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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Will The Wicomico County Council Come Out Of The Dark Ages And Actually Consider A WOMAN For County Executive?

That's right Ladies & Gentleman, Michele Ennis has formally put her hat in the ring to be considered as the next Wicomico County Executive. And why not, she's by far the most qualified and knows everything there is to know about the County after being employed there for almost 18 years.

However, the spite from the men on the County Council makes her a major underdog. Why, because she's more educated and experienced. So a NO from the Council simply means they're extremely afraid of a, get this, WOMAN! 

I say, why not give her a chance. Why not let the taxpayers see if in fact a woman is qualified to do the job. However, what I see is these men running scared of an educated woman who would finish Bob Culver's legacy. The mere fact that Michele applied for the job, (which would pay her far less then she was making and or WAY less in the private sector) simply proves she loves Wicomico County. Did you know she was born and raised here. You may not know a lot about Michele and in fact I just may hold off telling you her total background until after they Council make their appointment because I want to show you just how stupid these men are and how these council members do not have the taxpayers best interest at heart. 

It's time to come out of the dark ages. It's time a qualified woman be considered for such positions. Remember, I said QUALIFIED. Not like Salisbury Mayor Jake Day did by hiring non qualified people in top positions, Michele is qualified and experienced. We now live in an era where woman are starting to be seriously considered and finally respected. That's a good thing. However, there are a lot of "Old School" men in power holding back qualified women and that needs to change, especially locally. 

It should be noted that Delegate Carl Anderton has also put his name in to be considered.


  1. The Gillis family wants Carl Anderson so we all know who it will be. The rich keep getting richer and the tax payer keeps getting screwed. Same old good boy network. Sad really.

  2. The good ole boys like gillis are not ready for that.

  3. Please give us the list of people that put in.

  4. Does anyone know who else put their names in for this position?

  5. If anyone has followed Salisbury/Wicomico politics - even only on rare occasions - they know how backwoods and good ole boy it is.

    I agree with the post - first the Council is too chauvinistic (backward) to support a woman for the post, regardless of how qualified she may be; and second, they ARE scared to death of her.

    Having experience in HR and Finance sounds like excellent credentials to me. However, since she is not a white male who is either wealthy (Cannon) or owned by others (Anderton), she doesn't stand a chance.

    Kudos to her for applying and putting the males to a test!

  6. Michele Ennis, Carl Anderton, Joe Holloway and a local doctor who had no interest in county politics in the past.

  7. If I am understanding correctly, she was fired as the Finance Director, but has not applied to be the County Executive and boss of the people who just fired her?

    1. How would she be the boss of those that just fired her, Anon 12:17?

    2. She was not fired. Cannon used her position as a gotcha to Culver. Nothing more. Ennis was a very dedicated and stellar employee for Wicomico. She was used as a pawn in retaliation. A Cannon temper tantrum and unfortunately she was collateral damage.

  8. I thought she was removed from her position? How can she run for this if she was?

    1. Let’s think about this, shall we? She was removed as a retaliatory action by Cannon against Culver. Second, this is a political position. Her last position was not political at all. Third, the county executive is voted on (circle back to political position). Please use common sense.

    2. I have common sense thank you she was removed from a county council position. Shouldn't be on any ballots. You are entitled to your opinion as well as I am. So keep the nastiness out of it. I just asked a question.

    3. She was not removed from a county council position.

    4. She was never removed from a county council position. Where did you pull that pie out of the sky?

  9. The one determining factor that I hear is "woman." If you feel that the Council is bad, vote them out. But, do not discriminate the male candidates b/c of their gender.

    1. This post doesn't say that. Why can't people read and be more open to things. This article list all her background, education and experience. (Guessing there is more not even listed) The question is if she is the most qualified and doesn't get it, is it because she is a female? Not one person has said she should get it because she is a female. I don't understand how you come to that conclusion. Pay attention. So much back handed stuff in this town. It is awful! I hope she gets the job. And I will wonder if she doesn't. Not just that she is a women but that she isn't in their back pocket. We are supposed to have checks and balances. It is supposed to help corruption.

  10. The good ole boys hated Bob Culver because he thought for himself and wasn't in their back pocket. They used Michele as a tool to cause drama. It had nothing to do with her or her performance. Shes the most qualified for the job. And their is zero reason for her not to get it. When she doesn't it will just be more good ole boy.

