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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Let This Sink In...


  1. You can blame Democrats all you want but we all know the problem. It’s the big musky silverback in the room.
    Majority Low Black cultural standards, educational Ineptitude and decay.
    Somehow their social consciousness has associated decency, personal hygiene, character and grammar with “whiteness” and it’s all frowned upon in their community where dressing, acting like and being a low life gangsta thug is desirable.

  2. Jim jordan is a true Patriot. Too bad the entire Republican party isn't as such. Without the federal government D.C. wouldn't exist. The President should defund D.C. after the election.

  3. General public doesn’t know this because leftmedia doesn’t report on.

  4. Heck of a pattern there. How no one can "see" it is beyond all of us.

    Happy Thursday before another MadDog 2020 Holiday Weekend.

  5. LOL who exactly has blamed Trump for crime in these cities? Inquiring minds would like to know. Use facts, not the usual hear say and fairy tales.

    1. 8:10 Your attempt to “play dumb” doesn’t work. One only needs to turn on any news station or talk show and someone somewhere is blaming Trump for this. Including your one trick pony show Biden. 🙄

    2. Blaming Trump is reported by msm every single day 8:10. You are a worthless liberal so I know you get your news from cbs,cnn, and nbc who hate Trump and make up lies everyday. You do see it, maybe your just to stupid to realize it.

  6. YES. Absolutely.

    Look at those dates. 50 years for some, almost 100 years for Chicago. In all those years, how often have you seen civil unrest at the levels we have now. Go ahead, I'll wait.

    There hasn't been civil unrest on this level in any of those cities until NOW. When Trump is in charge.

    He fans the flames of division and encourages the conflict to use for his own personal gain.

    So YES, YES it is demonstrably evident that this is directly a result of Trump.

    1. If a little taunting is all it takes to start those fires in the democratic led cities, BURN BABY BURN !!!!

  7. Stats don't lie...and look where all the unrest is. Hmmmmm

  8. Proves just how stupid Democrats are.

  9. @ September 3, 2020 at 8:49 AM & September 3, 2020 at 8:57 AM

    NO unrest for 50 to 100 years. Trump takes office, and we have unrest.

    So, for 46 - 96 years, no unrest. What has changed in the last four years. OH! That's right, Trump is running the show.

    So, no problems for 46-96 years under Democrats... How do you have the hubris to try and say this is the Democrats, and not a result of Trumps intentional divisiveness?

    What do those stats tell you?

    1. It baffles me that you believe that there have been "no problems for 46-96 years" in those cities. And by the way, it was your boy Obama who started the racial division and war on police with Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray.

    2. It tells me that it is an election year. It tells me that Trump would not want these issues this close to his election. It tells me that I should spend some time looking into these people BLM and Antifa. Who are they? Who funds them? Where and how did it start? What is the goal? And why now all of a sudden with an election year? And add covid on top of it all? Which I have a friend who works on covid floors in respiratory in the city. She says covid is being used and way over blown. Spend some time looking into what you speak of. You have a point. Just the wrong person to blame. Educate yourself.

  10. I pray if Dems don't come to their senses before the election all these cities with all the riots are burned to the ground they have allowed it to happen and have added gasoline themselves to the the lawlessness they brought on. They wanted to defund the police, blame Trump anyone but these groups that came in and walked them down this road to distruction. The mayors have turned away the assistance they could have had this is what they all wanted and they will be cities like Ferguson that will loose and become ghost towns. NY will loose millions they can forget the holiday shopping and revenue they make every year because they listened to a Mayor that has a brain like Biden burned out no lights on.

  11. 830 and 936, you buffoons believe the way you do because you refuse to look at basic facts. If you don't believe these places have witnessed unrest in 50 - 100 years, its because you are either too dumb or too lazy to gather the facts most people already know.

  12. 9:36 Hey dumbo. The unrest started when blm was created. Any idea when that was, or, are you blinders distorting you vision?

  13. Meanwhile Trump just told voters in North Carolina to vote twice. Which is literally illegal. So our current president is encouraging people to commit voter fraud. Let that sink in.

    1. I would vote twice if I could 9:58. TRUMP 2020 YEE HAAA

    2. Yes, because the system is corrupt. He is trying to prove a point. Why do we have to prove who we are to do so many things, yet we don't need proof to vote. Wake up will you?! You are being so dumb. If we don't stop this madness we are in some big trouble!!!

  14. 9:36

    You've got to be kidding! That's rich!

    No sane person would blame 50 years of dumbocrat decay on Trump.

    So where is the divisiveness coming from?

    Could it be:
    Maxine Waters telling people to get in the face of Trump supporters
    Three years of investigations of Trump started by a fake document Hillary paid the Russians to create?
    An impeachment based on NOTHING!
    How about Kathy Griffin holding a severed Trump head in a picture?
    How about Pelosi ripping up Trumps State of the Union speech for the whole world to see?
    Or maybe Pelosi telling people to not listen to him(Trump)?
    Or Pelosi saying that there going to have to fumigate the White House after Trumps out?
    Or how about the vicious unfounded attack on Trump Supreme court nominee Brett Kavahaugh?

    I could go on and on.
    So, who's being divisive?

    Look in the mirror!

    1. I hear there's still kinky hairs left in the White House from the previous administration

  15. @ 09/03 9:36 AM,

    It isn't hard to see where the divisiveness REALLY comes from.

    It comes from the Marxists at Black Lives Matter and Antifa. They and their allies in the leftist media promote the bogus narrative that the police are running around shooting innocent black men. In fact, IN EVERY SINGLE CASE, the black men in question were breaking the law, resisting arrest and had long criminal records of violent behavior.

    So, explain to us again how this is all Trump's fault.

    You're a loser.

  16. Washington DC should not have a mayor. There should be a congressional appointed person to run the District. It is the capital city of our country and should not be a crime infested S**thole.

  17. 9:36 AM - You need to do some reading (providing you can) on your own and not only listen to MSNBC and CNN. And, please, if you are really this ignorant do not vote!

  18. All the protesters I see on TV are over 12 years old. By 12 any normal human knows the difference between what's right and what's wrong. Every criminal protester or rioter is responsible for their own actions and should be held accountable, blaming someone else and saying they are fanning the flames is childish. Grow up losers, 2016 is over and November 3th is coming fast. Get prepared for 4 more years of Trump because he isn't going anywhere.

  19. 2 Term Limits needed !!! Proves Demon-crats have Too much power

    Time to FIX that in 2020 !!! America Wake UP !!!


  21. When was the last time there was a Republican Mayor in Salisbury??

    Riddle me that one!


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