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Thursday, August 13, 2020


Saturday August 15th, 9 to 11'ish AM (Air Show traffic along Route 50 in West Ocean City heading to the beach), followed by a social/complimentary lunch at Caribbean Joe's Pool Bar.

Park in designated area only, arrive no later than 8:45 . . . entrance to parking is on Route 611 about 50 yards south of the Route 50 intersection, on the right after you make the turn from Route 50. You will see signs and volunteers. Do not park at Caribbean Joe's or in front of Pizza Tugo.

We are putting a lot of time, effort and expense into this, please don't be the person who unintentionally sabotages that effort . . . we are trying to win people over, people who may not believe every exact thing that you/we believe. Plus we do not want to give the liberal media a photo op that they will use to silence our message.
So please, do not taunt passing motorists, no profanity or obscene gestures, do not extend your arms and sign into the roadway, no campaign signs, flags (other than Trump or American flag), and please, no confederate flags, clothing or other symbols/slogans that the media will enthusiastically use to falsely portray all of us as 'racists', their number one favorite smear.

If you don't want to make a sign, a Trump yard sign, a Trump banner, an American flag are all great.

We will assemble at the parking area and take the short walk to the rally site. After the rally, the social location is also a short walk away.

We will have a cooler of bottled water at the rally.

Please follow state's the black plague guidelines re masks and social distancing. We have plenty of room to 'stretch' the line out along the roadside. And abide by the policies of our social host, Caribbean Joe's, they are a licensed premises and we don't want to cause them problems with the virus police.

For those bringinging kids, there is a guarded pool at the location, but again abide by the owners rules re parental supervision, bare feet in the bar etc.

At the social we will pass the hat so we can generously tip the staff who will serve us and clean up after us.


Email us at DoNothing.LoseAll@gmail.com and like/follow our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DoNothing.LoseAll/


  1. Be sure to bring some cash to contribute to The Lincoln Project.

  2. Go Team for Trump🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  3. What is nice to know is that there will not be any cursing or theft or looting or burning things or destroying things and businesses being burned or old people being sucker punched or people dressed dressed in hoodies and black clothing or any spray paint being used or bricks being thrown through glass or anti-police chants - you know, another random day for the Left. This will be a nice peaceful gathering by God-fearing Patriots who want to show support for OUR country and president. If you cannot get onboard with that and don't support that then why do you even live in this country?

  4. Be sure to leave your Klan hoods at home. That's for the after party.

    1. I'm wearing my robe and hood

    2. Trump isn’t a Democrat so no need for a hood.

  5. 1:43 You seem triggered.

  6. And keep BLM bunch of dopes out.

  7. 7:58 - How hilarious of post. For 8 years we heard your crowd cry about the President and “well I didn’t vote for him, blah blah blah.”

    I have YET to see many “Patriots” in the MAGA crowd. It’s the cult of personality. I see more Trump flags than US flags BY FAR. You all don’t give a damn about the US. It’s all about Trump.

    1. @3:19 Agreed. I was out on my boat on 4th of July and saw tons of boats flying big Trump flags and no US flag. I even saw one with two giant Trump flags and one tiny, tattered, faded US flag. It isn't patriotic, it's sycophantic and creepy.

  8. Nate Nate Nate you couldn’t be more wrong. We love our country that’s why we love Trump. He loves this country unlike most democrats and all progressives. Take a good look at democratic run cities and states. They are cess pools. Why? Because dems don’t give a rats ass about the American people or the US.
    Do yourself a favor and go read a book.

  9. Little Nate C - you sound like a jealous 8th grade girl. Yeah, we did put up with Osama for 8 years, but we didn't burn things down and cancel this and that and destroy things. We still wanted Osama to succeed because we knew that if he did well then America would as well. unfortunately, your guy was not so honest or successful. Huge difference Little Nate Nate. Of course we 'give a damn' about the US - that's why we support Trump. You really need to come to reality and and pick your 2016 panties out of your crack and get used to seeing more Trump flags the next 5 years. the sooner you accept it and jump on board the better you will actually be and your self esteem will actually increase. Take care and God Bless you. Have a good weekend. I know we will.

  10. As much as I'd like to attend, I refuse to wear a mask (that does more harm than good) and adhere to the draconian edicts of self-appointed dictators (which includes this state's RINO governor).


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