    1. Amazing the perception some have looking from the outside.

    2. 12:44
      Culver was not a Freemason

    3. What? How did you come to that conclusion from my post? Something is wrong with you?

  11. Believe we are at the beginning of a major generational and mindset change. Lots in charge are of the older generation and possibly fearful of change. We see it in CONgress as we speak. Much older doesn't mean wiser...more seasoned yes - but with the old mentality. Over the next 5-10 years generational change will happen - time to embrace it as well as newer folks who are educated AND qualified.

    Its just happening, many of us in between may not like it but the train has left the station and no one...NO one beats father time!

  12. 12:17 & 12:25, Why not? She was fired because of council members being vindictive towards Bob Culver. She was not fired because she didn't perform her duties. You shorebillies of course didn't READ my post about being QUALIFIED. She's more qualified then anyone and has 18 years of wisdom/experience directly with the County.

    1. Us shorebillies wouldn't leave a fox in charge of a hen house.

  13. 12:37, No one is discriminating against any man. Carl is a great guy. Joe Holloway is a great guy. Michele is a great woman. It's about QUALIFICATION.

    1. 12:57 I beg to differ. Carl is not a great guy.

    2. Micheline a great person either

  14. Who is the doctor that has applied?

  15. What has Carl Anderton ever run but his mouth? What are his qualifications? Education? RINO!
    Joe Holloway? Really? Education? What qualifications other than being a dictatorial Councilman for years. He’d be over his head as soon as he walked through the door.
    Like others have said, many on this Council are self serving older men resistant to change. They won’t even consider the vast knowledge of systems and operations Michele has. Such consideration would prove too beneficial to the TAXPAYERS that elected them!

  16. She will not be the Council boss. You people want to jump on bandwagons and don't even know how the County is run. She deserves the job strictly to experience and education. If she doesn't get it this time than she can run for it at election time, then the people of the County will decide.

    1. In politics, there’s no such thing as ‘deserved’ anything. If that was a benchmark, most of the county council wouldn’t be on the county council. You really think Cannon deserves to be there? All he’s doing is lining his pocket at the county residents’ expense. All his sweetheart deals from Day et al. Please get real. You’re living in the Wonka factory with Willy if you really believe this nonsense.

    2. But I read hillary said she deserved to be President
      (snicker snicker)

  17. She'll get MY vote.

  18. She will get my vote.


  19. Joe, a few days back there was a posting about Ms. Ennis by a reader that referred to an article you posted. Looked high and low and could not find the posting they referred to. Did it get removed? Or down the rabbit hole? I agree she seems very well qualified for all the jobs she's held.

    We moved to a County Executive format because the council made a mish-mosh; many members of this council and those of the recent past seem hell bent on taking us back in time, to the detriment of the county and citizen's needs.

    RIP, Mr. Culver.

  20. The doctor that applied?

  21. Last thing we need is Joe Holloway or Carl Anderton. Both Rino disasters.
    Would definitely like to know more about her.

    1. Joe has his chit together. Carl was over his head and now paygrade. I lost respect when videos and photos show cornhead acting like he was at a blm rally.

    2. 3:50 Thank you. Someone with some sense.

  22. There are many qualified women in the work force. There is an equal or greater number of women in positions of authority that have no business being where they are.

    1. You’re an old white man aren’t you?

  23. Qualified does NOT mean CAPABLE.... NOR does it mean TRUSTWORTHY

    1. Then what does it mean 4:15?

    2. Let me guess, she’s not CAPABLE because women are not fit to hold such a power? Is she too emotional for you? Too weak? Does her asserting her dominance as any man in power would offend you? Because when a man asserts his dominance in the Wicomico County government he is a hero, but when a woman even thinks about speaking she is incompetent. Get out of here with that mess. Those are only a few excusing men use on women shouldn’t be given opportunities they deserve. And let me guess, then men that have worked day in and day out to undo Culver’s progress are TRUSTWORTHY right? Think again

  24. Don't worry, Mike Dunn has this under control. He is telling people he has the county council voting for Carl Anderton.

