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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Wicomico County Councilman Joe Holloway Applies For County Executive Position As Well

Well today has been a real surprise! I've known Joe Holloway for a lot of years and when I heard he was interested I was somewhat blown away, for all the wrong reasons. 

In past discussions I had always been under the impression that since he had no interest in becoming Council President that I was pretty sure he wouldn't have any interest in the Executive position. It turns out he didn't want to be President because he didn't want to be involved in that position disagreeing with Bob Culver. 

So today I've come to learn he put his hat in the ring. I can tell you I had attempted to encourage Joe to run against Rick Pollitt back in the day but Joe chose not to.

If there's one thing I know about Joe Holloway, he will surround himself with the best minds in all departments to move the County forward. 

There are some serious contenders in which I truly wouldn't want to be on the County Council but it's time to put their big boy pants on and earn their paychecks. This will be very interesting to watch. I can only hope the Council announces WHY they made the final decision. The vote should be next Tuesday or Wednesday.


  1. If we could have a special election, there is no doubt that would get my vote. Not only does he bring the business perspective to the table, but he has the experience of knowing and being involve in the administrative and operational aspects of the County. He obviously is the most qualified person to fill the position.

    Go Joe, HOLLOWAY that is!

    Respectfully submitted,

    Don Coffin, REALTOR

  2. He was smart, this County needs Rick back right now to clean up the mess here now! We heard how great Bob would be.....didn’t happen, family and friends hired to do jobs that they are simply not qualified to do! Hopefully the County Council can begin to fix the issues! We need a genuine business person, with a proven track record....Chapter 7 or 11 bankruptcy business owners is not a stamp of qualifications.

    Sorry Bob had health problems, probably made worse from stress!!

    1. And you describe all that is needed to be a boss man for the county and your man Rick had none of your qualifications. Business person, clean up the mess. Your guy never owned a lemonade stand and created this mess while at his lifetime career..... government trough. People forget so fast.

    2. 3:25 The last thing the county needs in Rick back.๐Ÿ™„
      Hiring friends? Geez did you say the same thing about Jakey boi?
      And a big NO to Joe the Rino.

    3. Well you crybabies chased all the professionals away. All that's left are family members. I noticed none of you whiney bitches stepping up. All mouth. No ASS.

  3. The people should decide. BRING ON A SPECIAL ELECTION!!! THE PEOPLE KNOW BEST!!

    1. Really?? The same people who bitched about every Freaking person in county and city government. That's why we have clueless idiots in office. Who wants to be harrased by MORON'S?? More MORON'S.

    2. @7:58...I think if you're going to call people morons you should at least learn how to use a proper apostrophe first๐Ÿ˜ณ The irony...

  4. We will see just how crooked Wicomico County Politics really are real soon.

  5. hopefully someone will closely look into the crazy amount of money the county is wasting on rec and parks. tourism etc. that dept is so overstaffed and underworked its beyond belief. typical govt.

  6. Anonymous said...
    He was smart, this County needs Rick back right now to clean up the mess here now! We heard how great Bob would be.....didn’t happen, family and friends hired to do jobs that they are simply not qualified to do! Hopefully the County Council can begin to fix the issues! We need a genuine business person, with a proven track record....Chapter 7 or 11 bankruptcy business owners is not a stamp of qualifications.

    Sorry Bob had health problems, probably made worse from stress!!

    August 12, 2020 at 3:25 PM

    If you think this county needs Rick Pollitt then you are a real IDIOT!

    Go Joe!

  7. Anonymous said...
    The people should decide. BRING ON A SPECIAL ELECTION!!! THE PEOPLE KNOW BEST!!

    August 12, 2020 at 3:34 PM

    It can't happen by law, but I agree that is what should really happen.

  8. Anonymous said...
    We will see just how crooked Wicomico County Politics really are real soon.

    August 12, 2020 at 3:39 PM

    Why??? Your comment is so vague and makes absolutely no sense. Just like you, of course!

  9. Anonymous said...
    hopefully someone will closely look into the crazy amount of money the county is wasting on rec and parks. tourism etc. that dept is so overstaffed and underworked its beyond belief. typical govt.

