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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Federal panel lays out initial priorities for COVID-19 vaccine distribution

Initial doses of a COVID-19 vaccine should go to front-line health workers, first responders and people at serious risk for infection, according to new draft guidelines released Tuesday by a federal advisory panel.
The draft guidelines were developed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to help U.S. officials plan for an equitable allocation of an eventual vaccine.
The final report will be released later this fall.


  1. Unbelievable
    They plan to sicken / kill the health care workers first with the kill shot.

  2. The VAX is already “developed” now they are manufacturing it. This is why they could not allow the abortions to stop - they need the tissue for the VAX.

  3. oh come on...according to the script, 1st responders (our bread and butter for life) is always first to be the guinea pigs.

    Sad but so very true and unfortunate.

  4. Death panels exist

  5. There is no way in hell I would take that vaccine. They pushed it through to fast, all trying to be first. It's all about money for them, not lives, They have not had time to test it. I will not take it for any reason. I won't even take the regular flu shot,.

    1. 11:34
      If you think this is about money, then you are clueless. Totally.

      Get a clue: the Fed prints US Dollars from thin air. Literally.

      Wake up and smell the genocide my man!

  6. This vaccine will be sugar water. Everyone will get a shot and then they'll tell you to go back to work, because this "Pandemic" is fake!

  7. im a first responder, and someone else can gladly have mine! i wouldnt trust that stuff for at least the first 2 years!


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