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Thursday, August 06, 2020

What the Silence Over Bill's Alleged Visit to Epstein's Pedophile Island Tells us About the Acela Media

In VIP, we noted how Bill Clinton is earning his “slick Willy” moniker regarding the latest bombshell from the trove of Jeffrey Epstein-Ghislaine Maxwell documents that unsealed last week. That being former President Bill Clinton being spotted on Epstein’s infamous pedophile island. Of course, the Clinton camp denies the former president was ever there, but Maxwell has alleged that there are tapes of two prominent politicians having sex with minors. Maxwell, Epstein’s alleged partner in coordinating these depraved sex acts with underage girls, was recently arrested by federal authorities, denied bail, and being held in the same federal facility as Epstein before his highly suspicious suicide. With three passports and numerous accounts with millions of dollars, she’s a flight risk. She’s reportedly been given paper clothes to prevent self-harm.



  1. Deep State Clintons will take care of this Loose End soon !!!

  2. I hope she squeals like a pig. Tell everything she knows. She's gonna be dead anyway, so might as well get it all out before that happens.

  3. Media is silent about Creepy Uncle Joe's Pedophilia. They don't talk about the "Fingering" incident with Biden and a staffer. They won't talk about the "Rape accusations.


  4. We've known Slick Willie is a low-life creep for decades. Think his connection to Epstein is already baked into the cake of public expectations. All that remains are the details. That isn't to excuse the puppets of the MSM.

  5. More garbage reporting and media.

    This story has been on every major news organization, but that's not what this is really referring to.

    They don't want it reported, that's not what they want. They want 24 hour opinion pieces demonizing someone because they don't like their politics. They're just too dishonest to come out and say it.

    This kind of "reporting" is lazy, and dishonest, and it's a tactic used to keep the "sheep" as it were coming back to consume more of their advertising.

  6. I think President Trump has put up with the lazy dishonest reporting since the day he announced that he was running. It is a crime.


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