    August 12, 2020 at 3:44 PM

    Why weren't you telling that to Bob Culver before he passed??

  10. I guess there is no intelligence test required?

  11. Right now Joe Holloway is the best fit because he knows Wicomico County. Councilman Holloway has been a county leader for over 14 years and I trust him with the budget and department heads he would appoint. Carl Anderton knows absolutely nothing about Wicomico County and the day to day operations. The county recently appointed a new Director of Administration who also knows nothing about Wicomico County and there is a vacant Deputy Director of Administration position.

    There is no question, the County Council needs to appoint Joe Holloway to fill the vacant County Executive seat for the next 2 years.

    I urge the County Council to do the right thing and appoint Councilman Holloway.

    1. Review what’s happened to Wicomico in the last 14 years because there’s been a lot. Crime is up. Gangs are a big issue in places like Fruitland of all places. Housing costs and rentals have gone through the roof but no industry has move to the area to support such hikes. No high end stores can sustain due to the same resident lack of wealth issues. If anything, Wicomico along with Salisbury has lost most of its viability. To say Joe Holloway has been productive over the last 14 years, guess it could be right but it’s not been for the benefit of residents. It seems all we hear is how landlords and people like the people at Gillis Gilkersom aRe making big money while residents struggle to find jobs and decent, affordable housing. If this is what you call a good job, I’d hate to think what you would consider a bad one.

  12. Mr. Joe has been a good watchdog for us and I also suggested he run earlier. He even has more under his belt now. I am glad you have the guts to throw your hat in the ring. You have my vote and I know of many more. Thanks for your service sir.

  13. Anyone but Cornbread-Anderton!
    Anderton is Jake's bestie and run the county as an extension of the city, while Cannon and the rest of the liberal council join in!!!

  14. 344 is right, lots of workers for very few fields even being used. a couple of those guys are drinking a lot more beer each day since their daily work order says ride around all day and kill time. ask andrew

  15. I told Joe numerous times that he needed to be council president or run for mayor when I saw him at the Emporium Antiques, and he would wave it off and say no not for him. I'm glad he's changed his mind good man.

  16. Weston Young, he would be amazing for Wicomico.

  17. All the corrupt Ass-Kissers will be falling all over each other for the Job !

  18. Anyone that will get rid of that narcissist Laurie Brewster! Can’t get the Health Department to issue any permits. What a blessed shame she is

  19. 7:16 you on crack? He didn’t stay.....Young ran off to our neighboring County! Bye Bye definitely don’t need him here!

  20. This is just like Shark Week on here! There is blood in the water and the schools of sharks are circling their prey!! LMFAO!

  21. Bob Aswell ....RealistAugust 12, 2020 at 10:20 PM

    Joe Holloway, your detractors aren't afraid of what you CAN'T do. The fear is because of what you might do in the exposing of the inequities of business conducted behind camouflage by citing a 'NEED'. Sorry folks, Holloway is an apple pie, Chevrolet, baseball type stand-up guy.
    As far as Anderton, Since we've had the Covid-19 farce, what has He,Carroza,Otto,or the other wooden heads done to help the ordinary- Joe taxpayer? I got it, nothing! They call themselves 'The Eastern Shore Delegation' who are deaf,dumb, and blind. Their collective extraordinary skill is hiding in plain sight. Just because Hoggan is the Gov. doesn't mean He's infallible and beyond reproach. Let's examine the Poplar Hill joke drummed up at his behest and which when the right people learned of it, was handily put to bed. Again, no comment by the aforementioned rubes, or fellow Republican which ever way you see them.
    As far as 'Rick', If he's that great, then why execute him at election? You Dems. didn't support him.
    Holloway is the man. He can't be bought,pushed around,or found to have political weight in any category that is other than the routine scope of the office. The 'Wicomico Swamp' will undergo a transformation which the political leeches won't like. That's the FEAR! And yes, He's a friend of mine.

