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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Elizabeth Day, Wife of Salisbury Mayor Jake Day serves jail time

Elizabeth Day, the wife of Salisbury Mayor Jake Day, is currently serving 10 days in jail. 

Day surrendered to authorities late Friday afternoon. She was in court Friday morning facing a single count of attempted possession of Adderall, a controlled and dangerous substance, and also one count of contributing to the condition of a child, the second charge was dismissed by the state.

The 30, year old former physical education teacher at James M. Bennett High School in Salisbury, was arrested on December 19 stemming from  an investigation that was launched after a report was filed Dec. 9, 2019, through the Child Advocacy Center.

Day, who apologized for her "poor decision", and said, "I take full responsibility for my actions", entered an Alford plea, which means, that a defendant maintains his or her innocence but acknowledges that, had the state proceeded to trial, there likely would have been sufficient evidence for a conviction. 



  1. Such BS. You or I would have served the 9 months just waiting for trial. F Jake, F Liz and F Randy, not to mention F Jamie for playing by two sets of rules. It’s not over ‘til it’s over. We are watching and documenting.

    1. Funny how white people get mad over this being not fair but yet when we tell you that it happens all the time and it's called WHITE PRIVLAGE you say we're making it up.

    2. I thought only scumbag cops had get out of jail free cards....

    3. You are making it up.

  2. Oh my 10 days.... Man that's some hard time there... Who will take care of her bills, mow her grass get her affairs in order.... She will when she gets out in 10 days GTFOH with that weak ass sentence. What would regular Joe blow have gotten for that crime?

    1. Not 10 days, you get 1 day 'good time's for every 3, she will be out in a week, 7 days tops! BS!!!

  3. This is a total spit in the face to parents. She should have gotten more charges. What about schools are a drug free zone? So many other charges should have been givin. Especially since there were text proving her as a functional human..
    10days is a tap on the hand. And its not the 1st time either. She just never got caught before! I can't believe this. Had it been anyone else. We would have gotten more time. And the wcboe will more than likely allow her back with open arms. Because remember she is dummy days wife. Boy they make a good pair. All goes down to this. Its all about who you are and who you know that determines what you get for a crime. And im pretty sure she did more than text and beg for them pills. And im pretty sure it was more than a handful! Makes me sick that most of these so called teachers can basically do anything they want and get away with it. And since she is day's wife. Jail time for her is a country club setting.

  4. Teachers or anyone that has direct contact teaching children should be held to a higher standard not a lower one. This just goes to show you how little your children mean to BOE, states attorney,or anyone who was involved with this mess. Just as a general principle she should have gotten the max penalty it shouldn't be condoned in any way shape or form.

  5. You all voted for the pos she’s married to.

    1. no

      all his College drinking buddies voted for Jake the snake

    2. 6:20 No. That was all his gay friends from the brick room :)

    3. No we didnt...and not everyone voted either....but that's an entirely different and much needed conversation

    4. @1:44 pm are you referring to Alex Scott’s gay bar?

  6. A travesty of justice, no doubt, but this is Maryland. What did you expect? If you're a well-connected democrat, you get special treatment.

    Look at Kristina Hampton, who swerved all over Coastal Hwy. so her passenger could hurl trash at pedestrians. She didn't even get arrested, just written citations. Connected somehow? Safe bet. Repercussions in the future? No way.

    How about Charlie Shaw down in Stockton who ran over and killed her neighbor in front of the neighbor's 9 year old daughter last January? No charges, still "under investigation." Those in charge have intentionally stalled so long, and we have not held them accountable for their failure to complete their "investigation." There is some hidden connection there, too. She killed that lady, pure and simple, and eight months later, no charges. They swept it under the rug and we let them.

    So Jake's wife only got ten days? She'll serve six, then quietly get a cushy job out of the limelight with some patronizing democrat. That's how it works here.

    1. That's how it works everywhere 7:21, not just here. However if you feel like moving away, we won't miss you.

    2. Two words....Julie brewington

    3. 7:59 pm is that you Jake Burdett?? We know you are the one that did the FOIA for the video!

      And for the record this is not about Julie it’s about the Mare’s wife. She is a low life POS scumbag just like you and her husband. And just like her father in law!

    4. @ 7:59 the two words are nice deflection, idiot!

  7. Not same punishment for women as men in these cases

  8. Our legal system sucks , never have I ever seen a good lawyer or judge . She deserves 10 years , not 10 days . Dykes also sucks! Women VS women .

