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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

77-year-old veteran in California attacked for wearing MAGA hat

A 77-year-old military veteran was attacked in California for wearing a MAGA hat supporting President Trump and a Back the Blue mask with a blue line in support of police, according to a report.

The victim, who did not want to be identified, told KRCR-TV the attack came out of nowhere, surprising him, last Friday in broad daylight at the Red Bluff post office.

He said he was approached by a man and woman: "She looked at me and she goes, 'We just don't like people like you.' Just kind of got shocked a little bit and said, 'Well, that breaks my heart,' and no more sooner out of my mouth, I get hit on the left side of my head. "

He said then the man engaged further: "Then somehow he got me in a headlock and started pounding me on top of my head ... I got blood all over the place and I'm trying to figure, you know, where's my hat, where's my package?"

Red Bluff Police arrested 26-year-old Daniel Gomez-Martinez for battery and elder abuse.

The vet was hospitalized and said he still has headaches from the attack three days later.



  1. That's so sad. He'll probably have problems, stemming from this attack, for the rest of his life. That seems to be attempted murder to me.

    1. so far this year

      thanks to Democrats and Progressives

      19,000 murders

  2. I know it sounds extreme for a assault, but it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if the veteran had pulled out a piece and exterminated both of the turds. Notice the names of the trash.

  3. Yet nobody helped the man. I'm so glad I Carry. I wear my TRUMP hat on occasion.

    1. I always wear mine when flying to St. Petersburg!

    2. I wear my MAGA hat every time I fly to St. Petersburg and have never had a problem.

    3. your TDS will consume you ma'am...

  4. Trashy no matter who you support.

  5. The Main Issue here is:
    The Media and Democrats has made the Political
    World dangerous. You Never hear of anyone wearing
    a Biden Hat attacked. People are committing crimes
    for someone they don't even know on a personal level.

  6. Left hook right uppercut spinning back kick. Boom done. Fight over.

  7. Since violence is the only language a liberalfilth's insectile brain can understand, it's necessary to shoot them in the streets like dogs carrying rabies......and that's an insult to rabid dogs.

  8. Now we know who the TRUE racist are...

  9. he needed the guy with registered hands. thank you

    1. Mine are registered, along with my feet (both).

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    he needed the guy with registered hands. thank you

    September 23, 2020 at 8:47 PM

    That is a myth except maybe for the territory of Guam.

  11. a 26-year-old punk attacks a 77-year-old man. What a hunk of a man.

  12. Why does Fox keep blocking hits from your link?

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Mine are registered, along with my feet (both).

    September 24, 2020 at 10:59 AM

    anybody can make a card

  14. Northwest Woodsman: As a 78 year old former special ops officer, police officer, federal special agent, and federal intelligence officer, I am like a tightly wound watch spring. It is unlikely that a BLM or Antifa clown would be successful in attacking me and escaping unharmed. Most likely they will be leaving in an ambulance as I am alert and aware of my surroundings at all times and am totally prepared to defend myself. I have worked solo in some of the worst neighborhoods in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Diego and these people can sense when someone is apprehensive and in fear of them. I am demonstratively not that person. I have actually had gang members say “excuse me sir” and step out of my way because they have a sixth sense that tells them that I am the Caucasian that their mommas warned them about. I’d put one down like a rabid dog with no hesitation and no regrets afterward. Cold, but that is the world I operated in.

  15. You losers are all talk.


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