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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

CDC: 94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions

ATLANTA, Ga. (NBC25/WKRC) - The Centers for Disease Control released information showing how many people who died from COVID-19 had underlying medical conditions that attributed to their death.

Click here to read the entire report from the CDC.

The CDC said:

Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.



  1. Remains good news, with MOST who have died had other health issues.

    Thats how it needs to continue to be communicated AND PMSNBC/CNN need to start communicating it as such.

    Its only Tues, its still CRAY CRAY out there and I really want to reach for my bourbon. Well maybe after 12pm!!!

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. 9600 people died with only COVID listed on death certificate. But the age group was 80 plus. How accurate is it ?

  3. So where's that Soros troll turd out there that tries shaming anyone (Like me) that thinks this mask and lock down thing is ridiculous?

    1. That’s you homie all day everyday and Generally at the same time. Whatever keeps you going

  4. Add the population to the numbers. .000001. Still no study on mask.

  5. 922 - in remedial counseling.

  6. Duh, obesity is rampant in America. You get rid of that and we save billions in healthcare.

  7. AND medical screw ups caused a large percentage of those.

    In any normal year, 250,000 die from hospital mistakes.

    Take your masks and shutdowns and SHOVE IT!

  8. Only 9,683 died from Covid19. Wow no pandemic. There should be no masks or social distancing. But most of all they never should have shut down businesses all over the country. This was as many have said from the beginning a conspiracy on the left. The Democrats and NWO ie one worlders to bring down everything Trump did to make our country great. The lowest unemployment rates in 50 years and a booming economy. Totally fake pandemic to blame Trump for everything so they could have a chance to win the election. After saying all this yes I know the virus is real but so is the flu.And with these new more real numbers the flu kills more people than Covid19. So just think about this for a while. All of this fake pandemic just for government control.

  9. A portion of the other 6% may have had undiagnosed underlying conditions.

  10. Cdc silent on effectiveness of mask wearing and orders contact tracers not to ask questions about mask. Biggest overblown medical scam in history. All for Biden to remain in his basement

  11. Yeah, sorry you lost your business and your house to foreclosure because of 6% higher death rate we thought that shutting down the entire economy would be a good idea.

    Our bad...



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