  9. Wait, did you see the article where she explains herself? Or her lawyers explain her actions? She was stressed out working on her continuing education and a Dr had told her she had ADD and she was going to get a script just hadn't yet, and she got desperate. So I'm sure they found a doctor to back date an appointment. What a joke. The truth will set you free. Just another example of the people at the top getting away with their sins while the peasants pay heavily for theirs. Not sure how you ever excuse buying drugs off a kid in school. Plenty of adults out here she could have bought from. She just is above everyone else.

    1. Tarred and feathered wouldn't have suited you people!

  10. big whup. she deserves much more.

  11. I don’t necessarily disagree with the sentence. The sentence does a number of things: there is a certain humiliation in it, it is 10 days, and the judge probably assessed whether this would be a common occurrence. Generally I don’t think she’ll be engaging in this any longer.

  12. What an EMBASSMENT. Well I guess these two are in competition for the most EMBASSMENT trophy. You can thank the corrupt judicial for this. If it were one of us?? You'd be in jail for more than 10 days.

    1. You spalling is an “EMBASSMENT” 8:39

    2. I think people who can't spell embarrassment should be embarrassed. Go back to school, fool!

    3. Who cares?? You fool's?? Worried more about spelling than a teacher buying DRUG'S from a student. Shorebillies with a Worwick degree.

    4. Ah, don’t you feel superior correcting others. You are special and want the community to know. You should put your given name in the mix so we know who it is that’s smarter than us minions. I have left you with a bunch to correct. Please make me feel special too.

    5. Well 8:38 am, Randy Day is also an embarrassment so that makes all 3 of them.

  13. I take full responsibility as I enter a Alford plea of innocence. Spoken by a true liberal.

  14. No mention of being on a sex offender list. So, all that was rumors?

    1. They were absolute rumors started by students. Don’t you think if there was any validity to that she would have been brought up on charges.

    2. No. But not newsworthy. Some things just don’t make the news.

  15. And don’t forget, she didn’t do 10 days because she got good time. Such a bite in the a$$. She was and is a poor excuse for a teacher but politics seem to always win.

  16. It was a very fair sentence.

    1. 10:27 No it wasn’t Jake.

    2. Can I have some of what u are eating drinking and or smoking. It must be real good to come to that conclusion Jake.

    3. Really 1027, fair compared to what?

  17. What about dealing drug in a school zone? I would have been given 10 years, not days! Damn liberal , bleeding heart DA and judges.

  18. Look it up folks.....the judge is only going to sentence on the charges filed. Yes, she took an Alford Plea, but both charges which were filed were only misdemeanors.

    What she did was wrong in every aspect, so please do not think for one second I am condoning the behavior. Alot of the community jumped on the RUMOR band wagon, and drug not only hers but the childs name through the dirt.

    What I find interesting through all this is JAKE. Isn't it funny how while the community is going through a SCAMDEMIC MESS and his family was dealing with this stuff from Liz, he straight rolls out.

    I have known many people who have served 20 plus years in the reserves and never been deployed for 10 months during none war times. His pansy democratic A$$ signed up for that deployment and ran with his tail between his legs, completely deserting his family and daughters. You can go ahead and believe his story about serving the country....HAHAHAHAH he is a total fake and a joke.

    Meanwhile, the one he left in charge is pushing her own agenda. The light pole banners downtown really speak to her agenda. I believe they read "All Lives are Equal here" a very true statement but when it is plastered on a rainbow background, it says the wrong message.

    Whats also funny, is all the times the cops have been called on him for domestic abuse, all of which his parents are VERY familiar with and yet its always kept hush hush.

    1. Nothing angers a MAGAt zombie like the shocking phrase “all lives are equal here”......ironically the cops still have qualified immunity so....I guess some lives are more equal than others...

  19. I have read all the comments so far. Everyone on here Is ready to bash someone who they don’t even know personally. Yes Ms. Day made a very bad choice. She will never teach again as a result of it and served her time.

    The real issue in her life is her abusive husband, your mayor, Jacob Day! I honestly believe if he was a decent human being to his wife this would never have happened. He is never home, she worked full time, was getting her PhD and is always with her little girls. He plays mind games with her. He has physically abused her in front of the children. He controls her from Africa. He belittles her constantly. You ask, why doesn’t she leave? It’s way bigger than that! Your mayor is an evil man behind closed doors. A leopard doesn’t change his spots. I pray for Liz Day and her girls.

