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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Indoor Dining now at 75%

Restaurants in Maryland are now allowed to seat up to 75% of their patrons. The order to increase capacity, came from Governor Hogan on the heels of fall temperatures. 

Restaurants must continue to follow social distancing and public health requirements consistent with CDC, FDA and National Restaurant Association guidelines.

Buffets are still not allowed, and neither is serving patrons who are not seated.

Also, state guidlines can be tailored for each jurisdiction.  

Anne Arundel CountyBaltimore CityMontgomery County and Prince George's County remain under tighter restrictions than the rest of Maryland.


  1. Most Ocean City restaurants would consider this as a reduction in capacity as they haven’t followed the guidelines from day one. Dollars before lives always!

    1. I see you're still drinking the cool-aid 8:28. A true American patriot you are .... Not

    2. Just shut up. What restaurant did you visit that was not following the rules? I've been to several, and my kids worked in OC all summer. The owners were wonderful to my kids and worked very hard to follow rules and keep people safe, and yes, heaven forbid make money. You went no where and stayed home right; cause lives before dollars?! Which means you have no clue what OC was like. Ocean City businesses did a great job trying to follow all the rules. Many have lost alot of money, and I hope they are able to stay in business. If small businesses continue to close and the corporations rule the world, you will be posting money over lives. How do you live without money? You do not believe what you post. You just like to stir the pot. Start supporting the small guy so you can actually do some good in this world. Karma is a ....well you already know.

  2. Biden and Harris want YOU to be tested everyday but they have NOT BEEN TESTED for the most deadly virus in history. They both refuse and media doesn’t question it.

    1. Most deadly in history? Totally false! Do some research please!

  3. 8:28. You are ignorant and can’t possibly be that stupid. You obviously follow network news and are scared so stay home.

  4. It's been over for months now, folks. No new actual new a\cases on the Eastern Shore since what, April? No reports of hospitalizations since the original 4 or 5 in Wicomico? Having trouble getting home from work because of all the meat wagons in the road collecting covid bodies? I'm not seeing it, folks, and the CDC has not updated their site statistics in 4 months.

    4 months ago they were updating daily, one has to wonder why?

    1. Then why did a Cape Henlopen student test positive for the virus on tuesday?

    2. Maybe he has the common cold? It is covid by the way. I mean covid is a thing but is it as deadly as they said? Is this kid in the hospital? Is he gonna die? Enough to ruin the economy? Close up all business? Stop education? Come on!! Wake up, stop being played. Trump 20/20.

    3. 6:26. Positive tests mean nothing. Also, tests are unreliable. Up to 50% false positives.

    4. Did he die ? No hardly anyone does

  5. Gosh, Larry, have you passed this though he Legislature as required by law? Have you had any of you draconian "emergency procedures" follow due process since enacting them"


    You need to read Maryland law and U.S. Law on this.

    F your mask ruling, it's expired. We are free people with no guarantee of safety and love that freedom.

  6. 75% capacity at a 10 % profit margin equals a 15% loss of income.

    Thanks, Larry,

  7. There never was a pandemic. They needed to crash the economy to have something to use against Trump during the elections. The medical workers of the at least the upper echelons were bribed with 15k per patient diagnosed with it. The medical profession is mostly collegiate leftists who went through Marxist indoctrination in college. The mega corporations went along with it because they could sustain the loss long enough to allow smaller businesses to go bankrupt and close. Without other options for buying you will go to those stores.

    1. I’m not one for conspiracy theories but by God, I am starting to believe what you stated.

    2. My two nurse cousins in Staten Island must have died from this fake virus then. Good to know. Btw, please tell me where that bribe money is so we can give it to their families. Also, since when do Marxists use a capitalist bribe of money to further their goal? Oh right...you’re a crazed cult member who left planet Earth long ago...

  8. @ September 23, 2020 at 1:14 AM

    Riiiiiggghhhht. The rest of the world just played along with the game too with the "fake" pandemic.

    Pedal your stupid conspiracy theories elsewhere.

    To quote Billy Madison:

    "What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

  9. There never was a pandemic? All made up to hurt Trump? Nice of the rest of the world to play along. Trump supporting development of a vaccine for a non-disease. Odd.

  10. I’m just glad to see the blog is back in action

  11. 1:14 you think that the entire world conspired to create a fake pandemic just to ruin the US economy to hurt Trump's re-election? Who is paying the doctors this arbitrary 15k you came up with? You're delusional and should seek some medical help yourself, and I mean that genuinely and sincerely. Paranoia is often a symptom of underlying mental health issues.

    1. Um, there is all kinds of covid money out here. Just talk to the traveling nurse making big money and working beside the regular nurse making regular money. And no, not an entire world. Very few know the truth. The entire world just follows along like the sheep they are. How did Hilter kill so many people in seven years?!?! Because the sheep loaded the trains and followed orders and as long as it wasn't their family on the train all is good. Unless they come for you! Wake up!!

    2. Um, there is all kinds of covid money out here. Just talk to the traveling nurse making big money and working beside the regular nurse making regular money. And no, not an entire world. Very few know the truth. The entire world just follows along like the sheep they are. How did Hilter kill so many people in seven years?!?! Because the sheep loaded the trains and followed orders and as long as it wasn't their family on the train all is good. Unless they come for you! Wake up!!

  12. Its terrifying that people like 1:14 can vote.

  13. And it will be raised to 100% on November 4th

  14. Yay! The other day it was our 6 month anniversary of not flattening the curve!

  15. 9:26 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-reveals-tested-for-covid-19
    Please stop spreading false information. We all dislike Biden but it's no excuse for lies.

