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Thursday, September 03, 2020

California Lawmakers Pass Bill to Diversify ‘White, Wealthier’ Juries

Lawmakers in California have passed legislation to install diversity in juries that they believe are unfairly mostly “white” and “wealthier.”

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on the effort, said to be inspired by the desire “to Make California’s juries look more like the people:”

The Senate voted 30-5 on Monday night to give final legislative approval to SB592 by state Sen. Scott Wiener. It would expand California’s pool of potential jurors by drawing candidates from among everyone who files income tax returns.

Currently, California draws courtroom panels that decide criminal cases and lawsuits largely from residents who are registered to vote or have a driver’s license or identification card from the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Supporters of the bill say people of color and poorer residents are less likely to register to vote or drive a car, leaving the pool overstocked with white jurors who are better-off financially.



  1. Diversify Taking out the bad apples (Democrats) from the Good Apples
    Republicans !!!!
    Take out (FIRE) bad Judges ( Politically controlled) 2020 !!!

  2. This is against the CONSITUTION. You don't need to do this. We have enough corrupt judge's on the bench that let murders, rapists, and pedophile walk out the door.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Considering that it requires some intelligence to weigh the evidence and come to a rational decision based on facts, that pretty well excludes negros from serving on juries unless acquital is the foregone conclusion. Any decision they would reach would depend upon emotion and race rather than evidence and facts. Refute that statement if you can!

  4. Next, illegal immigrants will be allowed on California juries, if they already aren't.

  5. Yea, I'm sure all those people scamming the welfare system are lining up around the block to get their taxes filed. Also, they are probably scared that if they show up in a courtroom they would probably be recognized and arrested for their outstanding warrants.


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