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Thursday, August 06, 2020

Columbia University to Hold Five Week ‘Deconstructing Whiteness’ Lecture Series For White Students

Columbia University is holding a five week long series of lectures for white students on “deconstructing whiteness.”

The workshop series is titled “From Ally to Accomplice at Columbia: Working Group for Examining and Deconstructing Whiteness to Mitigate Racial Trauma.”

According to the Facebook page for the series, the aim is “for white-identified students to engage in exploration of their white identities and build community and accountability around deconstructing whiteness and white privilege to facilitate the development of an anti-racist lens.”

The description adds that it “will not be a support group for white students. Nor will it be comfortable or easy.”



  1. Good grief! I have never seen such a pussification of a population in my life. Screw the academics and grow a pair.

  2. If i just apologize to every POC that i see for being white, will i be forgiven?

  3. I hope that I live long enough to see the deconstruction of the universities.

  4. How many fool's will attend?? All the loosers of society. This are the leader's if tommorow?? We're F**KED.

    1. They are not the leaders of tomorrow 8:06, they will be the followers of tomorrow just as they are now. Spots on a leopard don't change.

  5. Will others' racial identities be deconstructed and autopsied, too?

  6. I wonder if they get shot up if they’ll change curriculum

  7. Deconstruct this 🖕🏻

  8. I'll never ever apologize for being WHITE. It is what it is.

  9. The posters for this event are asking the white students to wash the feet of fellow black students. The white girls should be open to dating the black males and females. The white male student should date the black girls. All of the white students are required to write apology letters to the black students for their role in oppressing them.

    America is done unless we can kill off this college brainwashing.

  10. Just don't send your kids there period
    Just let all the black student go to support them
    See how long that will work

  11. Well this is what a 35 thousand dollar a year EDUCATION gets you. If BIDEN wins you will have to take this same class to get a job.

    1. No I won't .... I have a skill in the construction trade. Colleges can kiss my White ass.

  12. I would love to see a picture of that class. Bet it's full of butt ugly white girls confused about everything.

    1. with faces full of zits, yuck


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