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Wednesday, August 12, 2020



  1. DAMN RIGHT !!! Love it keep up the STUPID work 2020 !!!! LOL

    1. The left is using violence to try to shut up conservatives

      when are we going to start beating the lefts azz ?

  2. Replies
    1. I’m concerned too. It’s been a crazy year. Anything can happen at this point.

  3. 7:28 so the fix is in? Nudge nudge wink wink ;) Because there is no way there are more then two idiots who would vote for these buffons. You and karmela

  4. BLM and progressives hate Kamala.

  5. Damn, 3 of this guy's videos in a week? Looks like Joe has a new favorite "one of the good ones." Keep it in your pants, dude.

  6. JLM! Jamacin lives matter all of a sudden. I KNEW Biden couldn't bring himself to support a "real" black and I'll bet Liz Warrant is sorry that she picked the wrong heritage to claim. I guess Joe doesn't like Indians either. I big hypocritical bunch of phonies like Pelosi who think children will starve if a Democrat is elected. Let me tell you though that my last unemployment check after the Trump assistance ended was 20. bucks. Let that sink in because that's not enough to survive off of McDonalds food or eve Pelosi's ice cream that she keeps in her $20k freezer located on her grape/wind PLANTATION in California.

  7. Top cop not popular with Bernie supporters. I thought she was Latino - what a shock to learn she is Black - no way!

    1. She's not. Her mom is from India, her dad is like 1/4 black. When she swore into the senate, she did So As Indian (not native) American). So no, she's not really black. She's black as a matter of convenience.

  8. I love Officer Tatum. He is always spot on.

    It is a shame that 'people' like 8:32 pm don't see it as actually good content but instead keeps count on apparently how many times Officer Tatum has been shared on this sight. Me personally, I wish he would be on here more often. And yes, he is 'one of the good ones' - due to what this American has to say, not because of his skin color. It's funny how the all-inclusive left are the ones that always looks at and brings up the subject skin color instead of the ones being accused of it.

  9. 9:25
    It keeps changing. I thought her father was from British Jamaica and her mother Indian. (not native american). Many of her pictures she doesn't look black yet she will be the first to say she was she was denied something because of the color of her skin. She wasn't allowed to play with blacks when growing up yet attended a black university. She convicted more blacks than the white women that had the position before her! She claims to be African American. How??

  10. Biden did not chose her, the DNC did and TOLD Biden who his running mate was going to be.

  11. her Jamaican family were slave owners.


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