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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Trump campaign labels Biden VP Kamala Harris as a 'phony', ’Biden’s ‘political living will’

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s re-election campaign on Tuesday lashed Joe Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris as a “phony” who buried her prosecutorial record in order to “appease the anti-police extremists controlling the Democrat Party,” and the Democratic candidate’s “political living will.”

Trump also tweeted a brutal campaign video dubbing the duo “Slow Joe” and “Phony Kamala” in a preview of the battle to unfold over the next 86 days before the November election.

The opening salvo came just minutes after the Democratic nominee announced the senator from California as his vice president.

“Not long ago, Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist and asked for an apology she never received,” Katrina Pierson, Trump 2020 senior advisor, said in a statement, referring to a tense exchange the two shared on the Democratic debate stage in June.



  1. She is a lawsuit waiting to happen. There is no guarantee that an anchor baby is qualified to be VP or Pres. The Republicans need to file suit as soon as she and creepy joe are nominated.

    1. To be president one must be a naturally born citizen

  2. Just a Female Puppet like the Male one !!! Both Traitors !!!

    1. Isn't she Barry Obama in drag ???

  3. Now Now 835 - she needs no additional help to fall flat on her face.



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