  20. Total BS. Charges of drug dealing, Dealing drugs with minors, sex with minors, child abuse etc. should it had been a male they would have gotten 10 - 20 depended on the amount of occurrences.

    Total discrimination of the law. That DA / SA / Judge should be removed from office for dereliction of duty in charges and sentences.

    1. Jacob Day I know this is you replying from afar. Can’t take the truth. You are an evil human being. God made a mistake when he created you. Your parents enabled the person you have become! Your little girls will hate you some day for the insane way you treat their mother.

  21. Nothing on case search. How is that possible?

  22. No fan of Day but she had no record and pled out, most people wouldnt have even gotten the 10 days from this.

  23. Okay, boys, how are you liking Two Sets of Laws now??

    As other commenters have pointed out, YOU or I (we, the people....the serfs) would have gotten BIG jail time.
    The police and prosecutors have ruined lives over drugs use/sales in a school or within 1000 feet of one. They take it VERY seriously.
    EXCEPT when you are protected by Two Sets of Laws.
    As you can see they don't even care what it looks like or how you feel about it. In your face and f u if you don't like it.
    The rule of law is disintegrating before our very eyes.
    Entropy is gaining strength and speed.
    Wait until Trump destroys the liberal pansy in less than 2 months.
    Entropy may go into a full run.
    Buy ammo. Keep guns handy.
    Keep cheering. You got exactly what you voted for (if you believe their tally).

  24. 10:39, while most of the dealings had been on school grounds, when Sheriff Lewis put together the STING he purposely did so OFF school grounds so there wouldn't be felony charges.

    1. Wouldn’t you say the sting operation was entrapment?

    2. Again. If it were you or I?? He'd wait for it to be ON school ground's. Cop's always go for the most in a crime. So this was all a SHAM from the get go. Lewis must have been looking at her ASS instead if a CRIME.

    3. So the locker room meeting was fabricated?

  25. Hmm. I've always liked Sheriff Lewis. Isn't that a little bit of special treatment there?

  26. How are she and hubby paying for upgrades to that money pit they bought on Camden ave? There are ALWAYS ppl working there. And guess who lives directly across the street?

    1. 2:42
      OK I will take a guess:


      Give me Joe DuPont Biden for $100

    2. Who lives across the street?

    3. Little Bradley “Richie Rich” Gillis

  27. In this day (no pun intended) and age, what time does the protesting start?

  28. I make mistakes all the time and honestly if a doctor says I need medication I always go to a high school first to purchase some. But only if my script isn’t ready yet. Ha.

  29. What you fail to see is that after she serves the sentence and waits for probation to be over - she can petition the court to have the charges sealed and or expunged - removed from the system.... Smart girl.

  30. She’s a hottie....should have been probation only!!!

  31. So this is why Jake left town. He comes back in the spring and this is all forgotten. I would expect the local media will present her as a victim and she will become a consultant for region drug victims programs.

  32. Jamie is a fraud. Can not even protect the children.

    All but 2 of 50 comments are negative.

    This is the good ol boy system selling out Wicomoco and Salisbury again. You just refuse to learn. You deserve, as a community, all the last place finishes you get. Absolutely corrupt.

    JAMIE YOU OWN THIS. Any jurist of integrity would consider resignation.

  33. She will end up with a clean record like it never happened. She will be teaching again soon. Actually she will be principle. Next time she buys, she will be smarter which kid she buys from.

  34. The judge already made it so she will not have a record. She will be back to teaching in no time.

  35. Can you put the State's Atty on a recall referendum ballot?
    I'm sure parents in this county are outraged. How can the County say they can protect our children like this?

  36. "...the second charge was dismissed by the state."

    No, that should really read the second charge was dismissed by the States Attorney, Jamie Dykes and supported by Sheriff Mike Lewis. Thanks to that stupid move she will get off Scott free and not have a criminal record. She will more than likely keep her job as a school teaher.

  37. The 30, year old former physical education teacher


    So what does that mean? The other day one of the news stations said that she was still on paid administrative leave.

  38. DelMarVaDave said...
    Such BS. You or I would have served the 9 months just waiting for trial. F Jake, F Liz and F Randy, not to mention F Jamie for playing by two sets of rules. It’s not over ‘til it’s over. We are watching and documenting.

