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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

4Chan Users Appear to Have Identified Portland Rioter Who Shot and Killed Trump Supporter

The anonymous message board 4chan may have, once again, beat the media to identifying a violent rioter.

On Saturday night, a Portland Black Lives Matter militant shot and killed a member of the pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer.

Within minutes of the shooting, 4chan users got to work, and within hours… they had a name.

The message board quickly claimed that the shooter is Michael Reinoehl, 48, of Portland.



  1. I am hearing some chatter about a murder in Salisbury last night I think anyone hearing this too?

  2. I think there was a murder on the Westside. Some man named Kenneth Walker. Miss April posted about it a little while ago. I don't know for sure but by what she posted and others it seems he was murdered.

  3. He has been caught before with a gun illegally and let go. WTF is up with our justice system??? But they want to hang a 17 yo for defending himself. Rioting POS break into a gated community. They charge the home owner.

  4. Why is he not arrested?

  5. It was a hit and run from what I understand by price check an elderly man was killed. I pray a peace and the lords comfort upon his family and whoever did it a conscious to turn themselves in

  6. Snowboarding instructor???

    too funny

    he will have many black lovers in jail .....

    sucking on his tattoo while poking him

    1. Wow - you really hit low as a human or are you?

  7. Was he arrested and charged as a hate crime?

  8. He won’t be arrested I can almost guarantee it.


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