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Monday, September 28, 2020

Delaware State University denies Biden was a student after claim he ‘got started’ there

Delaware State University has denied that Joe Biden was ever  a student there, after the presidential candidate’s claim that he “got started” at the historically black college.

The 77-year-old Democrat made his claim while praising historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) during a town hall event last October before the South Carolina Democratic primary, video shows.

“I got started out of a HBCU, Delaware State,” he told pupils at Wilson High School in Florence, which was founded in 1866 by the Freedmen’s Bureau for Black children seeking an education.

“Now, I don’t want to hear anything negative about Delaware State. They’re my folks,” he told the pupils to chuckles.

However, the politician’s claim came back to haunt him when the university said he had only been a commencement speaker there decades after his start in politics.

“Vice President Biden did not attend DSU,” the college’s director of news service, Carlos Holmes said.

Biden did graduate from University of DE, and he went on to study at Syracuse University College of Law. where he failed a class after being accused of plagiarism.


  1. Democrats and their lying really is a sickness. I get that politicians lie. But this is beyond the political lies and they do it repeatedly like eating m&ms. Seriously, there is something wrong with them.

    1. I eat M&m's by the thousands and voting for Trump !!!!

  2. He probably started sniffing girls' hair there. He never meant he was educated there!

  3. I honestly think he has a real deep issues. Is old videos about college are nuts. Media is a problem in this country

    1. 8:49
      Are the old videos worth viewing?

  4. This is how the left wing communist democratic party rolls..AALL LIES AND DECEPTION..its communism 101

  5. Ha ha ha the idiot went U of D then Syracuse....been in Government for over 40 years NOW he’s going to fix the country!

  6. Do you really want to go tit for tat with which one of the candidates lies more...?

    1. Sure fool bring it. Biden opens his mouth its a lie, but you believe it?? THAT just shows how truly thick and ignorant of truth you ARE!!!
      Trump may be brash but he is honest and sincere. It is the left who are all about luciferian marxist LIES DEFLECTION AND DECEPTION, so i guess that makes you a useful idiot.(useful idiot was first coinied by foster from the communist party of america to descibe dupes they suckered into helping them further their goal of communism)

  7. Biden has a real problem and sounds like it was deep seated maybe even during his 40 years of service a bully and a thug.

  8. Just like BARRY SANTOS. Nobody at Harvard heard of him or knew him. Just another SCAM that will come out later he wasn't even a citizen.

  9. Another Biden LIE >> GOTCHA AGAIN !!!

  10. College of Criminals is where he got his Degree !!!

  11. somewhere cornpop is laughing his ass off...

  12. Sorry. But who in their right mind would say they went to that SHITHOLE??

  13. Yea and he called them his “folks”. Guess he learned that from BO.

  14. Biden could not pass a High School test !!!

  15. Next Biden will say he is Black !!!


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