  25. Knowing Michelle as I do, I know exactly how dedicated she is. I watched her get all of her degrees to include her doctored while raising 3 amazing girls as a single mother. She has morals, a superior education, a kind and generous heart and is not only trustworthy but responsible and dedicated to her work. She would make a well needed change to the council because of her honesty vs the ones who are there only to line their own pockets. Go Michelle! If I could vote there you’d have my vote for sure!

  26. Anonymous said...
    The Gillis family wants Carl Anderson so we all know who it will be. The rich keep getting richer and the tax payer keeps getting screwed. Same old good boy network. Sad really.

    August 12, 2020 at 11:05 AM

    Of course they do, Carl Anderton is Jake Day's buddy and they know Carl will give them sweet deals on county property like Jake Day has done with the city properties given to them.

  27. Definitely qualified for this position and definitely more educated than the council members! Michelle is hard working and trustworthy which can’t be said for the rest of them

  28. Definitely qualified for this position and definitely more educated than the council members! Michelle is hard working and trustworthy which can’t be said for the rest of them

  29. I’ve known Michelle since 1999. I watched her dedication to not only her family but her education as well as she went on to get her doctored while raising her 3 children as a single parent! She’s not only trustworthy and honest, she has morals and is dedicated to her work. Unlike most politicians these days she cares more about her community than lining her own pockets. When it comes to qualifications she’s hands down the one most qualified for this position!

  30. "The doctor that applied?"

    Rene Desmarias, cardiologist at Peninsula Cardiology. I have known him for about 20 years. I think he was involved with Republican central committee and stuff like that. Not a bomb thrower, just a decent guy.

    1. Desmarais is the correct spelling....and yes he's awesome!

  31. JoeAlbero said...
    Michele Ennis, Carl Anderton, Joe Holloway and a local doctor who had no interest in county politics in the past.

    August 12, 2020 at 12:14 PM

    Joe, you are wrong about Dr. Rene Desmarais!!

    "Salisbury cardiologist Dr. Rene Desmarais, who ran as republican unsuccessfully in 2014 for the District 37B seat in the House of Delegates"

  32. Need I remind everyone that RINO Carl Anderton straight out endorsed Socialist Jake Day over the Republican nominee for Salisbury City Mayor.

    Why do you think Mike Dunn is working overtime trying to get the county council to vote to appoint Carl to the County Executive seat.

    1. Dunn is full of garbage. His influence is marginal at best anymore. He has too many people with too much on him now. He’s damaged goods.

    2. Thanks for the reminder 5:08, that very much needed stating again.

  33. Well I can tell you that I consider myself a good ole boy being that I was born and raised here 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ Did not know though that that meant that we had to be against women 😱🤷🏻‍♂️ even though it’s been quite evident over the past years as far as the County Council is concerned. So they really need to change that phrase to something different because that is not what The term “good ole boys” should be associated with. I have nothing against any of the applicants but in today’s crazy world I only see one applicant they could walk in there tomorrow without any hiccups or unneeded headaches as far as “running the day to day county duties“. Do we really want to go through all the drama and problems involved with bringing someone in that has no experience at all on all of the policies and duties?? All I can say is that if the council chooses the wrong person for the wrong reason and things blow up then everyone will be saying............,., what the hell were they thinking🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️😱. And then they need to think about their own reelection as well which could be affected if they make the wrong choice for the wrong reasons 💯💯

  34. Everyone who wants to become the next Wicomico County Executive is driven by nothing more than GREED and Personal gain/benefits!!

  35. Dr. Kevorkian put in...


  36. I'm open to any of the candidates listed, except Anderton. Holloway and Ennis are both very familiar with Wicomico's issues and resources.

    Anderton's a joke and lacks maturity. He had the good fortune to run against Norm Conway when Conway's popularity had dropped a lot. A RINO officeholder who endorsed Jake Day is not someone I'm interested in as County Executive!

  37. A washed up mayor and pathetic delegate

    Swamp Joe

    And a sell out Dr with terrible business sense.

    Michelle is the only option.

  38. I can not in good conscience even consider Carl Anderton as a viable candidate for County Administrator. What are his qualifications??? The Gillis group likes him and wants him there so they can use him as a puppet in the county like they have a puppet in the city where they get property pennies on a dollar. Jake the Snake likes him. Is this his qualifications?? I am sorry we have enough corrupt government officials in this country, we need no more!!