    1. Vote for Joe because he’s your friend? Seriously that’s the most self-serving thing you could ever say. In all that bunk you wrote, the swamp is more like the political malarkey in your head. This is a classic example as to why Wicomico and Salisbury grapple with bad leadership. Voters vote for their drinking buddies not for qualifications and results. Senseless even having elections.

    2. I am not the one you are questioning. But, if you know some one personally you would know more about them rather go or bad. So that makes your malarkey chit. A “friend” had friends ripping him off in business. I asked why deal with friends. He replied, people that know you and your friends are the ones that deal with you. I also know Joe, and thought he should have ran the last time. Go Joe.... and I don’t mean the ole man up DE.

  22. I believe Joe would be the best choice. I know Joe personally and he is very good at listening to everyone's concerns and making a level headed discussions on our county needs. He cares about the school system, working people, people unable to work, small businesses and about the elderly folks on a tight budget and I believe he can make fair discussions for all to keep this county moving forward in a positive direction.

  23. Will Joe recuse himself from voting since he is an applicant? He was going to retire anyway so is this a way to fill the position until next election when council decides to revert back away from County Executive Government so they get their way after all?If you read how the charter amendment was written the Council can revert back without having it on the ballot. So who ever takes this appointment should be concerned.

    1. ME 12:08 what are you worried about? No one said the Council is going to “revert back” and no the charter amendment isn’t written that way. I’ve read it over and over again so you are clueless and your matchbook PhD is worthless!

  24. What is the Criteria for this job ?

    just a good ole boy with a 4x4 diesel truck , and a Wi Hi education ?

    1. Joe doesn’t even qualify with that. He couldn’t handle high school. Never graduated.

    2. That’s fine. The top man in the country (Trump) is in favor of trades instead of degrees. Joe is better off than most around here so don’t even question his smarts, unless you yourself are stupid.

  25. the new executive should drain the county swamp, and should start on owens branch road and the civic center. owens branch has 2 so called leaders and lots of so called workers (most with nothing to do). the civic center has nothing but high paid supervisors with nobody to supervise except for a few inmates cleaning the parking lot. everybody "working" at the civic center is a frickin supervisor - it's unreal. at owens branch chuck and mark are constantly bumping into each trying to get to the mountain dew machine. that's the only exercise they get.

  26. I’d like to know why Nicole Acle is telling people she is voting for Carl Anderton instead of Joe Holloway?

    There are 4 votes in my house and they will be going to Alex Scott if she doesn’t vote for Councilman Holloway!! My development will be voting for Alex Scott and there are enough voters to sway her election. We will also be finding someone to vote run against her in 2022. She better wake up.

  27. THe County needs to drain the Wicomico County Executive Office Swamp First!!

  28. Anonymous said...

    I’d like to know why Nicole Acle is telling people she is voting for Carl Anderton instead of Joe Holloway?

    There are 4 votes in my house and they will be going to Alex Scott if she doesn’t vote for Councilman Holloway!! My development will be voting for Alex Scott and there are enough voters to sway her election. We will also be finding someone to vote run against her in 2022. She better wake up.
    August 13, 2020 at 12:17 PM

    Intimidation much? so you have 4 votes, she won't need them. She should do what she feels is right, not by your 4 penny- anti votes. Stop lying, you were going to vote for Alex Scott anyways.

    1. I guess my vote doesn’t count because I’ve never heard of Acle. So who the heck is she. Must not be too popular.

    2. Do you live under a rock? We all know who is making the Acle comments. Jealousy gets you nowhere

  29. Weston Young you need someone with techical expertise to fight the health department, storm water, FCA etc or you will continue to see the wealthy job creators leave the county. Impossible to get a permit in Wicomico. I think there are more people on the regulatory side now then there are job creators. Not sure Joe has the knowledge or true passion to roll his sleaves up and take on the job killers. Council is clueless on job killing regulations.

  30. County councils members, do the right thing when it comes time to fill the exec position. Now is your chance to end the good ole boy system. Select the candidate who is best qualified and not because you like them or they are your friend. REMEMBER WE THE VOTERS OF WICOMICO COUNTY PUT YOU IN OFFICE. We will be anxiously awaiting your decision!

