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Thursday, August 13, 2020

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  1. I like that kid. I want to know how he gained the audience of congress. He made both the left and the right shift in their seats on their thrones. Beautifully articulated.

  2. Bob Aswell ....RealistAugust 13, 2020 at 7:38 PM

    Never going to happen. No matter how much you cry or urinate, never going to happen. The remedy starts with the voter. They CAN'T hold office if they're NOT receiving the votes of the people they screw over.
    No matter who it is,how many babies or asses they kiss,how many hollow platitudes they expound on, after 8 hit the gate. Done, over, and buy a new horse.
    The trouble with politics is, the folks that elect these horses asses can't be objective enough to think back on promises made verses promises kept. I think you'll find a totally one-sided analysis yet there's always an excuse as to why I can't or won't.
    When Trump was elected I was totally non-plussed thinking he probably would not be the one to break the die. I was wrong and he's shown the voting public how with a little work and obstinance, one man can make a difference
    in how things get done. Follow his example and jettison these dullards who use their respective offices for their OWN gain.
    If you don't and won't vote for them they won't be there.

  3. I wonder how many Congress "Persons" attended this speech !!!!

  4. The only reason why term limits were put into the Constitution for the presidency was because Congress hated FDR and he died just after being elected to a 4th term. They wanted to make sure the same wouldn't happen with Truman.
    Seeing how quickly they passed the 22nd ammendment after FDR's death for their own self gain should tell the public that they have no intentions of doing the same to limit their own power.
    What really sucks is the power that is wielded by members in bigger states affecting others in smaller states who have no power to vote them out. In MD we can't vote out Pelosi, the squad, or any of the loud mouth morons in other states.

  5. Exactly why Democrats hate Trump. He is not a "player". Not a career politican. Trump 2020πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


  6. FDR was certainly the motivation for the presidential term limits amendment. Coming off WW2 the concern about an endless leader was magnified.

    There are several ways to launch an amendment but it requires concurrence by more than a majority of the states to take effect. The process/es were designed to enable change but also to temper and slow down stampedes.

  7. Very, very good message. Sorry I don’t agree with the overall view of Congress being made up of old, rich, White men. I had no idea until the recent years that we have blacks that can’t speak any better than Biden. Muslims, and troubled unhappy anti-American people like the squad, etc. Take a look at what holds office. I do agree with him putting the White, rich, old man out there. But take a good look, it is changing rapidly and not to the good. One of the best things he mention seems to get forgotten by many in and out of politics. We The People.......

  8. The American people have been demanding term limits for at least 50 years (!!).
    Nothing. These wanna-be dictators have become so rich, so self-important, and so entrenched in bribery and corruption that it is impossible - IMPOSSIBLE - to convince them to do what 80% of their employers (think about that) want them to do.
    Elections? Nope.
    Persuasion? Nope.
    Patriotism? Definitely no.
    The ONLY way "We, the People" will change this group is to march them outside, one at a time (and make the OTHERS watch and wait their turn), and HANG THEM. EVERY ONE OF THEM.
    Televise it and leave their bodies hanging for a few days with a sign that says "Career Politician".
    27 TRILLION in debt. But if YOU write a bad check for $75, JAIL may be YOUR reward. Banks will refuse to deal with you.
    THEY write 27 trillion (say that again) in bad checks and go to their vacation home on the coast of Hawaii.
    Jefferson said we will have to kill them sooner or later.
    We surrendered "sooner", but "later" might be right around the corner.

    27 TRILLION. And growing fast. That's doesn't scare the heck out of you??
    ALL of it - ALL -- can be laid at the feet of......CONGRESS.

    Cheerleaders, get the hell out of the way, please.

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Some e said that if voting worked, politicians would not allow it.

  10. We already have built-in Term Limits -- it's called the Ballot Box! I seriously doubt his stat that 80-some percent of the people want term limits. If that was true, they'd VOTE THESE PEOPLE OUT OF OFFICE! The problem this country has is uneducated voters, not the lack of term limits. The voters are in control, it's time they start doing their job.

    Suppose we get term limits, and because of it some fiscally irresponsible, liberal loses his or her job. Do you have any faith that the same voters who kept returning that person to office is now all of a sudden going to place a conservative, law & order person in the office? Not a chance, and the replacement is likely to be worse.


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