    September 22, 2020 at 9:50 PM

    Bingo!! I agree, but you left out Sheriff Shawty Lewis.

  39. JoeAlbero said...
    10:39, while most of the dealings had been on school grounds, when Sheriff Lewis put together the STING he purposely did so OFF school grounds so there wouldn't be felony charges.

    September 23, 2020 at 1:54 PM

    Good point, Joe! Mike also knew that she would get off easy and the charges would eventually go away.

    This POS also pushed to get Cornbread Anderton appointed as the County Executive.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Hmm. I've always liked Sheriff Lewis. Isn't that a little bit of special treatment there?

    September 23, 2020 at 1:57 PM

    Well, DUH!!

  41. Anonymous said...
    How are she and hubby paying for upgrades to that money pit they bought on Camden ave? There are ALWAYS ppl working there. And guess who lives directly across the street?

    September 23, 2020 at 2:24 PM

    Who the F*** knows?? Do you think everyone knows WTH that property is on Camden Avenue?

    "And guess who lives directly across the street?"
    We don't even know where the Hell you are talking about but yet you want us to guess a childish little guessing game. Why don't you just tell us you stupid moron!!

    Joe, when people make stupid guessing game comments you should delete their comments.

  42. Anonymous said...
    Jamie is a fraud. Can not even protect the children.

    All but 2 of 50 comments are negative.

    This is the good ol boy system selling out Wicomoco and Salisbury again. You just refuse to learn. You deserve, as a community, all the last place finishes you get. Absolutely corrupt.

    JAMIE YOU OWN THIS. Any jurist of integrity would consider resignation.

    September 23, 2020 at 7:55 PM

    And Jamie Dykes is begging everyone to support her and get her idol Lockdown Larry to appoint her to fill Judge Leah Seaton's seat.

  43. Anonymous said...
    That's how it works everywhere 7:21, not just here. However if you feel like moving away, we won't miss you.

    September 23, 2020 at 7:28 PM

    Just another democrat troll. You can stay; nobody even knows you're here.

  44. Anonymous said...
    Who cares?? You fool's?? Worried more about spelling than a teacher buying DRUG'S from a student. Shorebillies with a Worwick degree.

    September 23, 2020 at 10:36 PM

    I bet you are so stupid that you didn't know it was really "Wor-Wic."

    Please go back to where you came from, you are not wanted or welcomed here.

  45. Joe, aren't you allowing anymore comments???

  46. Speaking of Cornbread, does anyone know if Cornbread Anderton is still unemployed?

    Poor Cornbread and Mike Dumb worked hard to get Cornbread appointed time fill Executive Culver’s seat. What a slap in the face to Mr. Culver. The Greater Salisbury Committee needs to fire Mike Dumb for his unethical involvement in the County’s appointment process. It’s bad enough that Mike Dumb is the laughing stock of Wicomico County and an embarrassment to the Greater Salisbury Committee for pornagraphic games in the Swingers circles with his old lady. Doesn’t anyone at the Greater Salisbury Committee have any couth? They have embarrassed the founders of the GSC after they hired Mike Dumb as the President and CEO. Do not do any business with any of the businesses of the Greater Salisbury Committee. They can’t be trusted.

  47. Anonymous said...
    Speaking of Cornbread, does anyone know if Cornbread Anderton is still unemployed?

    Poor Cornbread and Mike Dumb worked hard to get Cornbread appointed time fill Executive Culver’s seat. What a slap in the face to Mr. Culver. The Greater Salisbury Committee needs to fire Mike Dumb for his unethical involvement in the County’s appointment process. It’s bad enough that Mike Dumb is the laughing stock of Wicomico County and an embarrassment to the Greater Salisbury Committee for pornagraphic games in the Swingers circles with his old lady. Doesn’t anyone at the Greater Salisbury Committee have any couth? They have embarrassed the founders of the GSC after they hired Mike Dumb as the President and CEO. Do not do any business with any of the businesses of the Greater Salisbury Committee. They can’t be trusted.

    September 25, 2020 at 4:21 AM


    I agree, BOYCOTT the businesses of the Greater Salisbury Committee.

  48. Funny how a lot of these comments are defending Liz.

    Makes me wonder who it is?

    Maybe it's:

    Who do you think it is? I'm sure they comments defending Liz were all done by the same person.

  49. Cornbread Anderton needs a job.

  50. Randy Day is just a stupid idiot like his son is. The leaf doesn't drop far from the tree.

    Please tell them both they have been mentioned here.