  31. Anonymous said...
    Will Joe recuse himself from voting since he is an applicant? He was going to retire anyway so is this a way to fill the position until next election when council decides to revert back away from County Executive Government so they get their way after all?If you read how the charter amendment was written the Council can revert back without having it on the ballot. So who ever takes this appointment should be concerned.

    August 13, 2020 at 12:08 AM

    Why would he have to?? Nothing says he can't. During the council elections each president and Vice President candidate votes for themselves? On election day each candidate for office goes to the polls and votes for themselves? Carl Anderton voted for himself on election day. President Trump voted for himself on election day.

    This isn't an issue, Michelle.

    1. Joe Halloway should have to give up his council seat if he wants to be considered for the job if he gets it or not. The people voted for him to be a councilman, not the Exec. The charter is so screwed up on this. If an Exec dies one month into his or her term, the council decides who the Exec is for over 3 years? The council would like to have the Executive branch eliminated so they can have all the power, and now they appoint the Exec? This rule is a total and complete contradiction to the rules of a Republic. There's a conflict of interest for the council to choose and not to allow the people vote in a special election. There should be memorandum in the next election to change this part of the county charter.

  32. 3 Republicans, 3 Democrats, and one slumlord is on the council. Cannon doesn't represent a party or an ideology. He represents himself. He's the swing voter. So, whomever is slumlord friendly will get the job.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Weston Young you need someone with techical expertise to fight the health department, storm water, FCA etc or you will continue to see the wealthy job creators leave the county. Impossible to get a permit in Wicomico. I think there are more people on the regulatory side now then there are job creators. Not sure Joe has the knowledge or true passion to roll his sleaves up and take on the job killers. Council is clueless on job killing regulations.

    August 13, 2020 at 10:10 PM

    So what is your experience that qualifies you to pass judgement on this position?

    Please leave your name next time.

    1. I noticed you didn't leave your name.

  34. Anonymous said...
    County councils members, do the right thing when it comes time to fill the exec position. Now is your chance to end the good ole boy system. Select the candidate who is best qualified and not because you like them or they are your friend. REMEMBER WE THE VOTERS OF WICOMICO COUNTY PUT YOU IN OFFICE. We will be anxiously awaiting your decision!

    August 13, 2020 at 11:35 PM

    Can you please tell everyone who the best qualified candidate is MR. WE THE VOTERS OF WICOMICO COUNTY PUT YOU IN OFFICE.

    1. Just because a person knows what's going on in the county doesn't mean that person knows how to fix the county's problems. We need an intelligent business minded individual. A person can learn the problems of the county. Why do you think Trump knew the while nation? It's a person's abilities, principles, and values that people should be voting for. The council will definitely find a controllable good 'ole boy that has his/her "needs" in line with the local elite.

  35. Joe Holloway is the best candidate out of the four who is most deserving for this position because of his years of leadership in the county.

    Not Carl Anderton who knows nothing about Wicomico County at all! By the way, did you all know that Carl Anderton got kicked off 2 important committees in the General Assembly because he was too lazy to do his job?

    Not Renae Desmaris who only knows medicine.

    Not Michelle Ennis who only worked in HR and knows nothing about the rest of the county.

    Go Joe!

  36. Anonymous said...
    Joe doesn’t even qualify with that. He couldn’t handle high school. Never graduated.

    August 13, 2020 at 6:36 PM

    Say what you want, but I'm sure he is more intelligent than you are. Oh, and I bet you didn't know that Carl Anderton didn't graduate from High School either, did you?

  37. Anonymous said...
    3 Republicans, 3 Democrats, and one slumlord is on the council. Cannon doesn't represent a party or an ideology. He represents himself. He's the swing voter. So, whomever is slumlord friendly will get the job.

    August 14, 2020 at 11:37 AM

    You hit that nail on the head. Cannon will vote the way that Mike Dunn, Bill Chambers and Jake Day tell him to. If he was smart he would vote for Mr. Holloway.

