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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Joe Biden starts Presidential Campaign by Praising Antifa

Former Vice President Joe Biden endorsed Antifa in a video announcing his presidential bid Thursday, characterizing the group as “courageous” and saying it’s wrong to draw a moral equivalence between white nationalist groups and those opposing them.

The violent methods of Antifa are well documented. The nebulous group often uses these violent means against peaceful conservative speakers, benign free speech advocates, and even journalists.

In a retelling of the events at a 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., Biden describes the white nationalists as having “crazed faces, illuminated by torches, veins bulging and baring the fangs of racism,” but describes the Antifa members who engaged violently with them as “a courageous group of Americans.”

“A violent clash ensued, and a brave young woman lost her life,” Biden says in the video. “And that’s when we heard the words of the president of the United States that stunned the world and shocked the conscience of this nation.”



  1. How could anyone that is a true American vote for this POS !!

  2. It was said he is looking for their vote, and also said that the trash doesn’t even vote. Lol

  3. Most of them are convicted felons and not allowed to vote in a legitimate election.

    But the corrupt dumbocrats are trying get around that with the mail in voter fraud scheme.

  4. The article doesn't have a direct quote, nor a link to him saying this.

    Quote mining is a tactic in which you take a portion of what someone says to make it seem that they hold a view that they do not.

    I wonder why there is no source material cited? Biden has condemned the riots time and time again.

    1. Not time and time again. He only did this week for the first time. Portland has had 90 days of unrest, but he only cared enough about the innocent bystanders, trying to get on with their truly peaceful lives, to condemn the riots directly this week for the first time.

  5. If he wins WE ARE SCREWED please please do not vote for him

  6. The democrat party is the party of violence. The democrat party exclusively owns the riots. Violence is who they are.
    Never forget Maxine Waters calling all her fellow democrats to attack Republicans.

  7. Is that before he said he was against them? Com'on Man, I forgot what I said yesterday.

  8. Biden is saying that Trump supporters are racists because he is a racist, therefore we are dehumanized and can be attacked. He has to be disqualified for calling on violence against the supporters of his opponent. We have to start taking down those that call others racists, when they are not. People who call other people a racist should be attacked if they are not providing proof of said racism in a lawsuit anything else needs to be good enough reason to end that shit however it can be done. In other words, anyone calling someone a racist needs to have their mouth shut forever. By any means.

  9. Of course he did. Just google Antifa and it takes you to Joes page so you can donate. Anyone that supports this clown after being in office for 47 years is just willfully uneducated and absolutely pathetic. He is everything you dimwits accuse Trump of being but you are all too stupid to see it😂. #hypocrisyatitsfinest

  10. ANTIFA are the only jobs he and Obama created

  11. If he wins, everything freezes and bills will need to be paid, if he loses, no freeze but bills need to be paid.

    2024 should be off the hook with new Prez candidates, Senate seats and all House seats up for election.

    2020 is nothing compared to 2024

  12. FACT CHECK: Bliden does not, nor has he ever had much brain matter in the cranium..... Similar trait with many others in the Dumbocrat Party.

  13. 11:20 that post coming later today!

  14. He's just saying what he's being told to say.

  15. And not one fact-checker saying Biden's lying when he is saying the President said "fine people on both sides" Well, he did say that but only AFTER stating that people who identify as white supremacists are horrible people. How people love to choose which part of someone's words to highlight while totally ignoring context and the rest of the relevant conversation.

  16. 12:54 What President Trump said there were fine people on both sides arguing for and against the statue/monument controversy. There isn't a democrat alive who will admit this truth though They are all rank lying wastes of space on this earth Not one democrat has ever done a thing positive for society This country would be Utopia if not for the putrid stains called democrats fouling it's soil

  17. Northwest Woodsman: Take a look at what was going on in Germany in the 20s and 30s. Communist civil disorder and political violence resulted in Adolf Hitler eventually seizing power. There is no denying the man was politically adept and was able to get Germany back on its feet. If you were to watch video of the early years of his reign, you will see millions of adoring citizens attending his rallies and I assure you, they were not forced. Unfortunately, some policies resulted in disaster for Germany and the world. I’d hate to see a reoccurrence of that era, but the marxists are basically following the same path that led to their rejection and the rise of nazism.


  18. 10:06

    Anonymous said...

    The article doesn't have a direct quote, nor a link to him saying this.

    Quote mining is a tactic in which you take a portion of what someone says to make it seem that they hold a view that they do not.

    I wonder why there is no source material cited? Biden has condemned the riots time and time again.

    You lie! You dumbocrats even had a convention hosted from Hiden Biden's basement and no one word of the riots were mentioned.

    Hiden Biden didn't say a word about the riots until last week.

  19. WHY is this post getting continually censored and not posted, unless you don't want the narrative here directly and demonstrably refuted?! The gall of complaining about "conservative censorship" while censoring anyone else's posts that don't warrant blocking!

    @ September 2, 2020 at 10:29 AM

    Wrong. He condemned the rioting on June 2nd, in a speech designed to unify Americans and bring a calm to the situation. This was the first of many times Biden has spoken out against the rioting.

    Stop parroting what you have not fact checked. Your "news entertainment media" source is feeding you inaccurate propaganda.

  20. Joe Biden thought ANTIFA was the new name for that time of the month his girls used to call "Aunt Flo" visiting. He is a clueless Moron!

  21. 3:01

    I pulled up at watched Hiden Biden's June 2 speech.
    Biden did NOT condemn the rioting in fact he did quite the opposite, he condemned Trump for stopping the riots in DC where they tried to burn down the church.

    You dumbocrats can't tell the truth if your life depended on it.

    Liars cheats and thieves.

    Oh, and by the way. I was painful watching a man with advanced dementia like Hiden Biden attempt to read the teleprompter.

    Biden can't get 1 sentence out without screwing it up.


    I could just see Hiden Biden with the nuclear football.

    "Kemela, bring me the....the....do you like football?.....where's my pudding?"

  22. Proves Biden & Dems are a TRAITOR , so get them OUT of Govt 2020 !


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