  16. 11:38 perhaps it's you who needs to read the statutes. His emergency orders followed all legal requirements. Secondly, you don't speak for all of us. You don't have the right to willingly endanger other people. You want to put yourself at risk, fine, but the line gets drawn when it affects other people. Imagine if I refuse to drive at night with my headlights on. My defense being that it is my right to endanger myself. Well, driving with no headlights doesn't just affect me does it? See how stupid that mask logic is?

    1. 10:01
      Driving without lights is fine so long as you don’t damage someone’s property.

  17. 11:41 shame on those who care more about lives than an extra buck. This is capitalism. Just proves that people like you value the almighty dollar more than human life.

    1. 10:02. Nope. Don’t pull the “feelings” card. Why don’t you ask yourself why we are locked down nine months later? The epidemic is over. It’s just a virus. Open everything back up. Gosh people are gullible.

    2. Very similar to Venezuela system.
      Identity politics
      Remove statues and names
      remove gun ownership
      Remove and replace law enforcement
      Elites get iron gates, the best food and private security
      Everyone else gets food, medical and transportation when government thinks it is ok. Food Made by the people for the people just in very small amounts
      This system works excellent vote Harris

    3. 10:02
      You are a pathetic mind controlled sheep

      Educate yourself

  18. Attn: Steve 22nd @ 11:28 Go back to Momma's Cellar. The count is up dated everyday. Wicomico's count today is 1919 cases with 48 deaths and that does take include out of county S.U. Students that contacted it here because their cases are added into their home address Which may be a few hundred more. Go back to sleep Steve !!!

    1. Only 48 deaths? Did you talk to the Drs and nurses? They said those 48 people would have died anyway, flu, pneumonia, old age? How many have the common cold, oh all of them? How many SU students in the hospital? Oh, none? How many have died from SU? Oh, none? How many SU students have gone home to the hospital? Oh, none. You spew dumbness. So how about you go back to sleep. Moron. You can't believe your own post. Wake up!!!

  19. Hey 7:30; When have you ever had the FLU and never had a fever???? I'll wait!!!! Do you even know why you get a fever in the first place??? it means your body is removing the virus!!!! So how can you have a virus that causes a so called disease, yet 90% of most people are not affect or show signs??? Quit being an obtuse moron!!! Do you even know what a disease is or does to the body??? So how can you show no signs of it, and it doesn't hurt anything in your body??? Is that like drapetomania??? or spring fever??? Where slaves had a disease called drapetomania because they wanted to be free and tried to escape???

  20. If the chinese virus is so bad then why do we see these prominent Demoncrats (who are pushing the shut down) without masks when they don't think the cameras are watching. Pelosi at the hair salon, Cuomo at a party, Fauchi at a baseball game. Yeah it is bad but not as bad as the politicians would like.

  21. The food industry has been hit hard by the Demonrat Plandemic. Some of the restaurants will never reopen. Too bad Hogan's money wasn't in restaurants. They would have been able to stay open. Construction never closed. I wonder why.

  22. Love the restaurant owners that have raped customers for years, lived fat off all the money they rake in, second homes, trips for the entire family......some how my heart is just not broken over a bad year, which 2/3rds didn’t follow guidelines to begin with!!! Stay open year round and you will still be able to afford your luxury items while the rest of us work everyday, every year to just make ends meet!!!

    1. 1:35
      Jealous much?
      It is showing in case you didn’t realize.

      Work harder and save your money.
      You too can take vacations when you grow up

    2. You can go own/run a resteraunt too. Lordy Day.

  23. The stat cited by the news medea and the CDC should say:

    People who died WITH covid, not people died of covid.

  24. Dugh !! This has gone on ALL summer already !!! LOL

  25. No 5:10 he’s just factual!

    1. I find this a jerk response. You are not "raped" by the resteraunt owner. If you don't like the price then don't go. People have a right to spend what money they make how they want. If you think there is so much money in the business, go buy one. Plenty of them for sale right now.

  26. 1:35. You are sick.

  27. @720 when you realize the rest of the world includes Marxist in every country as well as people who want America removed from it's power position its easy to understand.

    The problem with sheep like yourself is that you still believe the world is controlled by elections and the billions when in reality it is controlled by a few. Those few, the Rothschild family, the Bilderbergers, make plans internationally.

    They want power and control of the world taken from America and placed into Israel which is their criminal state. Once America falls the other small follower nations will follow suit.

    Peddle your traitorous Jewish propaganda elsewhere.

  28. @626 Because people were infected with the coronavirus during the flu shot push a few years back so when this plan was put into action they'd have the ability to label it a pandemic. Just about everyone in the USA will test positive for it. Testing positive for it is no worse than testing positive for a cold.

  29. @10:01 Yes I do have the right to willingly endanger you when the danger is so broadly defined as to infringe on my personal freedoms. You do not have a right to control what I wear and where I go so that you feel safe. Don't worry though in the near future you'll be living in a warzone and we can hold court on the battlefield as to the interpretation. By all means, thing waiving paper and declaring it law is going to perpetually keep tyranny in place.

  30. @754 Did you complete the autopsy? No you did not. You have no idea what they died of and that's if you aren't just a shill for the medical industry or the democratic party.

    There are tons of medical professionals who have came forward and stated they were told to label any death that isn't obviously an act of violence or the like a COVID related death.


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