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Friday, August 21, 2020

And The Portions Were Much Larger Too!


  1. And the people working behind the counter could speak English and were polite.

    1. Say what you will but I have always had polite service from Latinas in fast food. I also get everything I need for my food without having to ask at the drive through: napkins, straws, ketchup, utensils. And the lids are secure on my drinks without extra spilling over. Language barriers can be a pain sometimes but I cannot deny that many Latino people are hard workers who try very hard to do a good job in their stereo typical jobs that most of us don't want to do.
      And before anyone wants to make some snarky comments...I am a Republican not a libertard.

  2. No masks??? I just sent email to corporate and will post on Facebook immediately.

    1. I bet you're voting for o'biden too

  3. The coffee shakes were good.

  4. Look at all the White people who have great customer service. You know everything will be done correctly and efficiently. Those were the days.

  5. Regular hamburger, small FF, and a coke and you got change back from your dollar!

  6. I think the serving size is bigger now. Everything has been super-sized including the fat a$$ people walking around today. Then a drink machine had a 7 oz coke or 12 oz served, now 32 to 44 oz . Then I made 2.50 / hour, now 22.5 hour still can buy more today but better service yesteryear

  7. Went from being an occasional treat to a regular diet causing rapid obesity

  8. “Food” was garbage then, and is garbage now!

  9. I worked for McDonalds in 1972. @1.25 an hour. money to spare!!

  10. The prices aren’t about McDonalds

    It is about the US Dollar
    The bankers have counterfeit the Dollar
    Destroyed our savings (stole from us).


  11. 2:07 You had Fakebook back in 1972? You must have cleaned up as the dot coms hit Wall Street!
    I salute you!

  12. The price of SSI disability from people eating all that crap back then far exceeds inflation.

  13. And gas was 30 cents a gallon. So what?


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