  38. When I first met Carl Anderton I was curious about where he came from so I asked him what high school he graduated from and he told me Crisfield. Then I asked my cousin from Crisfield who is Carl's age and he told me that Carl didn't graduate from Crisfield High School. He asked around and was told that Carl was telling people that he graduated from Parkside High School. So I really got suspicious and asked another cousin who works at the Central Office at Wicomico County Public Schools and they found no Carl Anderton in the system.

    So Carl Anderton can you please tell everyone in Wicomico County and Crisfield where you really graduated from high school?? If you got a GED that is Ok, just be honest.

    1. Anderton did not graduate from HS, he has a GED. Plus, if you ever spoke to the guy you would know he's stupid. Okay BRAH!

  39. Anonymous said...
    We will see just how crooked Wicomico County Politics really are real soon.

    August 12, 2020 at 3:39 PM

    Oh really?? Why is that?

  40. Anonymous said...
    I guess there is no intelligence test required?

    August 12, 2020 at 4:27 PM

    Unfortunately, unintelligent people like you are allowed to vote.

  41. i want to know from Joe: why you applied for this position when i asked you right to your face if you would ever want this position and you told me NO. So what changed that you think you can do the job and why you now think that its for you? You told me that this is job is not for you, You also said you could not handle the job, so why now? What changed?

    1. Because he can't get what he wants as just a councilman and he figures the exec job will give him the power to get his way.

  42. Holloway is right around the corner for collecting S.S.I.. 2 years of 85 k will really boost his S.S.I. income. He will get county health insurance too.Him and Psota will drain the county swamp. As a matter of fact Psota has already started doing what is right for the taxpayer.Unqualified and uneducated department heads and supervisors be prepared.These guys are prepared to hack the fat that has needed to go for YEARS!

  43. Michelle Ennis is the most qualified for the job,don’t vote for a popularity contest.

  44. Defund and Abolish the Wicomico County Office NOW!

  45. Lets nominate a potatoe while we are at it. It will give us a fair round of choices.

  46. Anonymous said...
    I guess my vote doesn’t count because I’ve never heard of Acle. So who the heck is she. Must not be too popular.

    August 16, 2020 at 12:56 PM

    She is a RINO just like Carl Anderton. The only reason she got on the county council is to go after the Board of Education. She has an agenda.

  47. Anonymous said...
    The people should decide. BRING ON A SPECIAL ELECTION!!! THE PEOPLE KNOW BEST!!

    August 12, 2020 at 3:34 PM

    I agree with you 100% but that isn't the law.

  48. Anonymous said...
    We will see just how crooked Wicomico County Politics really are real soon.

    August 12, 2020 at 3:39 PM

    Why? I don't follow you so can you please explain?

  49. Anonymous said...
    hopefully someone will closely look into the crazy amount of money the county is wasting on rec and parks. tourism etc. that dept is so overstaffed and underworked its beyond belief. typical govt.

    August 12, 2020 at 3:44 PM

    Yeah, we hear you b!tching about this all the time.

  50. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Right now Joe Holloway is the best fit because he knows Wicomico County. Councilman Holloway has been a county leader for over 14 years and I trust him with the budget and department heads he would appoint. Carl Anderton knows absolutely nothing about Wicomico County and the day to day operations. The county recently appointed a new Director of Administration who also knows nothing about Wicomico County and there is a vacant Deputy Director of Administration position.

    There is no question, the County Council needs to appoint Joe Holloway to fill the vacant County Executive seat for the next 2 years.

    I urge the County Council to do the right thing and appoint Councilman Holloway.

    August 12, 2020 at 4:31 PM

    Joe is the best choice at this point.

    I'm LMAO at how Cornbread is squirming and trying to get people to call the council members and harass them until they cave in and vote for him.

  51. Anonymous said...
    Anyone but Cornbread-Anderton!
    Anderton is Jake's bestie and run the county as an extension of the city, while Cannon and the rest of the liberal council join in!!!

    August 12, 2020 at 5:01 PM

    Who are the other liberal council members?