  51. Speaking of another Pedophile and friend and supporter of Jake Day for Mare, Richard "Rick" Rathel has an upcoming court date on October 6th, 2020 for his Child Pornography case. Rick Rathel is also a retired Paid Fireman with the Salisbury Far Deeparmint!

    District Courtof Maryland

    Case Information
    Court System: District Court For Wicomico County - Criminal
    Location: Wicomico
    Case Number: D-023-CR-20-001224

    Title: State of Maryland vs. RICHARD E RATHEL

    Case Type: Criminal - SOC - On View Arrest
    Filing Date: 07/21/2020

    Race: White Sex: Male Height: 5'11" Weight:180
    Hair Color: Gray or Partially Gray Eye Color: Blue
    DOB: 08/01/1953
    Address: 200 S BROOKDALE DR
    City: SALISBURY State: MD Zip Code: 21801

    Attorney(s) for the Defendant
    Name: Public Defender, Wicomico County
    Address Line 1: W. Paul Martin DC/MSC
    Address Line 2: 201 Baptist Street, Suite 26
    City: Salisbury State: MD Zip Code: 21801

    Address Line 1: Anthenelli, Phoebus & Hickman, LLC
    Address Line 2: 110-B Baptist Street
    Address Line 3: P.O. Box 4366
    City: SALISBURY State: MD Zip Code: 21803

    Involved Parties Information
    Name: State of Maryland
    Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff
    Name: State's Attorney - Wicomico County
    Address Line 1: 309 E. Main Street
    Address Line 2: PO Box 1006
    City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21803

    Address Line 1: Anthenelli, Phoebus & Hickman, LLC
    Address Line 2: 110-B Baptist Street
    Address Line 3: P.O. Box 4366
    City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21803

    Officer - Arresting/Complainant
    Name: POPE, D.A.
    Address: 311 SAFETY DRIVE
    City: CENTREVILLE State: MD Zip Code: 21617

    Address: 200 S BROOKDALE DR
    City: SALISBURY State: MD Zip Code: 21801

    Court Scheduling Information
    Event Type Event Date Event Time Court Location Court Room
    Trial 10/06/2020 10:30:00 Wicomico District Court Courtroom 1

    Charge and Disposition Information

    Charge No: 1
    Charge Description: CHILD PORN PROMOTE/DISTRB Charge Class: Felony Circuit Court

    Charge No: 2
    Charge Description: POSSESS CHILD PORNOGRAPHY Charge Class: Misdemeanor

    Charge No: 3
    Charge Description: Possess Child Pornography Charge Class: Misdemeanor

    Charge No: 4
    Charge Description: Possess Child Pornography Charge Class: Misdemeanor

  52. So Ricky Rathel's court date is October 6th, 2020. Make sure you are not doing anything that day to pack Courtroom 1. You can watch Jamie Dykes use her political pull to help Jake Day's supported get off on these charges just like she did with Jakey Poo's wifey.

    This pedophile has grandchildren and no telling what happened there.

  53. I wonder if Pinky Higgins paid the bond for Richard Rathel?

    I wonder if Pinky Higgins is paying the attorney fees to John Pheobus for Richard Rathel?

    Does anyone know? They say Birds of a Feather....

  54. Rick Rathel's bond was only set at $20,000 so that means he only had to pay $2,000 to get out of jail. That is disgusting for Child Pornography! Who the Hell was the judge that set his bail at $20,000? Get that Piece of $hit off the bench!

    Bond Setting Information
    Bail Date: 07/21/2020
    Bail Setting Type: Hold Without Bond
    Bail Amount: $0.00
    Bail Date: 07/22/2020
    Bail Setting Type: Set by Judge
    Bail Amount: $20,000.00

  55. Jakey who is a leftest democrat wifey gets some of that "White Privilege" how sweet ......

  56. I just noticed that LizziPoo Day and Salisbury Fire Departments Pedophile Rick Rathel both have the same attorney. Imagine that! I think Jake Day had something to do with hiring John Pheobus for both his wife and Rick Rathel.

  57. Liz Day was arrested on December 19, 2019 for this Child abuse cast and her court date was in September.

    So the problem as I see it, just one of the problems, is that Liz Day has been on the Payroll ever since she got arrested 9 months ago.

    The question I have is she still getting paid? Does she still have her job with the school system? Is she going back to work in the school system?


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