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Monday, August 31, 2020

We About to Go Get that MotherF***er!: BLM Threatens to Rip President Trump from White House

Charlie Kirk put out a Tweet featuring a video clip of The Black Lives Matter leader from Utah, who made it to Washington DC for a rally and march on Friday.
(Rand Paul said they were funded and sent here from out of state!)

During his time with the microphone, the Utah leader of Black Lives Matter John Sullivan called on BLM to “rip Trump from the White House!”

He called for a “Revolution!”


  1. So Secret Service is afraid to do it's job job if it's BLACKS threatening the POTUS?

    Time to STOP this BS NOW!!!

  2. The revolution he means is moving around a stationary body in a circular or elliptical manner. He's got nothing else, so he's inviting others to revolve with him; in big, noisy circles, around and around they go.

    And they never pick up after themselves.

    1. Of course they never pick up after themselves. They are entitled.

      Until winter time and just like Ferguson years ago, it ended when wintertime and the calling of BoonesFarm came into reality.

  3. BLM was sent by God to show us who the true evil is waling in our midst. Anyone who even in the smallest way supports BLM is a very bad and evil person who walks hand in hand with the devil.
    A black police officer was shot and killed by a white in St Louis. Where is BLM

  4. Even if they got into the White House....the Secret Service would have him down through a tunnel and in another zip code before the realized what was going on.

  5. Threatening to rip a President out of the White House is just that, "a threat on the the President of the United States" which is definitely a felony. He MUST be arrested, and charged to fullest extent of the law.

  6. This is just another loud mouth punk that is trying to get attention. He is yelling at his like- minded punk supporters because they gather around him where he feels safe in a pack of undomesticated species. If a real man grabbed him right there he would have messed all in his panties.

  7. Please keep us posted on this. I want to know if the Secret Service steps in and does their damn Job!

  8. Yes his punk ass didn't say shit when 20 armed Utah citizens counter protested his nonsense at Utah State capital

  9. Go for it
    I want to see the results

  10. Democrat in White RobeAugust 31, 2020 at 6:41 PM

    send these BOYS back to cotton fields to work

    since the Civil War, most have not worked any jobs 😒 since

  11. LOL They should just try it!! Go for it, ganstas!

  12. Please BLM - give it a try. Ill get my popcorn and beer. Its about show time.

    1. Eat and drink up fast, the beer won’t get time to warm. It would be over and nearly forgotten by time you opened everything. Sorry nothing to see here. Lol

  13. @5:08 You wouldn't recognize the devil if he gave an acceptance speech on the White House lawn...

  14. Blah blah blah blah blah. They ALWAYS talk tough until the shit hits the fan. If he's so tough?? Drop the bullhorn and climb the fence tough guy. But in reality he's just another big mouth pussy brother.

  15. 11:23 I saw that acceptance speech back in 2008 & 2012😉 I threw up in my mouth both times.


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