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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Democratic chair subpoenas postmaster general for documents on reforms

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) on Monday announced her plans to subpoena Postmaster General Louis DeJoy for documents related to recent reforms to the U.S. Postal Service that have raised concerns nationwide.
Maloney wrote in a letter to committee members that she is issuing the subpoena following DeJoy's failure to send the committee documents on Postal Service changes that she and other Democratic committee members requested when the postmaster general testified before the panel last week.
Maloney had given DeJoy until last Wednesday to provide the documents, and accused DeJoy during the hearing of “withholding information from us, concealing documents and downplaying the damage you are causing” to the Postal Service.
“He has not produced a single additional document since the House and Senate hearings were held despite multiple conversations between Committee staff and Mr. DeJoy’s office over the past week,” Maloney wrote to committee members on Monday, referencing DeJoy’s testimony before the House panel and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee earlier this month.


  1. I'm pissed off my disability check is late EVERY TWO WEEKS bc of Politics.

  2. This is such a shipshow!

  3. Go on a two week blind drunk and you'll catch up.

  4. House democrats were elected to fix health care and haven’t did squat time for them to go.

  5. Still faster than Adam Schiff providing info requested on Russian collusion he stated he had. That was months / years ago and still nothing

  6. Still waiting for John Kerry's medical records about his 3 purple hearts

  7. 12:21PM - I find that being a rarity that your disability check is late again considering Social Security either direct deposits or puts this amount on a debit card and does not mail them any longer. Are you a special receiver of your check by mail???

  8. The Democrats will never give up until they are in control.


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