have to advertise. The university is 80% gay. That's all that goes there. Why do you think enrollment is down?? Gays!


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