  39. to me leaving the House of Delegates to become a County Executive would be a big step down in life. just a thought

  40. He doesn’t have a real job
    He needs the $

  41. For what it's worth, Culver was not a Freemason but he was a Freeloader! Too bad he could not stick around and enjoy it!

    1. Rude, nasty, and uncalled for.

    2. Rude, nasty, and uncalled for.

  42. Let's all go to the Council Meeting and challenge them to choose Michelle.

    Brad Gillis has already had an opinion piece published endorsing Carl. Enough said?

  43. Yes Michele is the most qualified because of county experience and education they will not even interview her. That being said Carl could heal the county and what the county council has inflicted. He has proven to work both sides of the aisle and been productive its not a down grade its a not only a pay raise but a commitment to his county. Joe Holloway would just be riding it out with a HUGE pay raise before he retires. He has already said he will not run again. So to me it a ploy on his part. Then the council will move to change the charter to go back to council run government which is BS . The executive branch is for day to day operations and checks and balances. Bob Taylor is not a member of council so why are they letting him write legislation to govern personnel and day to day ? its not their job and not Taylor's he is there for council not RULE. GROW a Pair Council get rid of him and Acle who is pitching all of this stuff by batting her eyelashes . She is a puppet master stop indulging her because if Ennis doesn't sue there are others who will. Trust me.Waiting to hit send.

  44. Vote "No" on Michelle Ennis. Joe Holloway is the way to go!

  45. Get RID of this worthless Office Now!

  46. 9;01
    Was this comment by Gillis or Dunn?

  47. From the Outside looking in The Council will not pick Michelle. They don't even a want women on the council, let alone as the County Executive. Joe, that one i have to laugh at, he is about as lazy and Larry Dodd and the Doctor well he is good at being a doctor but he could not gain muster with his previous campaign. Anderton, is the only one that has the experience and the will to work. He would work with Council and not go against them all the time, just to keep fighting. Fighting is not in his nature. Wish more had applied so there were more to choose from. Looking at things logically. Good luck Wicomico County, i hope y'all don't get screwed in the Process.

  48. Anderton hasn’t done ship and will be a rubber stamp for the good ole boys,vote Michelle Ennis.

  49. 10:19 AM - "Anderton, is the only one that has the experience "

    OK Carl,
    what experience. You / He has NO experience
    Have you / he ever had a job?
    I will take your comment as the joke that it is.

  50. Anderton has no experience. He was a weak candidate going into the last election against Conway. Conway did himself in when he enabled legislation for massive speed cameras throughout Salisbury, and for enabling taxing legislation on ticket sales at the civic center and Shorebirds games.


  52. Let's not forget that Cornbread Anderton has been pushing for a Tax Differential which would force Wicomico County to give Jake Day more tax dollars to spend.

    If that happens every county taxpayer will have to PAY MORE TAXES to make up the difference. That's right, Cornbread Anderton has been screwing Wicomico County taxpayers for the last 6 years.

  53. Anonymous said...
    Yes Michele is the most qualified because of county experience and education they will not even interview her. That being said Carl could heal the county and what the county council has inflicted. He has proven to work both sides of the aisle and been productive its not a down grade its a not only a pay raise but a commitment to his county. Joe Holloway would just be riding it out with a HUGE pay raise before he retires. He has already said he will not run again. So to me it a ploy on his part. Then the council will move to change the charter to go back to council run government which is BS . The executive branch is for day to day operations and checks and balances. Bob Taylor is not a member of council so why are they letting him write legislation to govern personnel and day to day ? its not their job and not Taylor's he is there for council not RULE. GROW a Pair Council get rid of him and Acle who is pitching all of this stuff by batting her eyelashes . She is a puppet master stop indulging her because if Ennis doesn't sue there are others who will. Trust me.Waiting to hit send.

    August 13, 2020 at 9:01 PM

    You really should leave your name! What are you afraid of?

  54. Anonymous said...
    Joe has his chit together. Carl was over his head and now paygrade. I lost respect when videos and photos show cornhead acting like he was at a blm rally.

