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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Man fired for refusing to remove ‘Trump 2020’ hat at Newport News Shipbuilding

NEWPORT NEWS — Dave Sunderland said he had been wearing Donald Trump hats to work at Newport News Shipbuilding every day for nearly four years.
He wore them — most recently one that said “Trump 2020″ — as he walked from his car to his work site inside the gates, and sometimes for a short safety meeting at the start of his shift.
Not anymore.
Sunderland, 55, was fired last week after refusing to remove his hat before the safety meeting. He said the human resources department told him he violated a policy barring yard workers from “campaigning” while on the job.
Sunderland began working at the shipyard in May 2012, shortly after moving here from Ohio. At the time, he said, he noticed lots of yard workers wearing T-shirts supporting President Barack Obama, who was then up for re-election.
In 2016, he said, he saw workers wearing T-shirts in support of Hillary Clinton, such as the “I’m with Her” shirts, among others. “There’s Black Lives Matter masks that people are wearing, and nobody’s saying anything about that,” Sunderland said.



  1. This is dumb.

    How long someone has been in violation of work policy has no bearing on the fact they are breaking a company policy.

    If other people have violated a work policy and gotten away with it, doesn't mean that you are allowed to ignore the policy.

    Wearing a "Trump 2020" campaign hat is campaigning, it is direct advertising for the campaign.

    Get over your persecution complexes. When did Republicans loose their minds and adopt some socialist fascist idea that people or the government can dictate policy to private companies? Get over yourselves, you are making us look stupid!

  2. Private facility. Rules in place. Rule regarding political campaigning previously poorly enforced, now universally enforced.
    They should have enforced it all along, but didn't because mostly
    no one cared, so long as it wasn't rude in general. Political
    views become contentious, thereby becoming a potential work hazard, one that might affect product quality and reputation of the facility,
    thereby threatening the company's reputation and bottom line.

    Advice: lose the hat at work.

    1. And now the 80 year old will start the trolling all day between meds.

    2. Like you lost your mind?

  3. More advice: contact an employment attorney.

  4. Double standard "sucks"!

  5. Rules are Rules and can be implemented anytime.

    Rules ALSO can be overlooked IF one isn't causing problems too.

    We all have been there and know exactly how fair we should or shouldn't go.

    Rules are Rules. Don't like them, become your own boss!

    1. You are wrong. You can not pick and choose who you enforce the rules on. The company is going to find out the hard way.

  6. 8:25, funny how when it's Democratic apparel people coincidentally "get away with it" for years and years. As soon as someone has an opposing view, they are fired. The company has a big problem if this guy can come up with some pictures or other evidence of people being allowed to work(without repercussion) while wearing the items he described. I understand that it's a private business and they make their own rules but the rules must be enforced equally across the board. When you enforce the rules to single out someone who doesn't agree with you that becomes discrimination and retaliation. Hopefully this guy finds a good lawyer.

  7. The problem is companies hiring BLACK HR reps. All they do is implement racist policies where anything infavor of Democrats is okay. But support a republican?? All of a sudden nobody can wear anything political BULLSHIT.

  8. @ September 3, 2020 at 9:41 AM & September 3, 2020 at 9:54 AM

    A company has every right to determine and dictate what their employees wear. They could have a policy that says you can only wear Biden approved clothing and it would be perfectly legal. It could be you can only wear Trump approved clothing, and the same would apply.

    Not one lawyer is taking a case that they know they would loose, the case wouldn't make it to court.

    How long someone has broken the rules is irrelevant to the fact they are breaking the rules.

    1. Bottom line. They only enforce it when they seem fit. That's wrong and ILLEGAL.

      BLACK with BLM or Obama clothing. OKAY.



  9. Can’t let them win come back with a weapon

  10. The shipyard lost a man

  11. 10:45 you are wrong. Yes, the company can say what and what not to wear. If they make a rule about no political attire then so be it. The problem comes when they have already set a precedent about not enforcing their own rules as long as it falls in line with the companies political views. Then all of a sudden they target a person with the rules that haven't been enforced for years because they don't agree with his views. It's called political discrimination and it is illegal. He won't have a problem finding a lawyer if what he says is true about the prior years.

  12. Illegal !!! Violates his Rights !!!

  13. if it were a Biden hat he would be Promoted !!! Democrat controlled
    management , no Doubt !!!! Democrat Controlled state of VA !!!!

  14. Exactly 3:41, its not about disagreeing with the rules, its about the double standard and discriminating against one person for wearing something when others can where it.

  15. @ September 3, 2020 at 12:13 PM & September 3, 2020 at 3:41 PM

    Please to cite the law that you are referring to? Point to how you justify your claims as to the legality of it.


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