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Monday, August 10, 2020

“There Were a Lot of Republicans Involved” – Steven Shrage – The Man Who Introduced Deep State Spy Stefan Halper to Carter Page Holds First Interview (VIDEO)

Steven Shrage joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Shrage worked with FBI spy Stefan Halper for years.

Steven introduced Stefan Halper to Carter Page back in 2016 while Halper was spying on the Trump campaign.

On Sunday he spoke with Maria Bartiromo in his first interview.

Shrage told Maria, “Halper was not that engaged up to the point he crossed paths with Page and Christopher Steele’s former MI6 boss Sir Richard Dearlove…”



  1. Washington is ripe with corruption on both sides that’s why they fear Trump ... everyone complains about it so here’s your chance to do something... vote for Trump !

  2. All you have to do is look at half of the Bush administration and all the POS who gave their resignation letter when President Trump got elected. Those are the Traitors of the REPUBLICANS. Ryan, Bonehead as well.

  3. We already knew this....Romney, McCain, Sasse, Flake, Sessions and Bolton to name just a few....through Maddis in there too!


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