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Sunday, August 30, 2020

'The Saker' Asks: Will Hillary & The Dems Get The Civil War They Are Trying To Provoke?

If you have not already seen this, check out this video of Hillary Clinton stating that, quote, “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances“:

“Any” means “any”. That would include the (admittedly hypothetical) case of Trump clearly winning in by landslide. Again, “any” means “any”.

The direct implications of that is that the Dems should re-take the White House by any and all means and under any and all circumstances.

That is also a direct appeal to sabotage the US democracy which, as flawed as it is, is the only rule of law based option currently available to the people of the USA.

Will that result in a civil war?

That is rather unlikely, because for a civil war you need to have at least two credible parties which can coordinate attacks and defensive operations on, at least, a regional scale. I don’t see that in the USA.

But I don’t see how local/regional violence (at times severe) and political chaos can be avoided.

We already know that the Dems will never accept a Trump victory.



  1. That fat failed skank isn’t worthy of my time to be watching a rerun, not alone anything said by the fat one. Oh, did I mention ugly too. That piece of work has never been relevant and never will . Only a legend in its own head.

  2. Let the blowback commence!

  3. This demon Whore has accused our President Trump 😤 of wrong doing since she lost in 2016.

    Demon Hillary thought all her lying and cheating gave her a sure 2016 win.

    The Democrats want that power ..... and I'm sick of Republicans I voted in,

    not doing anything 😒 about all this corruption

  4. They already killed a supporter of President Trump over the weekend. As my father used to say. Careful what you wish for!!

  5. Our Rino governor just allowed an MDOT employee to be fired. He posted in social media his support for the Right in Wisconsin. Now he's FIRED. Hey Hogan. I don't like anything you post. How about firing yourself FATHEAD??

  6. A vote for a democrat is a vote for a snake. A lying cheating deceptive luciferian platform. The luciferians have and WILL do anything. Abortion, War, 911, covid, false witnessing, BLM, etc. Take note- So they are extremely dangerous. I pray we will succedd in undoing of the pagan influence from TRUMPS Predecessors will continue and truth and light will prevail regardless of the dark offer from democrats. This cancer MUST be removed. Head witch hillary would be a good place to start.

  7. Stop with the Hildabeast talk. Its not healthy for any of us and we said that loud and clear 4 years ago.

    Move along, nothing more to discuss.

  8. America is so fortunate that Hillary LOST the election in 2016. She is much more shrewd than some might give her credit for and she wields more power than Bill. Other than his highly touted "flings" I think Bill was a decent guy; I voted for him 2nd term and I am a conservative. Hillary is evil and skeletons in her closet is an appropriate metaphor.

  9. Before Trump, there was very little difference between Democrats and Republicans. They were not "fiscal conservatives".
    Congress has written proof from the Chairman of the JCS that the military will not stop a coup in this country.
    Therefore, it will be up to Americans to stop the insurgency that will escalate when President Trump wins. When the commit violence, Americans will have not choice but to do so also. If we do not stand and fight now, we will leave our children and grand-children with a One World dictatorship.
    Observe what is happening in New Zealand and in Australia. The population has been largely disarmed and the governments are using the cover of the pandemic to enact new laws without the public being able to stop them that are going to change the fabric of their society. We are used to thinking of Aussie's and Kiwi's as rugged individuals, but that will come to an end as them become human drones as the Soviet citizens were.

  10. I would just like to thank the police for protecting Senator Paul.

    If the same thing happens to Mitt Romney, I might be okay with the police letting the "mostly peaceful protesters" beat some sense into his RINO NWO worshiping butt.

  11. They will riot when they lose in November!

    My only real hope is that it is a landslide both the popular and electoral votes.

    This country would not tolerate the socialism that the Ho-Pedo ticket would foist upon us!

  12. Figure out now who you can really trust. That will become a short commodity in the future here. The commies will establish a new national police force under the guise of ending police brutality. Look at what the KGB and the Stasi did to their people. Family and neighbors will spy on you and turn you in for extra rations. Churches will be outlawed.
    Watch videos on Youtube on how Stalin turned the Eastern Bloc into communist states. Watch the riots, the strikes, the intimidation, the rigged elections, the kidnappings, and the murders. It took 46 years for those countries to free themselves from the communists. Without the light of liberty, how long will it take the world to free itself this time? Decades or Centuries?

  13. Last I checked it was Y'all Qaeda driving into the cities in their beat up Silverado's spraying pepper spray on protesters and shooting them with paintball guns. Trump is just fanning the flames because they are free pawns in his chess game.

    1. How is Trump fanning the flames he’s calling for law and order while Democrats side with the rioters even Biden and Harris are bailing them out

  14. If a hot civil war ever really breaks out, the instigators should be the first targets.

  15. Considering a 17 year old with a borrowed rifle took out three, 2 permanently. How long is this "civil war" going to last?

  16. I hope so, I got a bunch of people I want to kill. Liberals top the list! Then idiot politicians.


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