    August 12, 2020 at 4:39 PM

    Let's not forget that the unemployed Cornbread Anderton spent every day at Early Voting for the 2018 election at the Democrat tent. Cornbread was telling everyone to vote for Jessie Colvin, Jim Mathias, Jack Heath, Ben Jealous, Michele Gregory, Alex Scott and other Democrats. Yes that is a fact and SBYNews posted a story on it. Time to rehash that story, Mr. Albero.

  55. Anonymous said...
    Don't worry, Mike Dunn has this under control. He is telling people he has the county council voting for Carl Anderton.

    August 12, 2020 at 4:20 PM

    F*** Mike Dumb!

  56. Anonymous said...
    Joe has his chit together. Carl was over his head and now paygrade. I lost respect when videos and photos show cornhead acting like he was at a blm rally.

    August 12, 2020 at 4:39 PM

    You better believe that. Carl Anderton hangs out with the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus homos including Jake Day.

  57. Anonymous said...
    Need I remind everyone that RINO Carl Anderton straight out endorsed Socialist Jake Day over the Republican nominee for Salisbury City Mayor.

    Why do you think Mike Dunn is working overtime trying to get the county council to vote to appoint Carl to the County Executive seat.

    August 12, 2020 at 5:08 PM

    He sure did. He told everyone "Fk the Republicans he was going to endorse who he wanted."

  58. Anonymous said...
    12:57 I beg to differ. Carl is not a great guy.

    August 12, 2020 at 6:15 PM

    You are correct. He is a low life redneck who lies about his education. Does anyone know where he graduated from high school? Did he get a degree from there?

  59. Anonymous said...
    12:57 I beg to differ. Carl is not a great guy.

    August 12, 2020 at 6:15 PM

    Apparently, you are not a very "reliable source!" Carl is an unemployed dirtbag who can't keep a job.

  60. Can someone please tell us where Carl Anderton is employed right now? This is a full-time position that requires the Executive to have a clean work history. Where is Carl working right now? Where has Carl worked the last 5 years?

  61. Anonymous said...
    Everyone who wants to become the next Wicomico County Executive is driven by nothing more than GREED and Personal gain/benefits!!

    August 12, 2020 at 7:53 PM

    BAMMM! You hit the nail on the head about Carl Anderton.

    Joe Holloway truly has the best interest of Wicomico County in his heart and knows how to get the county back on track by hiring the best County Administrator and department heads to lead for him. The council should choose Holloway to move this county forward.

  62. Anonymous said...

    I'm open to any of the candidates listed, except Anderton. Holloway and Ennis are both very familiar with Wicomico's issues and resources.

    Anderton's a joke and lacks maturity. He had the good fortune to run against Norm Conway when Conway's popularity had dropped a lot. A RINO officeholder who endorsed Jake Day is not someone I'm interested in as County Executive!

    August 12, 2020 at 8:10 PM

    I agree with you 100%. He lucked out and beat Conway in a Democrat district because 2014 was a good year for Republicans to get elected. If I was Anderton I would stick to his Delegate seat because that is the best thing that ever happened to him. The County Executive pay isn't much better than what he is getting as a Delegate.

  63. Anonymous said...
    Dunn is full of garbage. His influence is marginal at best anymore. He has too many people with too much on him now. He’s damaged goods.

    August 12, 2020 at 8:42 PM

    That's true. I've got pictures of Mike Dunn and his swinging days. It's funny how he was watching the men swinging. Mike, do you remember seeing me in Aberdeen?

  64. Anonymous said...
    Then what does it mean 4:15?

    August 12, 2020 at 9:16 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Qualified does NOT mean CAPABLE.... NOR does it mean TRUSTWORTHY

    August 12, 2020 at 4:15 PM

    If you don't get it then there is no need to explain it!

  65. Anonymous said...
    Need I remind everyone that RINO Carl Anderton straight out endorsed Socialist Jake Day over the Republican nominee for Salisbury City Mayor.

    Why do you think Mike Dunn is working overtime trying to get the county council to vote to appoint Carl to the County Executive seat.

    August 12, 2020 at 5:08 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Thanks for the reminder 5:08, that very much needed stating again.

    August 12, 2020 at 9:22 PM

    You are very welcome!

  66. Anonymous said...
    Desmarais is the correct spelling....and yes he's awesome!

    August 12, 2020 at 10:09 PM

    He might be awesome in a doctor's office, but what does he know about running a county of 110,000 people??


