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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Double absentee ballots accidentally sent to some Henrico voters

HENRICO, Va. (WWBT) - Employees in the Henrico County Registrar’s Office are working to notify roughly 100 voters after they were sent double absentee ballots. they were sent double absentee ballots.

Mark Coakley, the General Registrar for Henrico, said a printing error is what led to those double ballots being mailed.

“We knew right when we mailed them out; when we saw labels in the garbage can, ones that were jammed and we said ‘oh, we reprinted these,’” he said.

More than 37,000 absentee ballots were requested for this election in Henrico. However, there was a slight hiccup when mailing these ballots to several dozen voters.

Some voters have already contacted the registrar’s office to notify them of the problem. Coakley added some have contacted political parties as well.

However, one voter said he is concerned about the possibility of voters trying to vote twice in this major election; something which Coakley said cannot happen.

“Your ballot is only going to count once,” he said. “Whatever ballot you bring back, you can bring both ballots back and we will void and destroy the second ballot.”



  1. They were mailed to the cemetery where all the dumbocrat voters reside.

  2. Perfect example of voter fraud. Were these double ballots sent to DEMOCRATS?

    All voting should be done in person. Voting should be done in three (3) consecutive days with hours between 6am and 8pm with voter ID.

    Very strict guidelines for absentee and verifiable medical reasons.
    All voting done by 8pm on NOV 3.

  3. Replies
    1. I was about to say the same thing.."accidentally"

  4. Well all you have to do is look at who is working there. Just take several photos and all questions will be answered.

  5. The fix is on! This is just the beginning.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Test to see if they could get away with fraud? Trying to refine their methods I suppose.


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