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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Arizona student group slammed for raising money for gunman

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — A Republican student group at Arizona State University is receiving backlash for donating money to the 17-year-old gunman who fatally shot two protesters in Wisconsin.
College Republicans United announced this week that half of any funds they raise during the semester will go toward paying for the legal defense of Kyle Rittenhouse.
“He does not deserve to have his entire life destroyed because of the actions of violent anarchists during a lawless riot,” the group said in a tweet.
In a statement Saturday night, the ASU College Republicans denounced College Republicans United “radical, far-right extremist group.”
ASU College Republicans called for an investigation of the group.
ASU officials said in a statement the school cannot prohibit a group from fundraising. But the school does not endorse the fundraiser.
The group is not the only one raising money for Rittenhouse. A self-described Christian fundraising site, GiveSendGo, says it has raised more than $100,000 for his defense.


  1. Protesting doesn't involve looting, rioting etc. The way the liberal media uses word play is astounding. Their lawyer should use that to get charges thrown out, because they can theoretically never get a fair trial. The court of public opinion has been unfairly manipulated to be biased against them.

  2. From what I have seen it was clearly self defense. He was trying to flee and was being attacked with a gun and other weapons and was in fear for his life. Hogan fired a staffer for supporting the kid. Shame on you Hogan. Wrongful termination suit coming.

  3. One can argue that this is also word play. Rittenhouse is charged with 2 counts of first degree intentional homicide, 2 charges of first degree recklessly endangering safety and a misdemeanor possession of a dangerous weapon under 18. He was cited a week prior for speeding and driving without a valid license.

    His lawyer is arguing self defense. It will be interesting to see how they mold the self defense argument for someone who knowingly went to a protest armed with a weapon.

    Protests have accomplished many things including helping found our country. It will be a sad world where you need to think twice about protesting injustice because an armed 17 year old could end your life. The second person who was shot was trying to stop Rittenhouse after he shot the first person, a sentiment many people said they would do. "Run after the gunman" and what not.

    1. Bullsh** your second gunman had a pistol in his hand when he got shot. They were not protesters they were anarchists thugs that attacked him. he tried to run and get away but they chased him. Self Defense all the way

  4. Perhaps we should have told the Boston Tea Party to peacefully stand in the harbor and write strongly worded letters about sugar taxes 9:22?

  5. Hey 9:22 privilege is never having to fight for anything in a world that was already tailored to best suit you. They will comb through jurors just like any other trial that is high profile.

  6. I guess everyone should stop protesting because of the threat of armed citizens who believe in the opposite shooting them? Sounds like facism to me.

    1. Nope protesters are safe and should feel safe with armed civilians. In case you didn’t know we are for law and order and the constitution. These thugs are terrorists and should be treated just as if they were ISIS they are no different. They are using fear and these police shootings as an excuse to destruct property, steal property and pretty much anything they can get away with. When you have high office officials just standing and watching then it’s time for WE THE PEOPLE to step in to save the country before it’s totally destroyed. That’s what we pay them for, they work for us, not the other way around. Billions of dollars in damage to these once nice cities, then they will want the working man to pay for it all.

  7. 9:47 LOL people fail to make the connection.

  8. Joe Biden and Harris can post bail for their own. But Republicans can't?? GTFOH. Where can I donate??

  9. We the people are under attack

  10. If he's convicted of anything I hope Trump will pardon him.

  11. 9:47 Who did he shoot that wasn't attacking him?

  12. Raising funds for a legal defense is not a crime.

  13. GoFundMe

  14. Well I understand GoFundMe dropped him but kept the protesters. Now that sounds like a double standard to me. He has just as much right to a lawyer as those thugs do.


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