  52. Anonymous said...
    344 is right, lots of workers for very few fields even being used. a couple of those guys are drinking a lot more beer each day since their daily work order says ride around all day and kill time. ask andrew

    August 12, 2020 at 5:46 PM

    LMAO, 5:46 PM is also "344." Nice play there, dude.

  53. Anonymous said...
    3:25 The last thing the county needs in Rick back.๐Ÿ™„
    Hiring friends? Geez did you say the same thing about Jakey boi?
    And a big NO to Joe the Rino.

    August 12, 2020 at 5:57 PM

    Joe the RINO??? I think you spelled Carl wrong!

  54. Anonymous said...
    I told Joe numerous times that he needed to be council president or run for mayor when I saw him at the Emporium Antiques, and he would wave it off and say no not for him. I'm glad he's changed his mind good man.

    August 12, 2020 at 6:35 PM

    Run for mayor?? LMAO, Joe doesn't even live in the city so he can't run for mayor. Some of you people commenting are such DUMB idiots!

  55. Anonymous said...
    Weston Young, he would be amazing for Wicomico.

    August 12, 2020 at 7:16 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Weston is still wet behind the ears.

  56. Anonymous said...
    Really?? The same people who bitched about every Freaking person in county and city government. That's why we have clueless idiots in office. Who wants to be harrased by MORON'S?? More MORON'S.

    August 12, 2020 at 7:58 PM

    What in the world are you babbling about? I know you have to be 7:55 PM!

  57. AdamMorris said...
    Anyone that will get rid of that narcissist Laurie Brewster! Can’t get the Health Department to issue any permits. What a blessed shame she is

    August 12, 2020 at 8:56 PM

    I agree. Lori Brewster needs to go and I believe Joe Holloway is the person for the job.

  58. Anonymous said...
    7:16 you on crack? He didn’t stay.....Young ran off to our neighboring County! Bye Bye definitely don’t need him here!

    August 12, 2020 at 10:03 PM

    Exactly! He couldn't take the heat so we definitely don't need him here. He couldn't even do the job as the Public Works Director. It won't be long until Worcester County realizes they made a mistake hiring him.

  59. Anonymous Bob Aswell ....Realist said...
    Joe Holloway, your detractors aren't afraid of what you CAN'T do. The fear is because of what you might do in the exposing of the inequities of business conducted behind camouflage by citing a 'NEED'. Sorry folks, Holloway is an apple pie, Chevrolet, baseball type stand-up guy.
    As far as Anderton, Since we've had the Covid-19 farce, what has He,Carroza,Otto,or the other wooden heads done to help the ordinary- Joe taxpayer? I got it, nothing! They call themselves 'The Eastern Shore Delegation' who are deaf,dumb, and blind. Their collective extraordinary skill is hiding in plain sight. Just because Hoggan is the Gov. doesn't mean He's infallible and beyond reproach. Let's examine the Poplar Hill joke drummed up at his behest and which when the right people learned of it, was handily put to bed. Again, no comment by the aforementioned rubes, or fellow Republican which ever way you see them.
    As far as 'Rick', If he's that great, then why execute him at election? You Dems. didn't support him.
    Holloway is the man. He can't be bought,pushed around,or found to have political weight in any category that is other than the routine scope of the office. The 'Wicomico Swamp' will undergo a transformation which the political leeches won't like. That's the FEAR! And yes, He's a friend of mine.

    August 12, 2020 at 10:20 PM

    You are correct, I called my councilman and asked him to support Mr. Holloway. Right now this county needs a good Conservative as the County Executive more than ever.

  60. You know it's bad when Gail Bartkovich is pimping for Carl Anderton. That's enough to make anyone support the other candidate. Vote Joe Holloway.

  61. Joe Holloway is one of the most genuine people I know in office. Many are politicians and serve for the sake of themselves. Joe is as selfless as can be. People can say what they want, but Joe is not afraid to go against the grain in order to stand for what's right. If something even has a hint of being unethical, he will call it out. There are not many people in office like him. I fully support him, and would all day long.


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