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Friday, August 21, 2020

Trump & Kayleigh NUKE Goodyear Tires To OBLIVION! Stock Price TANKS Immediately After!


  1. That's what they deserve for being so un American!

  2. Sure, boycott an American business that employs over 60,000 employees. They don't want any political attire being worn, whether it's Trump or Biden. You are the same people telling athletes to protest on their own time. Wear your political attire on your own time. But thanks for giving 60,000 Americans a reason to vote Biden 2020! Keep up the good work!

    1. So it's okay for the Democratics to boycott anything that the Republican party endorse but not okay for us real American Patriots. Like the Democratics boycott of Goya. That worked out well. LOL. If you vote for Biden there won't be no jobs, just people living off the government so they can control you. How'd that work out in Venezuela. Trump 2020 and 4 more years of America getting stronger.

    2. Hey 2:27, listen up!! If 60,000 Americans lose their jobs because goodyear closes their doors, people will still need tires and the other tire companies will provide them. They will hire the 60,000 layed off tire workers to keep up with demand and possibly buy the shuttered goodyear facilities. Bye bye goodyear !!!!

  3. Hahaha. I sold my stock as soon as it was reported. Very happy.

    1. Wow! Aren’t you smart. The stock dropped a whole .016% or amount the same amount it would have if the CEO farted on the way to lunch.

    2. 10:26
      I disagree
      A strong odor-filled release would have brought that company to its knees.

    3. Wait a week. Then let's see what STOCK Gurus 10:36 and 7:55 are. But of course they don't have any stock. They turned on CNN to see Goodyear. Pathetic. But that's SHITHOLE SALISBURY MD citizens for you. They love the taste of SHOE!!

  4. A lot of corporations are pushing the same crap we call it whiteness training where I’m employed. It created a hostile work environment and a slow down of production nobody gives a crap about the company any longer

  5. Seems like Goodyear might not have a good year.
    That's what happens when you are more concerned with being woke - you go broke!

  6. 2:27 or should I say SUPER Snowflake. Any company that allows BLM attire at the workplace supports leftist political BS. My company will not allow ANY employee to wear any type of political statement. One guy came in with a BLM face mask and I told him to either take it off or your fired.

  7. All police forces should stop buying their tires.

  8. 2:27 where have you been,what do you think the whole racism movement does they have been boycotting lots of businesses and tv shows who don’t agree

  9. After using Zappos.com for years, I went online for some running shoes. After finding what I liked, reading reviews, etc. I searched for a discount code that I found. I was getting ready to purchase through PayPal when I noticed a big bold announcement. Proudly advising that they support and donate to blm. And the b wasn’t blue. Disappointing to leave after all these years of good service, fast free shipping, etc. I will not contribute to this mess anymore than I will goodyear. I do plan on sending them a farewell message


  10. Buying 4 tires next week because it's time. They didn't make it to any consideration as I checked prices and features due to this foolish step. Will be putting a set on another car later this fall. Same story. I'll be watching the Redskins in a Crappernick jersey before I buy them again.


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