    Vote Joe Holloway! Over 15 years of leading in Wicomico County. Joe Holloway is the best choice to fill the Executive's seat for the next 2 years.

  67. Anonymous said...
    I can not in good conscience even consider Carl Anderton as a viable candidate for County Administrator. What are his qualifications??? The Gillis group likes him and wants him there so they can use him as a puppet in the county like they have a puppet in the city where they get property pennies on a dollar. Jake the Snake likes him. Is this his qualifications?? I am sorry we have enough corrupt government officials in this country, we need no more!!

    August 12, 2020 at 11:31 PM

    You spelled County Executive wrong, but you are correct about Anderton and the Gillis group.

  68. Anonymous said...
    Let me guess, she’s not CAPABLE because women are not fit to hold such a power? Is she too emotional for you? Too weak? Does her asserting her dominance as any man in power would offend you? Because when a man asserts his dominance in the Wicomico County government he is a hero, but when a woman even thinks about speaking she is incompetent. Get out of here with that mess. Those are only a few excusing men use on women shouldn’t be given opportunities they deserve. And let me guess, then men that have worked day in and day out to undo Culver’s progress are TRUSTWORTHY right? Think again

    August 12, 2020 at 11:35 PM

    Hi Michelle!

  69. Anonymous said...
    to me leaving the House of Delegates to become a County Executive would be a big step down in life. just a thought

    August 13, 2020 at 7:19 AM

    I agree, but Cornbread needs the money. He doesn't have a real job and hasn't had one for the last 15 years so the wife is getting on him about paying the bills. It's only about a $20,000 pay raise but he would have to work year-round instead of the 90 days while in Session. He also wants the power to be in charge of people.

  70. Anonymous said...
    He doesn’t have a real job
    He needs the $

    August 13, 2020 at 9:26 AM

    Exactly. He had to buy a new used car to take him back and forth to Annapolis because his junker couldn't make it past Delmar.

  71. Anonymous said...
    Let's all go to the Council Meeting and challenge them to choose Michelle.

    Brad Gillis has already had an opinion piece published endorsing Carl. Enough said?

    August 13, 2020 at 12:45 PM

    Ummm... How do you plan on doing that?

  72. Anonymous said...
    Let's all go to the Council Meeting and challenge them to choose Michelle.

    Brad Gillis has already had an opinion piece published endorsing Carl. Enough said?

    August 13, 2020 at 12:45 PM

    Where was that? Can you leave a link for it?

  73. Anonymous said...
    Vote "No" on Michelle Ennis. Joe Holloway is the way to go!

    August 13, 2020 at 9:41 PM

    Vote Joe Holloway for County Executive.

  74. Anonymous said...
    Get RID of this worthless Office Now!

    August 13, 2020 at 9:42 PM

    I agree. Time to go back to a Council/Manager form of government.

  75. Come out of the dark ages? Women in leadership is why our country is in the shape that it's in.

  76. I love Dr. Desmarais. I think he is a great guy interested in the people of the county and not in it for self gain. BUT I agree some previous comments. I would vote for any of the candidates but Anderton. Anderton -- a pal of Day, immature, willing to go along with the "boys" and the money.

  77. I love Dr. Desmarais. I think he is a great guy interested in the people of the county and not in it for self gain. BUT I agree with some previous comments. I would vote for any of the candidates but Anderton. Anderton -- a pal of Day, immature, willing to go along with the "boys" and the money.

  78. Anonymous said...
    The Gillis family wants Carl Anderson so we all know who it will be. The rich keep getting richer and the tax payer keeps getting screwed. Same old good boy network. Sad really.

    August 12, 2020 at 11:05 AM

    I wouldn't bet on it. This is the County Council, not Jake Day's a$$ kissers on the city council.

  79. Anonymous said...
    Anderton has no experience. He was a weak candidate going into the last election against Conway. Conway did himself in when he enabled legislation for massive speed cameras throughout Salisbury, and for enabling taxing legislation on ticket sales at the civic center and Shorebirds games.

    August 16, 2020 at 2:37 PM

    you keep telling yourself that. Anderton smoked Conway. Just like Hillary Clinton, they all thought they had it in the bag. Anderton was like Trump, they did something that the Democrats never thought would happen!


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