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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Conway says even more 'hidden, undercover' Trump voters will help him win reelection

Former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway warned that there are more “hidden” supporters of President Trump who will boost him during his reelection bid in November.
“The person who coined the term, ‘hidden, undercover Trump voter in 2016,’ there are even more of them, and they're even more committed now, and they're going to surprise you as to who they are this time,” Conway said in an interview released Wednesday by Showtime’s “The Circus.”
Conway cited a poll, seemingly one released in July from the right-leaning Cato Institute, that reported 62 percent of Americans said they have political views they are afraid to share, led mostly by conservatives.
“But they express themselves at the ballot box,” Conway said after referencing the poll.


  1. Kellyanne Conway is 100% correct.

  2. I have no doubt that Trump will win. I am concerned that mail in ballots will take that win away. The Democrats have tried everything to get Trump out of office and this is going to be the biggy! Trump 2020๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ

  3. I dont think that is true. Look on the west side of Salisbury. There are Biden signs all over the place. They are already on Isabella street. Take a second to read one "Joe knows us" eastern Shore for Biden

    1. all around BlackBury
      ( Salisbury Park) too

      on lawns that surround the park

      Its interesting that I hardly see security checks by the three Police agencies
      our taxes pay for.....

      riding through the park to deter criminal behavior

      The park is loaded with OTW with their pitbulls

    2. What does OTW mean?

    3. OTW = other than white

  4. That's only 98% of America (The REAL Americans ) Trump 2020 !!!!

    Just wait & See Election DAY !!!! Baby

  5. They may have the sign, but don’t fool yourself. They have enough sense to vote Trump at the poll. They are going along with their neighbors. Even damorats will vote Trump for their own good.

  6. "Anonymous said...
    I dont think that is true. Look on the west side of Salisbury. There are Biden signs all over the place. They are already on Isabella street. Take a second to read one "Joe knows us" eastern Shore for Biden

    September 3, 2020 at 7:46 PM"

    Really? Sounds like a bunch or rocket scientist living on the west side and on Isabella. It's actually funny they are so dumb. Biden hasn't done a thing positive for anyone. He did harm blacks with not only the crime bill but other policies such as school choice. biden and the democrats don't want the vouchers because god forbid black kids start attending those private schools they send their children to. But that is okay let them vote for him The reason they don't advance is apparent in the way they vote. They dont' have the brains god gave them

  7. Never can I recall when the president of the United States ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ has been so disrespected by the media. People are afraid of being called a racist if you have a Trump sign or hat !! Of course there are a lot of closeted Trump supporters. The media has always played the American people! But when they decided to defund the people who keep us safe, they loose.

  8. Rednecks just waiting to Vote baby !!! Can't Wait !!! Love it !!!


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